Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Modified Puppet Mechanics II (works in No Step Back)
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Modified Puppet Mechanics II (works in No Step Back)

In 1 collection by AgentSea
CIA's new mp mod pack
39 items
As it is no longer 1776, but 1936, I figured, that it doesn't seem realistic for colonies to develop autonomy rapidly by merely having their resources siphoned by their overlord.
The modifiers:
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MASTER_BUILD_AUTONOMY_FACTOR = -0.9 #increased build impact
NDefines.NDiplomacy.RESOURCE_SENT_AUTONOMY_DAILY_FACTOR = 0.0 #zero impact for resources
NDefines.NDiplomacy.WAR_SCORE_AUTONOMY_FACTOR = 1.5 #war score impact increased
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LL_TO_OVERLORD_AUTONOMY_DAILY_FACTOR = 0.04 #lend lease impact increased
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LL_TO_PUPPET_AUTONOMY_DAILY_FACTOR = -0.09 #lend lease impact increased
NDefines.NDiplomacy.AUTONOMY_LEVEL_CHANGE_PP_ANNEX = 150 #half price annexation
NDefines.NDiplomacy.AUTONOMY_LEVEL_CHANGE_PP_FREE = 250 #a little bit cheaper to be freed
NDefines.NCountry.AUTONOMOUS_TOTAL_SCORE = 3000 #from 4500 or some crap
NDefines.NCountry.AUTONOMOUS_SPILLOVER = 1.0 #100% spillover

What this does on annexation of a subject:
Makes it so that it acts like a collab government without the lack of resources. This works best with modified autonomy, because I'm not sure which one has working where.

YES, this works in No Step Back. I didn't change Personal Unions because, I personally think it is fine as it is.