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The Exclusive Cosmetics (OVERRIDES)
즐겨찾기 해제
Asset Type: Item
Item Type: Shirt
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9.153 KB
2021년 2월 8일 오전 7시 53분
2021년 10월 9일 오전 7시 31분
변경 사항 3개 ( 보기 )

다운로드 위해 구독하기
The Exclusive Cosmetics (OVERRIDES)

Debugger Beret - 11000
Crimson Beret - 11001
Early Beret - 11002
Gold Beret - 11003
Experienced Beret - 11004
Double Experienced Beret - 11005
Triple Experienced Beret - 11006
White Hat (Beret) - 11007
Education Hat - 11008
Gold Tophat - 11009
HMD (VR) - 11010
BattlEye Halo - 11011
BattlEye Mask - 11012
PaintPallete Contest Top - 11013
Screenshot Contest Top - 11014
Admin T-Shirt - 11015
Early T-Shirt - 11016
RocketMod T-Shirt - 11017
Twitch T-Shirt - 11018
Gold Aviators - 11019
Gold Monocle - 11020
Gold Bowtie - 11021
Gold Suit Bottom - 11022
Gold Tuxedo Bottom - 11023
Gold Suit Top - 11024
Gold Tuxedo Top - 11025
Gold Tie - 11026
Nelson Hoodie - 11027
Offbrand Hoodie - 11028
Chef Zombie Plush Cosmetics - 11029
Unturned II Invitation - 11030

I created this mod only for education. You can test all of cosmetics on your in-game character and see how it seems.
댓글 1
Frog 2023년 4월 16일 오전 11시 41분 
theese are legit cool i can finally make a collection of all the berets