Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Kriegsspiel - Battle of Shiloh
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Type: Game
Game Category: Wargames
Complexity: Medium Complexity
Number of Players: 10+
Play Time: 180+ minutes
Assets: Components
Language: English
Ukuran File
687.535 KB
3 Feb 2021 @ 6:13pm
12 Feb 2021 @ 10:16pm
12 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )

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Kriegsspiel - Battle of Shiloh

This is the Shiloh module for the Southern California Kriegsspiel Society. This module is free for your use, including modification and play. The Map is copyrighted by Hal Jespersen and may not be redistributed or used except on Tabletop Simulator, OR for use in Kriegsspiel games. Please contact the Southern Califorina Kriegsspiel Society (via Facebook) for questions and requests.

SPECIAL THANKS TO DAMON MOSIER who created the infantry blocks for both sides.
6 Komentar
Marshall  [pembuat] 15 Feb 2021 @ 4:48pm 
Module completed as of Feb 12, 2021. No further updates pending. Avatar pieces, additional counters added.
Marshall  [pembuat] 9 Feb 2021 @ 7:29pm 
Updated, continued: What remains is the possibility of my creating custom avatars for the players, although I am not sure if time will permit. I will also update the module with positions for the game day, although I will change those positions again at game start, so nether side will know their exact placements on game day.

Anyone who checks this out prior to Feb. 13, 2021 is welcome to message me to join the game, if desired. There are no rules to learn, so anyone who is familiar with BASIC Civil War tactics is free to join. We will also teach you anything you need on the fly, no problem.

More likely you are reading this long after the game. Check out the Southern California Kriegsspiel Society on Facebook. Players from around the world are welcome to join. There are no fees or requirements or anything formal like that. It's just join up and have a good time.

Thank you to all who've helped make this game possible.
Marshall  [pembuat] 9 Feb 2021 @ 7:29pm 
UPDATED - Feb 9, 2021: The module is basically complete. I phoned in the remaining units by just creating generic pieces for the cavalry and artillery, in the interest of time. If anyone feels strongly about having named pieces for the artillery and cavalry, they are welcome to mod the file, or get in touch with me to discuss.

I have imported a number of markers from the Gettysburg module, including the commander avatars and other generic markers used to keep track of important things on the umpire map.

I also created and added markers for the USS Tyler and USS Lexington, and a batch of steamboat markers to represent the fleet that ferried Union troops into the battle.

Dice were added.

Marshall  [pembuat] 6 Feb 2021 @ 10:13pm 
UPDATED - Feb 6, 2021: Union infantry added.

All units scaled to historical size (more or less). Be aware this makes these units rather tiny on the map! However, this is their historical frontage, around 100 yards. In fact, the size they are at may still be somewhat generous, especially since many of these units were somewhat small during the battle.

If you are playing this on your own and you do not like the small size, highlight groups of units and enlarge them to the size you want; the point is to have fun, not recreate history with painful precision.

I still have to add the artillery and cavalry to the order of battle. That is the next major job. Then the ancillary and marker units will be created and added.

The module will be finished before the Feb. 13 game.

Marshall  [pembuat] 5 Feb 2021 @ 4:13pm 
UPDATED - Feb 5, 2021: Confederate infantry added.

Upcoming: Union infantry, artillery and cavalry for both sides, supply, and ancillary units, avatars, and dice/player aids.
Marshall  [pembuat] 3 Feb 2021 @ 6:15pm 
NOTE - Feb. 3, 2021: This module is a work in progress. Work will be completed prior to Feb. 13, 2021. The game will take place on the finished module on Feb. 13, 2021. Updates will be posted as I complete the build.