Sands of Salzaar

Sands of Salzaar

62 ratings
EXTENDED Console Commands
By Vangoich
Added the one thing everyone was desperate for but couldn't get
Complimenting the other existing Console Commands guide here, I did a bit of digging through the developer console command wiki and found another important command that was overlooked, likely because it was too difficult to figure out. Other than skill points, experience and utar there is little to no information about modifying the other resources/items. That's because the console command wiki is incredibly terse and actually causes more confusion since the entry for GETITEMS lists an example in Latin script which ironically doesn't seem to work with the command in game (e.g., GETITEMS*Tea of Merchant’s Guild, 3| Bread,1).

To enable your console go to your Settings > Hotkey > scroll down and find it above the Battle hotkeys section

For any other console commands and those who are curious to see what else can be utilised the wiki is
The 'Guess Work'
To modify the other resources you need to use GETITEMS with Item IDs that are in (Simplified) Chinese. GETITEMS*玉石, 100 (Adds 100 Jade) will work whereas GETITEMS*Jade, 100 won't

You could do what I did and spend an hour figuring out the correct translation for Jade which comes up as 玉, however this did not work. I must have tried a dozen variations of Jade such as 硬玉 (Hard Jade) and 軟玉 (Soft jade), that's when I tried 玉石, which is just 石 (Stone) added to 玉 (Jade) and it worked. Obviously understanding and translating isn't a 1:1 process... That's when I was fortunate enough to find out that there IS an Item ID database available, no need for messy translating!

You can find it simply by going to:


You can find a host of excel files there with all the information you would need, in particular D道具列表_Items_hotfix, when you have the right excel file it's just a matter of finding what you want (in English obviously) and using the Item ID that's in Chinese characters in the console command

The Commands
(If what you are after is not here then look in the Item ID excel sheet)


GETITEMS*玉石, 300 (Jade)

GETITEMS*铁石, 300 (Ironstone)

GETITEMS*木材, 300 (Wood)

GETITEMS*永久力量, 10 (Strength Potion)

GETITEMS*永久敏捷, 10 (Agility Potion)

GETITEMS*永久耐力, 10 (Stamina Potion)

GETITEMS*永久精神, 10 (Spirit Potion)

GETITEMS*永久攻击力, 10 (Attack Potion)

GETITEMS*永久魔法攻击, 10 (Arcane Potion)

GETITEMS*永久战场移速, 10 (Speed Potion)

GETITEMS*白蔷薇秘药大, 10 (White Rose Potion, Large)

GETITEMS*基础锻造工具, 10 (Basic Forge Tools)

GETITEMS*高级锻造工具, 10 (Advanced Forge Tools)

GETITEMS*顶级锻造工具, 10 (Ultimate Forge Tools)

H3NT41M4N14C 9 Aug, 2024 @ 11:56am 
does anyone know, for hero id?
Edaryion 18 Jun, 2024 @ 10:47am 
NVM, got it: CHG_CAMP_REP*火魔#100
Edaryion 18 Jun, 2024 @ 8:44am 
How to change reputation with Ifrit?
Zelissa 8 Apr, 2024 @ 9:34am 
I’m not able to access the item ID database, does anyone have it in a shareable form?
Java 29 Dec, 2023 @ 2:04pm 
Pra quem quer jogar sem ser tão apelão ,são todos T6
GETITEMS*免费新_雄鹰雕弩手,1 Nasir crossbowman
GETITEMS*免费新_毒蝎暗夜使徒,1 Dakn Shadow Apostle
GETITEMS*免费新_野马先锋骑士,1 Akhal Vanguard Knight
GETITEMS*免费新_雪岭狂野兽王,1 Dhib Beastmaster
GETITEMS*免费新_蛮牛破天战神,1 Thur Warmonger
sureshk0003 11 Feb, 2023 @ 3:45pm 
can anyone tell me ID's for all attributes including speed?.
sureshk0003 9 Feb, 2023 @ 11:00pm 
So i have found id to set your arcana lv to supreme : set_巫术天赋4

But what is the command for it, can someone help me?.
teasippin 2 Mar, 2022 @ 11:44pm 

The Legendary "Thunderbolt" mentioned by a sidequest npc. This mount (+75 speed) is faster than phoenix (+65 speed) and it additionally gives +2 to Equestrian which Phoenix does not.
Xaliber 27 Feb, 2022 @ 12:33pm 
This is not their "internal workings".

They're not the codes itself but a set of commands that can be feeded to the engine. The sheets are just like XMLs or JSONs in other games. Many other moddable games do that stuff. Starbound, No Man's Sky, Avorion, M&B Warband, even older games like The Sims 1 and Empire at War.

The comparison to Creation Kit is far-fetched.
Overwatch 27 Feb, 2022 @ 7:42am 
I feel like this might seem like an overly negative comment...but isn't this super obvious?
I mean, they literally gave us the spreadsheets so we knew all the in-depth information.

In fact, short of a CreationKit -like tool, I have never seen developers go this far out of their way to help people understand the internal workings.