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165 평점
How to fix Destiny 2 Lack of Content
Biggie Cheeze 님이 작성
Destiny 2 was recently updated and much of the game's content content was removed. This guide will teach you how to fix this problem
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댓글 24
GT42 2021년 3월 6일 오후 11시 20분 
thank you
Biggie Cheeze  [작성자] 2021년 3월 4일 오전 7시 51분 
b 2021년 3월 4일 오전 4시 49분 
Im not taking advice from someone who has among us installed
Lonestrider 2021년 2월 28일 오후 12시 43분 
one way would be to disagree to their new eula request a refund for all of your content, then go re buy beyond lite and season of the chosen, and you will still have plenty of cash leftover. and you will still have your characters because it was turned into a f2p game
Ephemeral Anima 2021년 2월 24일 오후 7시 31분 
D2 devs should take notes.
Shremp 2021년 2월 23일 오전 9시 45분 
Such a masterpiece
DungeonMonsterz 2021년 2월 22일 오후 2시 04분 
im a moderator in a divsion 2 group and since they nerfed the game into a coma... my main goal as mod is to trick people into uninstalling the game....they ask whats the best build i tell them skill build or the uninstaller....the build that uninstalls your game and waits for the devs to fix it
BrokenCTRL 2021년 2월 21일 오전 11시 59분 
Me after a 20-100 game in the crucible
Ellie_v1.61 2021년 2월 18일 오후 12시 16분 
Thanks, rather summersault kick the hard drive from my case.
Meatloaf576 2021년 2월 17일 오후 4시 48분 