theHunter: Call of the Wild™

theHunter: Call of the Wild™

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Photographer's Guide
Por maciej
This is a tutorial that illustrates and describes the basics of composition. It should help create a conscious photographic image in the world of theHunter: Call of the Wild. This guide is for those who would like to photograph more consciously during the game. Also for those who, like me, only admire nature and take pictures.
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Warning! Dear Reader, these images are intended to show some photographic subjects. They don’t have to be a example of good photography. A really good photo i leave for you to create. When starting an adventure with photography, I think it's worth getting to know its individual components. Because you need to know how to use them. You should start by asking yourself what you want to photograph?
THEME - What should You photograph?


Close-up photography





From outside



Feel free to use different themes to build conscious photographic expression. Depending on what we want to show, you should assemble various motives, for example, for contrast. Or simply to separate to avoid distraction from the essence of the photographic subject. This aspect is also worth considering when creating, for example, photo series.

In the case of photography, a composition is an arrangement of elements such as lines and shapes. The first and most important reference determining the type of composition is the frame itself.

Static composition
Parallel lines and oval shapes build the static composition. Static composition can help to show a more melancholy, calm feeling.

Dynamic composition
Dynamic composition is characterized by diagonal lines and acute angles.
This type of composition can help build an feeling of anxiety, or create the feeling of movement.

Symmetrical composition
Symmetry in an image is when one half of it is a mirror image of the other (symmetry can take place both horizontally and vertically). Symmetrical images usually give the impression of calm harmony and a feeling of balance.

Asymmetrical composition
The opposite of symmetrical photography is asymmetric. Where the halves of the picture are fundamentally different from each other. This type of composition is most often used to highlight some differences and show the contrast in the presented scene.

Central composition
The central composition is one that draws attention to the center of the frame.

In the central composition, the subject of the photograph is placed in the center of the image plane.

Closed composition
The definition of the composition of closed (or open) refers to the content of the image. The closed composition is when all the elements important for the image are inside the frame, even with some noticeable margin.

Open composition
We talk about a open composition when important elements of the image are trimmed by the lines of the frame, they do not fit into it. Interesting fact - paradoxically, such a procedure helps to create the impression of a large number of presented elements or the illusion of the size of one. This is because the observer's mind automatically extends the elements trimmed with it beyond the frame, because intuition suggests that these elements are outside the presented image.

Rule of third
Our camera comes with lines by default to help you compose the rule of thirds. It is the rule of the composition according to which the harmonies are obtained by placing the significant elements of the image one-third of its length or height and at the intersection of these lines.
However, it should be remembered that this is a safe rule, but it doesn’t always work. It may happen that in order to obtain a more controversial composition, it is worth giving up the rule of thirds.

The impression of rhythm can be evoked by a regularly repeated geometric or color motif, which helps to perceive the image as harmonious and orderly. The mind of the observer subconsciously searches for similarities even unrelated to the content of the photo, and is satisfied when it finds one.

Linear perspective
Linear perspective is the best method to create the illusion of space. It is an optical phenomenon, in which lines that are parallel in space, converge in a flat image.

Multiple planes in photography are a very important aspect as it helps to build the impression of a flat image space. Wieloplanowość gives the impression of space in the rear and introduces diversity.

Natural frazes
Finding a natural frames in the surroundings is a special kind of multi-plan. These frames are an important reference point for the observer's place in space, representing the contrast between the foreground and the background.

Tonal kontrast
A photo is called contrast because it shows significant differences in lighting in one image. So strong shadows and very bright lights. Contrasting photos can be perceived more aggressively.

The opposite of contrast photos are photos with low tonal intensity, "hazy". They can be used to convey a feeling of calm and melancholy.

Color is very important to the emotional perception of an image.

Warm color
Warm colors evoke lively emotions.

Color cold
Cold colors are calming.

I mention framing here in post-production, because the camera in theHunter offers limited possibilities for frame manipulation. Cropping is important as the frame lines of a picture most define its composition. It is worth being aware that not all sets will fit well in the default horizontal frame. For example, one of the most universal and neutral frames for single objects is a square frame.

The vertical frame is often useful for taking pictures of vertical objects.

Monochrome photography differs from color photography in a way that it is unreal. Black and white photographs are more "read" than perceived through emotions. Color reduction to black and white can be used to draw more attention to the content of a photo, removing strong colors that distract from the main subject.

The negative is known from traditional photography as an intermediate step. Nowadays, in digital photography, the negative can be used as a simple effect to create extraordinary, magical images.

In the case of photomontage, I am not suggesting that this method should be used as a trick to create an image pretending to be an authentic photograph. I encourage you to create new, contractual compositions where the fact of combining would be fully visible.

The first step in designing should be composing.
Composition in photography is a combination of lines of spots and colors.
The viewer is satisfied when his mind finds a rule and some dependencies in the image's geometry.
I have described many of these rules in the COMPOSITION chapter.
Sometimes it is good to look at the image upside down to see the composition better.
Inverting the image makes it unrealistic and helps to focus attention on geometric shapes and colors.

You can also look at the image from very far away, or squint your eyes to see the image out of focus.
Then you will see the composition even better.

Once we got to know the place where we will be taking pictures, we can start planning the topics and the layout of the images. Photography is for showing or viewing. We tell a story through photos. It's good to have an idea for the message you want to say.

A good way is to make simple sketches. These can be image composition designs, or a layout plan for sets or entire series. If you don't like drawing, you can take notes instead.

I haven't heard of a photograph that would only take one photo.
I haven't seen a photo portfolio with only one photo.
And when you have many photos, there is some kind of reaction between them.
So, if you want to make a photo portfolio from multiple photos, it's a good idea to have control over how the photos interact with each other.

The easiest way to check how the photos work together is to put two together.
By putting together two photos you create a composition called a diptych.

A sequence is a special layout of photos that must be viewed sequentially, from first to last.
You can combine compositions such as diptych or sequence into the next groups. A set of diptychs. Sequence set.

Sometimes less is more.
The difficult art of imaging is the ability to remove unnecessary things from the frame area.
The idea is to leave only those elements that create the mood and subject of the photo and nothing else.
Minimalism is the most extreme form of such a procedure, and it does not always look good.

Other graphic techniques
Photography is one of the graphic techniques as well as drawing or painting. Sometimes interesting effects can be obtained by combining various graphic techniques. For example, here I combined photography with a drawing.

Similarly, you can also create compositions by adding completely different photos.

An important aspect when creating art is contrast.
Contrast is in painting, sculpture, architecture, music and photography.
Contrast is a juxtaposition of opposites.
It is thanks to the contrast that you can make ideas meaningful.
Ideas must have a point of reference.
For example, there is no good without bad, there is no beauty without ugliness, and so on.
On the example of a diptych, I showed how to create a contrast by juxtaposing two photos.
It's good when you think about the contrast in a single image.

Natural - artificial, far - close, hard - soft.

To Be Continued…
While researching materials for this guide any virtual animal didn’t suffer, and peace of wildlife hasn’t been tampered. Because during my game not even one shot was fired.
19 comentários
hihiwillhihi 9 jul. 2023 às 8:46 
This is very nice i take pictures IRL and ive tried in COTW but failed, This helped me a ton.
Vuyek 5 jan. 2023 às 13:30 
most animals will not attack you. some MAY.
wolves are usually dangerous, and bears. bears are more skittish than wolves - you really have to stalk them and make them aggro. african map has lions, and south american another kitty.
map dependent - some maps do not have any aggressive animals.

also, you dont die in this game.
when you lose your life, you're teleported to a nearest house. that's all.
uzsiscsomi 5 jan. 2023 às 13:01 
Thank you! And the game contain map without attacking animals? Or how can avoid attacking me?
Buffalo Rik 6 jul. 2021 às 13:03 
Really useful - thank you
Hawk_Jedilord 19 jun. 2021 às 17:34 
Shut up and take my steam points!
This might actually help out some people IRL as well.
Snake 7 jun. 2021 às 22:50 
No matter how buggy the game is and how much they break with future patches again, this guide will always be relevant and great! :steamthis:
maciej  [autor] 3 jun. 2021 às 13:48 
@KillerKenji @Sabiinaa If that's true, it's nice to me :)
sabiinaa 3 jun. 2021 às 12:49 
Neat guide, helped me a lot with screenshots. Thanks!
FujisawaK 2 jun. 2021 às 7:24 
Thanks bro, it was a very useful guide, helped a lot.
maciej  [autor] 25 fev. 2021 às 13:45 
Thank you very much!