Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Concept Fortress - Heavy Weapon Ideas
Okami Tomato 님이 작성
So, a fair while ago I made a page about Pyro weapon ideas, then about Engineer weapon ideas, and a little before those one about the Heavy Update, I'm now working on a Concept Fortress page for the Heavy.

I'll do my best to make sure the ideas aren't just the same ones from the Heavy Update page, as I've had ideas I'd say were far better and less drastic since then.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy :)
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So, this page will be similar in design to the other Concept Fortress instalments, combined with some elements from the old Heavy Update page.

Overall, on reflection I thought the Heavy Update page may have been a little too drastic in some areas, particularly in the 'primary shotgun' area, but I have a solution to this issue.

Anyways, as usual, this isn't a guide, it's just an easier way to organise the data in a nice and neat way. Sorry if you thought this was going to be something else.

Anyways, on to the ideas we go
So, contrary to the Heavy Update page, I no longer think allowing shotguns to be equipped as primaries is really a good idea. Shotguns realistically can't compare to miniguns, which is something I knew but decided to ignore for the sake of content.

However, I have a compromise.

Instead of just porting over all the shotguns, a new sub-group of primaries has been designed which, for the sake of reference, I shall call the 'Super Shotguns'. These shotguns are primary weapons that function similar to shotguns, but deal more damage at the cost of a reduced clip and reload time.

Of course, some miniguns will be present, of course, since it'd be criminal of me to not to include some

Also yes these are all placeholder names I know they're bad
"Compact Cannon"
+50% less movement speed lost when spun-up
+33% faster spin-up and spin-down time
-40% ammo capacity
-20% firing speed

A minigun with a significantly smaller ammo case and a shorter, slightly slimmer barrel. It is far less bulky than other miniguns, but is still visually similar enough.

Heavy, in his base state, is a slow tanky class. This minigun aims to reduce his longevity in a fight due to the ammo reduction, but in turn increase his mobility so he can keep up with the team easier and is less directly vulnerable to focus fire.

The movement speed penalty reduction allows the player to move at 57% speed when walking forward, 51% backwards, 45% swimming, but still 0% when crouched.
The faster spin-up allows the gun to spin up in roughly 0.58 seconds; significantly faster than most other miniguns, and is the only Minigun thus far to reduce the spin-down as well.
The ammo capacity reduction reduces Heavy's longevity in a fight without actually removing the Heavy's main functionality of being the 'tank' class. Heavy, while more mobile, will need to hunt for ammo more frequently. 120 bullets is still a lot, but it does mean a Heavy will run out of ammo in lengthier firefights or on maps with less available ammo.
The firing speed of this minigun is the same as the Tomislav, meaning Heavy will get through less ammo to counteract the ammo downside, but in turn reduces Heavy's DPS in exchange for increasing his mobility.

Possible Synergies:
+Second Banana, Dalokohs Bar
Faster spin-up and spin-down times means easier switching, so the player can more quickly heal themselves or their allies before getting back into the fight. This works well with these lunchbox items' increased recharge times.

+Fists of Steel, Gloves of Running Urgently
Faster spin-up and spin-down times means easier switching, as the player can more quickly go from using their Melee's utility to being in the fight

+Killing Gloves of Boxing
Similar to the Fists of Steel and G.R.U., but the crits are easier to use with the minigun. Additionally, the crits counteract the reduced DPS of this minigun.
[Added: 6/2/21]
"Riot Rouser"
+10% Explosive damage resistance
+15% Damage resistance
! Alt-fire: Readies the shield, reducing the player's movement speed
+Alt-fire: Provides a 10% damage resistance buff to all nearby teammates
+Alt-fire: Provides an additional 20% damage resistance buff to the player

A riot shield positioned on the Heavy's left arm. It has some scratches and scars from use, as well as a large crack near the top.

Replaces the Heavy's minigun with a defensive riot shield. The riot shield provides defensive buffs, making it a very useful support tool that sacrifices some of the Heavy's offensive firepower for additional team support and longevity.
Note that, despite not listing a downside, the player gives up their Minigun, thus sacrificing a significant amount of his own power.

The 2 passive defensive buffs, the 15% damage resistance and 10% explosive resistance, are mostly straightforward. The explosive buff stacks with the general damage resistance, leaving to a 23.5% damage resistance vs explosives.

The extra ability of this weapon is the alt-fire. The player readies the shield, reducing their movement speed similar to spinning-up a minigun. The alt-fire provides a 10% damage resistance buff to all nearby allies, helping get through choke points, assisting friendly medics, and also helping with pushes.
The additional 20% damage resistance for the player, making the 15% into a 32% and explosive resistance from 23.5% to 48.8%; making Heavy far tankier in exchange for reducing his speed drastically.

Note that there are the overlooked downsides of a substantial loss of firepower, as well as a tougher time running lunchbox items due to the loss of a primary weapon

Possible Synergies:
+Shotgun, Family Business, Panic Attack
Secondary damage sources become primary damage sources, meaning running a shotgun still gives Heavy a decent option for firepower.

+Buffalo Steak Sandvich
The only lunchbox item that can be run without becoming almost entirely a support class. The damage resistance of the shield offsets the vulnerability of the Steak somewhat, and it still allows the player to heal allies. The speed also allows the Heavy to possibly reach fights to help his team with the defensive buff. Alt-fire still works under the Steak's buff, as well, as it doesn't require a weapon switch.

+Killing Gloves of Boxing
Synergises further with the previously-listed items, and also makes the Heavy tankier so it is a little easier to take hits if needed when getting the initial crits or fuelling a crit rampage.

+Gloves of Running Urgently, Eviction Notice
Provides a mobility buff to help keep up with teammates and to mildly offset the alt-fire's mobility downside. Passive defence buffs also help offset the health reduction.

+Fists of Steel
Immense amounts of damage resistance in exchange for almost all offensive pressure. With alt-fire's additional resistances damage from most sources becomes 59.2% and explosive resistance becomes a staggering 69.28%. However, melee attacks still deal a lot of damage, and you have to keep the Fists of Steel out.

-Sandvich, Dalokohs Bar, Second Banana
Most lunchbox items leave the player with only their melee for offense. Heavy's melee is generally awful due to his lack of speed and nature as a bullet sponge drawing lots of fire on its own.
[Added: 6/2/21]
"Super Shotgun"
! Replaces the Heavy's minigun with a 'super shotgun'
! Shotgun holds 3 shots per clip, and has 27 reserve ammo
! Shotgun fires 15 pellets, each dealing a maximum of 8 damage
! Shotgun reload takes 0.8 seconds per bullet

A large, bulky shotgun-like weapon. Sadly, I don't have any particular design aspects of this one at the moment.

A refining of the idea from the Heavy Update page; allowing the Heavy to use a shotgun-like primary both allowing for more mobility while also retaining a secondary weapon or lunchbox item like a Sandvich.

This shotgun is significantly more powerful than any of the other secondary shotgun weapons, due to it being both a primary weapon and a minigun replacement. As expected, it functions similarly to other shotguns; firing a random spread of bullets that make it more effective at close ranges.

Theoretically, it can deal up to 150 damage point-blank, however not only is this unlikely due to bullet spread, but also because getting that close as a Heavy is very difficult as-is due to him still being the slowest class.

This weapon allows for more mobility in exchange for losing the minigun's incredible power. Also, it allows for generally faster gameplay to make up for the lost firepower as there is no longer a wait for spin-up and spin-down nor a speed reduction when it is used.

Possible Synergies:
+Family Business
Running secondary shotguns can work as backup for when your primary runs out of ammo. I specifically thought I'd mention the Family Business specifically since it has the largest clip size, and thus allows you to stay in the fight longer or more safely retreat to reload.

+Sandvich, Dalokohs Bar, Second Banana
Not having to wait for spin-up and spin-down means faster switching, so it is easier to switch to and use secondary items to either heal yourself or allies.

+Buffalo Steak Sandvich, Eviction Notice, Gloves of Running Urgently
Anything that grants mobility allows you to get up close to enemies easier, allowing you to deal significantly more damage. However, watch out for the vulnerability each of these gives you and, for the Steak, you must also think about when its effects wear off so you can switch back to your primary weapon at an optimal time.

+Fists of Steel
The same benefits as the lunchbox items and the speed-boosting items. Generally faster switching than a minigun makes it faster to switch to these when needed, and their added protection allows you to get closer to enemies to land close-range shots.
[Added: 6/2/21]
"Explosive Shotgun"
! Replaces Heavy's minigun with a 'super shotgun'
! Fires explosive shells instead of bullets
+20% damage
-50% ammo capacity
-67% clip size
-50% slower reload speed

An even bulkier 'super shotgun' weapon with design aspects taken from grenade launchers. The barrel is larger and is scorched at the ends, and a small ammo belt is hooked to it using some clips at the sides.

A side-grade of the 'super shotgun' discussed previously. Grants more 'burst' damage in exchange for having only a single shot in the clip and a slower reload; forcing the player to be careful if they want to do anything significant.

The main stat, replacing the bullets with shells, changes the Heavy's primary damage type into a hitscan 'explosive' projectile, which both allows Heavy to access more than one damage type but also perform a weak blast jump and launch enemies into the air or away from him. However, it does mean Demoknights now take less damage from your attacks and that close-ranged combat is now risky due to splash damage.

The additional damage means the weapon now caps out at around 180 damage, though as before this is very rare and hard to achieve and is now even more risky than before due to the risk of splash damage.

The downsides mean you have to take 1.2 seconds to reload after each shot, and only carry 14 reserve ammo, so anything that you don't kill outright has a fair amount of time to respond and either retaliate or retreat.

Possible Synergies:
+Shotgun, Family Business
Grants two different damage types, which helps against things such as the Vaccinator and other specific damage type resistances. Additionally helpful when on low health and trying to avoid accidental self-inflicted blast damage, as well as a backup damage dealer against enemies your initial shot doesn't kill.

+Panic Attack
Same reasons as the other shotguns, but is already designed as a good 'combo' weapon with the switch speed bonuses, making it a good switch after firing with your primary if you don't kill your opponent.

+Sandvich, Dalokohs Bar, Second Banana
Healing for you and your teammates, the former being extra helpful due to you now being able to perform short-distance blast jumps.

-Buffalo Steak Sandvich
The only lunchbox item that you can't use to heal yourself. Essentially surrendering the utility of the self-healing of other lunchbox items or the additional self-defence of the other shotguns.
[Added: 6/2/21]
"Panic Attack Shotgun"
! Replaces the Heavy's Minigun with a 'Super Shotgun'
! Holding down fire will load up to 4 shots into the clip, release fire to release a barrage of shots
+20% firing speed and reload speed
+Reload and firing speed increases as health decreases
-30% damage penalty
-Increased bullet spread as health decreases

Another large and bulky shotgun, though with an additional cylindrical barrel at the front to store bullets.

The old Panic Attack, but as a primary essentially. The old Panic Attack was a fun but still very gimmicky weapon, so I was wondering what a buffed variant would feel like.

Most of the functions of the old Panic Attack can be seen here, making an example far simpler. Holding down fire allows you to load a clip of up to 4 shots, and releasing fire shoots them all in rapid succession also similar to the Beggar's Bazooka.

The weapon's firing speed and reload speed is greater than the other 'super shotgun' weapons, and increases further as the Heavy loses health. The full-health reload speed is 0.96 seconds, and the firing speed is around 0.5 seconds per shot, meaning a maximum of 2 seconds to empty a pre-loaded clip.

The damage penalty means each shot deals a maximum of 105 damage if all shots connect, similar to the current Panic Attack (as of Feburary 8th in case this becomes outdated), giving this weapon a maximum DPS of 210. However, as mentioned before, this is highly unlikely due to Heavy's mobility and bullet spread.

Furthermore, losing health increases the bullet spread. This means that while on low health you shoot and load rapidly, it is even harder to deal consistent damage against even reasonably close-ranged targets.

Possible Synergies:
+Sandvich, Second Banana
Anything that provides good healing allows you to minimise or reset the lower-health changes, most importantly lessening the bullet spread penalty that comes with lower health.

+Dalokohs Bar
Higher max health means the lower-health effects are a little less noticeable as you take damage.

+Panic Attack
Any shotgun works, honestly. A backup damage dealer from when you're low on health and either need to retreat with a reliable weapon or need that finishing blow against low health enemies after exhausting your clip.

+Fists of Steel
Losing less health before you get into the fight means the lower-health effects won't be triggered as early.

-Buffalo Steak Sandvich
No primary, damage vulnerability, and generally just being a bad weapon. Could theoretically be used so you can trigger the low-health effects earlier, but the bullet spread penalty makes that strategy anything but reliable.
[Added: 8/2/21]
"Furious Furnace"
+Deals mini-crits vs burning targets
! Deal damage to charge the 'Heat' meter. Use the meter by pressing alt-fire while firing with primary fire. Only works if the 'Heat' meter is full.
+Heat: Bullets ignite enemies
-Heat: Once expired, the gun cannot be fired for 2 seconds afterwards while the gun cools down
-10% damage penalty
-20% slower spin-up time

A minigun whose ammo reserve has a grate on the front and is significantly darker. Some of the seems, the holes in the grate, and the end of the gun all glow a dim orange.

What the Huo-Long Heater could've been, now that I think about it.

The main gimmick of the gun allows the Heavy to synergise with friendly Pyros, but can still be activated alone via the 'Heat' meter. The gun will deal mini-crits to burning players, but has a base 10% damage penalty (thus mini-crits are dealing ~117% base minigun damage).

The main gimmick is the 'Heat' meter. Dealing damage fills the charge and activating it will make it so that hitting enemies will now set them on fire, dealing afterburn damage based on how many times they are hit. Mini-crits still apply during this time, essentially increasing the Heavy's DPS while the 'Heat' effect is active. Note that this still doesn't work against Pyros.

The weapon has 3 main downsides. The damage penalty is fairly simple, the slower spin-up time means this minigun takes a little longer than the stock minigun to begin firing, and finally there is the 2-second cooldown period after the 'Heat' meter expires in which the minigun cannot be fired. Note that in this time some enemies may have their afterburn expire, especially if they were only hit by a couple of bullets before the meter expired.

Possible Synergies:
+Shotgun, Family Business, Panic Attack
The damage dealt doesn't necessarily need to be dealt by the minigun and can be dealt by any weapon.

+Buffalo Steak Sandvich + Killing Gloves of Boxing
Getting a few critical melee kills will fill the meter very quickly, allowing you to switch to your primary once the steak's effects wear off and almost immediately trigger the 'Heat' meter. It is also likely you'll be closer to other enemies as well, allowing for better DPS. Note that you are very vulnerable if you decide to do this, however.
[Added: 8/2/21]
"Medical Machine"
+Revving up with alt-fire will provide a healing aura for nearby teammates
-20% damage penalty
-30% slower spin-up time
-No random critical hits

A minigun with a white ammo reserve and several glass cylinders protruding from it, each with something inside. There is also a team-coloured '+' at the front of the ammo reserve.

Heavy's ability to support teammates with healing is most of the time only reserved to the Sandvich and similar lunchbox items. This minigun aims to be able to provide more readily available healing and also remove the need to almost always carry a lunchbox item. This essentially sacrifices some of Heavy's offensive capabilities for additional support ones, and is useful for working with teammates to clear or hold an objective, such as a control point or payload cart.

The healing aura the gun provides is similar to a level 1 Dispenser, though without giving allies ammo. It has a radius a little smaller than the Amputator's healing taunt's own healing aura, but a little larger than a Dispenser's. The user cannot benefit from their own healing aura, but may still use those created by other Heavies using this minigun.

The 3 downsides are fairly straightforward. The damage and crit-related penalties reduce the Heavy's offensive power in exchange for the additional support he can provide. The spin-up penalty does a similar thing, but also makes the healing effect take longer to kick in so it cannot be too easily triggered.

Possible Synergies:
+Shotgun, Family Business, Panic Attack
No longer need to continuously run lunchbox items to heal people, so shotguns are now something that may be viable to run

+Sandvich, Dalokohs Bar, Second Banana
Essentially going full-on support; giving up primary DPS and a secondary weapon for more healing items for yourself and your team.

+Buffalo Steak Sandvich, Gloves of Running Urgently, Eviction Notice
More mobility means you can keep up with or reach teammates easier, allowing you to make use of the healing aura more often.
[Added: 8/2/21]
"Steam Train"
! Deal damage to fill a 'Boost' meter. Activate the meter by pressing alt-fire while firing with primary fire. Requires a full meter to use Boost.
+Boost: Increases movement speed when spun-up by 50% and firing speed by 40%
-Once Boost expires the player will enter a 'cooldown' state for 5 seconds. During this time the player's movement speed is reduced by 20% whether spun-up or not, and the minigun cannot be fired or switched away from
-20% firing speed

A minigun with design elements inspired by those of a train. A funnel protrudes from the ammo reserve next to the barrel, and a cowcatcher-like plate of metal is attached at the front of the ammo reserve. Metal pipes and axes are also attached from the ammo reserve to the main barrel, with bullets being fed around some of them.

Another minigun that attempts to partially solve the Heavy's mobility problem. The minigun itself has a flat 20% firing speed penalty compared to stock at the start, the same as the Tomislav, but the main gimmick has the player dealing damage to fill a 'Boost' meter.

Once the meter is full, it can be triggered the same way as the previous weapon: pressing alt-fire while firing bullets with the primary fire.

The boost grants an additional 50% movement speed while spun-up, bringing the usual 37% to 55.5%. This is still fairly slow, but is overall still a significant difference compared to other miniguns.

The other stat, the 40% firing speed, is actually a little less drastic than it sounds. The 80% base firing speed becomes 112%, giving only a 12% firing speed improvement over the stock minigun.

However, once the boost wears off, the player has to enter a 'cooldown' state to counteract the offensive pressure that increasing Heavy's movement speed and DPS may do while firing. During this time the Heavy moves 20% slower, regardless of actions (e.g. walking forward is now only 61.6% speed and being spun-up becomes roughly 29.2%) and the Heavy cannot fire or switch away from his minigun. It also creates visual steam effects while the cooldown is in effect.

Possible Synergies:
+Sandvich, Second Banana
The cooldown will likely cause you to take damage while you retreat or take cover while the cooldown is in effect, so a means of healing is recommended

+Fists of Steel, Gloves of Running Urgently, Eviction Notice
Any means of retreating after the cooldown can let you escape in order to recuperate and heal. Do note the vulnerabilities or health drain of these items, though
[Added: 8/2/21]
A mixture of lunchbox items and the occasional shotgun. I will also try to find some good designs for shotgun secondaries since the current ones are heavily outclassed by the lunchbox items.
"Safety Sandvich"
! Lunchbox item
+Alt-Fire: Allows the Heavy to drop a lunchbox, acting as a medium health pack for teammates
+Lunchboxes cannot be picked up by the enemy team (Except disguised Spies)
+Up to 3 lunchboxes can be placed at once
! Medium health pack for the Heavy
! Regular Sandvich recharge
-Small health packs will only recharge 50% of the recharge meter

Half a sandvich sat on a napkin inside of a team-coloured lunchbox. Eating the sandvich with primary fire will drop the lunchbox, though placing the item will drop it as a team-coloured lunchbox that appears locked to the enemy team.

Another more support-themed item for the Heavy. The main gimmick is that you are capable of dropping up to 3 lunchboxes that provide medium health kits for you and your teammates that linger until consumed, you place a 4th (which deletes the first one placed), or you die (destroys all 3).

This essentially allows you to effectively place healing items on the map without the usual limitations of dropping lunchbox items such as the expiry timer or enemy players picking them up; giving the Heavy greater support potential

However, note that the recharge timer for these lunchboxes are the same as the Sandvich, though only provide you with 150 health when eaten as they only function as medium health packs even for the Heavy.

There is also the additional downside of small health kits only refilling 50% of the charge meter if you pick them up at full health. This is to prevent small health kits immediately and somewhat freely being made into team-specific medium health kits.

Possible Synergies:
A faster spin-up makes it easier to place a lunchbox before returning to the fight, allowing for extra team support alongside Heavy's own abilities.

+Fists of Steel, Gloves of Running Urgently, Eviction Notice
Anything that can help with mobility or general longevity helps with this item, as dying will immediately reset all placed lunchboxes.
[Added: 8/2/21]
"Mighty Meaty"
! Lunchbox item
+Alt-Fire: Provides a full health pack for teammates
+When consumed by the Heavy, it will heal 450 damage and overheal the player with the excess healing to a maximum of 450 health. This overheal decays slower than normal.
-50% slower recharge time
-Small health packs only restore 25% of the recharge timer, and medium health packs restore 75%

A large sandvich stacked full of, well, meat.

The opposite end of the Sandvich spectrum to the Second Banana, this item recharges slower but in turn grants greater healing effects.

When dropped it will heal anyone who walks over it to full health, friendly or otherwise, and thus is effectively capable of restoring up to 349 health (1 HP Heavy under the effects of a Dalokohs Bar).

Additionally, if the player eats it, they will be healed for 450 damage. Any excess healing from this will be applied as overheal, but this will always cap out at 450, similar to that applied by Medics. However, unlike Medi-Gun overheals, the overheal effect from this sandvich decays significantly slower.

The main downside is the lengthier recharge time compared to the Sandvich; taking a full 45 seconds to recharge without picking up health packs to reduce the timer faster.

Health packs no longer immediately recharge this item when the Heavy is at full health, and will now only restore a percentage in most circumstances. Small health kits will count as 25% of a charge (saving around 11.2 seconds) and Medium health kits will count towards 75% (saving 33.8 seconds). Large health kits, as well as the resupply cabinet, recharge it immediately.

Possible Synergies:
+Brass Beast
Due to the fact this minigun leaves you with little to no mobility, you are likely going to be under a lot of fire. Therefore, the additional overheal bonus would likely come in handy for increasing your longevity

+Gloves of Running Urgently, Eviction Notice
The overheal bonus helps offset the gradual health drain of both these items, ensuring the Heavy will have at least some health when he switches back to another weapon.

+Fists of Steel
The overheal bonus simply makes you even more durable than you were before. It also means melee attacks' 130 damage will no longer 3-shot you, and that you can survive a critical melee hit from high health.
[Added: 8/2/21]
"Loaded Sandvich"
+Dealing damage will heal the player based on damage dealt
-25% damage penalty
-33% clip size

A shotgun that looks like a sandvich. Inspired by another sandvich shotgun design I saw somewhere once, though have since forgotten where (sorry).

A backup damage dealer that synergises with a roamer play-style, as well as providing means of personal healing that doesn't forfeit a shotgun in place of a lunchbox item.

This weapon's stats are luckily very straightforward. Dealing damage to enemies will heal you for a percentage of the damage you dealt. This does not work for disguised spies, as with most weapons with similar functions.

The drawbacks are both very simple, removing 25% of the damage each shot can deal which then in-turn caps the healing factor of the weapon slightly. Furthermore, the clip size is limited to only 4 shots, forcing you to reload more to minimise spam potential and to also make sure you time shots more carefully to both maximise healing and to minimise waste.

Possible Synergies:
Another weapon considered good for a roamer play-style due to the reduced spin-up time

+Brass Beast, Natasha
Most shotguns are generally good for these weapons due to their spin-up time being longer than other miniguns. Furthermore, specifically using this shotgun may lose some damage but in-turn doesn't forgo the self-healing factor that is otherwise presented by the lunchbox items.

+Gloves of Running Urgently, Eviction Notice, Fists of Steel
Anything that increases mobility and survivability is going to naturally pair well with a means of self-healing.

+Killing Gloves of Boxing
Provides means of healing so you can make better use of the critical hits. Additionally, the crit boosts apply to the shotgun as well, allowing you more damage and thus in-turn more healing.

+Warrior's Spirit
In theory, you could shoot an opponent to lower their health and deal the finishing blow with the Warrior's Spirit, potentially netting more health. However Heavy's lack of speed means this is somewhat unlikely.
[Added: 8/2/21]
"Bullet-Sneeze Shotgun"
+100% pellets per shot
-33% damage penalty
-83% clip size
-20% reload speed

Currently undetermined, though it would be some sort of shotgun.

Based off of Mann vs Machine's shotgun Heavies initially, this weapon was eventually switched to be a 'finishing blow' sort of weapon similar to the Panic Attack.

Each shot will launch 20 pellets in a spread that deal 6 damage each, dealing a maximum of 120 damage if the opponent is within close-range and all the pellets connect, which is admittedly unlikely.

There is also only 1 shot before you have to reload, and reloading takes 1.2 seconds, making this weapon progressively weaker the longer a fight continues due to the constant need to reload.

It is likely best partnered with other forms of damage since the damage of this weapon alone will not be able to kill any full-health class without crits or mini-crits. Fast-revving miniguns or items like the Killing Gloves of Boxing may work well with it.

Possible Synergies:
A faster-spinning minigun allows you to rev up or down faster, meaning you can either follow-up a shot with minigun fire, or rev down and finish off foes with the burst damage of the shotgun instead.

+Natacha, Brass Beast
Good in case you are ambushed since these miniguns in particular take longer to spin-up. However, enemies will usually need 2 clean shots to kill due to missing out on certain health thresholds.

+Killing Gloves of Boxing
Gaining the crit boost from these gloves allows this shotgun to deal a maximum of 360 damage; 1-shotting any class that isn't an overhealed Heavy if you can get within point-blank range and if all bullets connect.

+Eviction Notice, Gloves of Running Urgently, Fists of Steel
Easier to approach enemies so you can deal more damage more consistently
[Added: 15/2/21]
"Knuckle Sandvich"
On Hit: Heals the player based on damage dealt
-20% damage penalty
-No random crits

Boxing gloves with sandvich-like colouration and design, complete with sewn-on olives on each glove.

Another source of alternate self-healing, with reasons discussed prior, though now using the Heavy's melee for the role of utility.

It is a simple risk/reward system, granting the Heavy healing if they are capable of getting close enough to melee enemies.

However, to minimise the risks of too much healing due to things like random crits, and to weaken the offensive capabilities of this weapon. It only deals 52 damage as opposed to 65; removing light classes from the usual 2-shot threshold, and meaning that Medics are also capable of possibly taking 3 hits if enough time is in-between each hit to regenerate.

Possible Synergies:
Faster spin-up and spin-down times mean faster weapon-switching, as well as the silent rev meaning ambush attacks are easier to perform without limiting firepower too much by opting not to use the minigun.

+Panic Attack
Melee hits can be followed-up with a close-range Panic Attack shot that can deal upwards of over 100 damage, so with a well-placed shot all light classes and Medics will be dealt with, and the player can likely gain a net positive on health if they manage to ambush and finish off the other players before they can retaliate.

+Dalokohs Bar
350 max health makes surviving easier due to having more health to take hits, and the Knuckle Sandvich's healing helps mildly offset the healing penalty the Dalokohs normally has if able to be used.

+Buffalo Steak Sandvich
The mini-crits help offset this weapon's damage penalty, taking the damage closer to 68 damage, and granting additional movement speed to help keep up with foes.

-Brass Beast
The slow minigun doesn't really synergise with a weapon best used for close-quarters ambushes, purely due to the Beast's significantly slower spin-up time making ambushes harder, and the movement speed penalty making it easier for enemies to escape your range in-general.
[Added: 16/2/21]
"Knockout Punch"
+25% increased damage when foes are below 50% health, or when the player is below 50% health
-25% damage when foes are above 50% health

More boxing glove-based weapons. Design not really dealt with in-depth yet.

A combo weapon for Heavy?
I figured that with all the drastic changes on this page that give the Heavy more options, the actual ability to combo weapons together is no longer limited to just a Shotgun and the Killing Gloves of Boxing.

The stats of the weapon are minimal, but still significant. When the player is above 50% health and when foes are also above 50%, hits from this weapon will only deal 49 damage.

However, if enemies are below 50% health, or if the user is below 50%, the 49 damage will be buffed to 81; almost double damage, which would be effective at finishing off already-weakened foes, as the weapon is based around.

Possible Synergies:
+Brass Beast, Natascha
Slower spin-up weapons may benefit from an extra means of firepower, especially if the pursuer is trying to get close to the user in an attempt to be ready for the minigun when it spins up. However, if the pursuer is already weak, or brings the user down to low enough health due to attacking, you have a reliable amount of melee damage that can 2-3-shot most classes.

Any shotgun-themed weapons can allow for a 2-shot combo; dealing 1 or 2 point-blank shots and then finishing with a blow from the Knockout Punch. While not easy, it may grant kills on classes up to and including Soldiers without the hindrance of the minigun's slower spin-up

+Dalokohs Bar
Easier to get up close to enemies, and allows the 50% health threshold to activate earlier

+Buffalo Steak Sandvich
The speed buff makes it easier to approach foes, and the mini-crits can either help offset the damage penalty at higher health (64 damage, 1 below base melee damage) or make low-health swings highly devastating to most classes (105 damage, 2-shotting any class up to a Soldier). Note, however, the damage penalty makes it easier to get into half-health range, but also makes you significantly easier to kill.
[Added: 16/2/21]
[Rebalancing Section]
Brass Beast
+Move speed penalty reduced from -60% to -40%
+Damage resistance now activates when below 67% health
Keeps the main aspect of the weapon in-tact, being a slow tanky defensive weapon. The move speed penalty reduction, while minor, makes you less of a sitting duck than before, especially to Snipers.
The damage resistance also triggers earlier, but under similar circumstances, due to the fact that the minigun still remains very slow and so leaves you very open to attacks with little opportunity to dodge.

Huo-Long Heater
+Ring of Fire only uses 2 ammo per second instead of 4
The main problem with the Huo at the moment is really the fact that it devours ammo due to the ring of fire. The reduction is due to this fact, and also the comparative lack of use the ring often has due to its heavily limited range.

Buffalo Steak Sandvich
-This item starts off with no charge at the start of a round
-Before its first use, the charge timer cannot be affected by health packs or the resupply cabinet
+Removed damage vulnerability
A hopeful compromise between the competitive ban of 'getting the Heavy to mid' and the casual problem of the vulnerable state it leaves the Heavy in.
The first 2 stats are simple enough; it takes 25.7 seconds of in-game timer before it can be used initially, but from then-on works mostly as normal aside from starting off at 0% charge when you spawn. This means that the Heavy won't simply be able to use it to reach the mid point at the start of the match, which was the main reason for its ban.
The damage penalty removal is mainly for casual, as the handicap of being melee-only on Heavy for 16 seconds is still considerable enough on its own in a casual setting, and without it there is the possibility of more people using it.

Dalokohs Bar
+Heals 150 health instead of 100 upon use
The main problem this item had was its comparative lack of healing compared to the other lunchbox items. While this still makes its health regain less than the others, it is a substantial buff that may allow it to actually rival the Second Banana

Eviction Notice
+Grants an additional short-lived speed boost when switched-to
Considered by some the discount Gloves of Running Urgently, though seemingly designed around the concept of repeatedly striking enemies to gain your speed. However, the initial strike is often the hardest as you don't yet have the boost, so this change would allow for the quick burst of speed that may allow you to close the gap with some enemies so you can actually melee them.

Warrior's Spirit
+Removed: 30% damage vulnerability when active
-Added: -70% healing from dispensers and medics when active
-Added: -30% healing from health packs when equipped
The Warrior's Spirit is a strange weapon: granting extra damage and healing in exchange for taking more damage in return. However, not only is it overshadowed by other more useful melees, but also by the fact that Heavy has little means of closing the gap and thus is more likely to die without doing anything when using these.
The changes above mean the damage penalty is gone, but healing is also handicapped. This means the player will have to rely more on the Spirit's own healing abilities more often, as health packs restore less health and dispensers and medics provide little healing.
This also grants the utility of Ubercharge building by taking damage and allowing a Medic to heal you, as you will stay below overheal range for longer and thus the Medic will gain more charge towards the Uber meter for the same amount of healing.
Final Notes
'And that's all he wrote'

Heavy was... interesting to write for. His core gameplay has been mostly unchanged for the duration of TF2's existence, aside from getting access to the Sandvich giving him his own means of healing, so I got to be more experimental with the weapon designs in this one than with Pyro or Engineer.

Also, yes, most of the weapon names are still in concept states, hence the speech marks, so most of the names are likely bad or cheesy, so they're anything but finalised.

Furthermore, some of these weapons may need rebalancing if they actually somehow ended up in TF2, since I'm not any sort of fully-qualified game designer, so I may come back to some of these in the future for rebalancing purposes.

Also, feel free to check out the previous 2 instalments of this 'series'. I'm not sure who I'll do next, or when it'll be, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed

See you next time :)