Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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EaW – Ghosts of Yore
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1 févr. 2021 à 8h08
11 sept. à 15h24
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EaW – Ghosts of Yore

Ghosts of Yore (GoY) is a narrative-driven submod for Equestria at War aimed at thorough improvement of underdeveloped nations of the world: expansive focus trees, frequent events, developing stories, and challenging gameplay opportunities await you.

The current release 2.6.1 includes three reworked nations: Griffonstone, Arantiga, and the Northern Tribes (going by their native name, Tir Deighe).
While griffons of the South struggle to reclaim their long-lost glory and splendour, the ponies of Tir Deighe continue their seemingly hopeless war against Skynavian invaders — will they be able to win without sacrificing their ancient traditions or will turn into those who they fight? As the rift between traditionalists and reformers grows, darker forces from the long-forgotten past have awakened, and threaten to plunge the North into chaos.

The North Awakens
For most of history, few cared about northern edges of Griffonia. Not even the mighty Empire considered this frozen wasteland worthy of conquest. Mapmakers simply put “here be ponies” or “northern tribes” there. Yet the North, for hundreds of years, has been home to clans of hardy and stubborn ponies. While most of their ancestors had long ago migrated to fertile and mild Riverlands, these ponies stayed and thrived in the northern wastes, mastering the magic of the Northern Spirits. Seldom bothered by outsiders, Tir Deighe – a land of tradition and magic – flourished under the rule of the Snowflake clan. And so would they continue to live in blissfull ignorance of the outside world, if not for the incursion of disgruntled communists from the Griffonian Republic. Despite valiant resistance of the ponies, the communists, with their industrial weaponry and modern battle tactics, took over the settlement of Skynavia and turned it into a city-fortress, out of which they have waged brutal war against the Northern Tribes. Now, after two decades of fighting and no end of war in sight, ideological conflicts are threatening to split Tir Deighe: while the reformers led by chief Euan Stormshield argue for radical change and industrialisation, traditionalists look up to the young princess Fiana, hoping that she can lead them through these perilous days, preserving their way of life. Among all the strife, dark forces, defeated centuries ago, have awakened. Using their immense power may help ponies defeat the invaders, but the price for their employment will surely be high. Whatever path the northerners take, one thing is certain: the time has come for the North to awaken, and take its place in this everchanging world – be it as a new modern state, a bastion of traditionalism, or as an existential threat to all other creatures of the Griffonian continent.

The mod currently comes with English localisation only, however EaW can be played in Russian with the submod enabled.

Мод не имеет полного перевода на русский, однако играбелен параллельно с EaW на русском языке.

Independent translations available:
Korean translation
Chinese translation

Brought to you by Addur and Elegioneer.
Special thanks to: Titto, Tanktema, Truffle Shine, Kessel, Leo the Pone, Professional Horse, Kcmichalson, The Laundry, That One Strange Fellow, Dogjokesdaily.

The mod uses graphical assets and focus backgrounds made by ShotPT, Mapno, Nuttachai, and Capitainluck.

Discord server[discord.gg]
Also, check out our sister mod: Tales of Griffonia (ToG)

Due to changes in Equestria at War, Tales of Griffonia is currently incompatible and launching it alongside Ghosts of Yore will most likely crash the game.

Future Plans
- Pomovarra,
- Arantiga content expansion.
Discussions populaires Tout voir (4)
10 aout 2022 à 17h10
is there a late game northen tribe focus tree
10 aout 2023 à 10h40
Northern Tribe problems
23 nov. 2021 à 21h25
A problem with the mod
147 commentaires
AdDur  [créateur] 4 nov. à 13h39 
@M01 No, we do not have resources to commision portrait for this specific case, we are quite thin spread in art departement.

@Grandola Yeah, it's issue caused by recent EaW update, we work on patch which will fix compatibility issues.
Grândola 4 nov. à 9h14 
Hello. When I using this submod after EAW's latest update, the state lore text of Saihan Tolgod and Stableside just disappears, it's only a black space in the state lore window. I don't know why but when I am not using this submod, the state lore text is normal.
It's so weird, can you fix it? Thank you very much for your work.
M0131U5 3 nov. à 19h18 
so does the portrait change for diarchy gallus - grover IV when he comes to age?

last time I played awhile back this isnt the case
:C Thanks though.
AdDur  [créateur] 23 oct. à 7h51 
@Snow Ball
No. For variety of reasons to name just three:
1) It's not our mod.
2) We have enough stuff to do than to fix other's mod, like develop proper new content for Ghosts of Yore.
3) On fundamental level I disagree with what ToG does with changing how map works and adding new stuff to it, as it makes compatibility with EaW absolute nightmare.
can you merge the tales of griffonia with this?
Elegioneer  [créateur] 15 oct. à 9h01 
@Aisede I do. All of it, except portraits
Aisede 10 oct. à 14h51 
Who does your gfx work, if I might ask? The icons
Absolute Margaux 9 oct. à 6h59 
Thank you very much for this mod <3
M U R Λ S A K I彡 19 sept. à 1h07 
когда русский перевод епта