Beginner's Guide Phasmophobia
作者: soccermom69420
Here's a 'few' things you need to know when you play for the first time
Beginners Guide Phasmophobia
Phasmophobia is a horror game where you can play up to 1-4 players each server. The game's goal is to search for clues and evidence to help you find the ghost type. Each round lasts an average of 10-25 minutes depending on how fast you find the evidence.

You can only carry three items at once. To choose what thing to equip, either press 'Q' on the keyboard or scroll on the mouse. At the beginning of the round, the house will be locked on default. To open the house, you will need the Main Door Key. The key is located inside the van on the left side of the keyboard. Click 'E' to equip the key. After the equipping the key, it will disappear. It will not appear on your inventory. All you have to do is push open the door.

The Ghost room is where the ghost is located. It doesn't necessarily need to be a room. It can be a corridor or a hallway too. You will be able to find any clues in the ghost room. Every ghost can open doors. So if you are hiding in a closet, make sure to hold the door tight.

You will know when you are going through a ghost hunting phase when your flashlights and lamps start blinking, the doors that lead to the outside get locked, you hear sounds like heavy footsteps, whispers, doors creaking open, and you feel heartbeats. If it's hunting, hide in the nearest room or closet (recommended), crouch, don't move, don't talk. When you keep moving, the ghost will hear your footsteps. Stop turning your flashlight on and off repeatedly. They listen to flashlight clicks. Try not to talk while it's hunting. They follow your voice. Once you hear the footsteps and whispers nearer you, all I suggest is that you pray for your life. Remember, running isn't always the best option. You'll know when the hunt is over when flashlights stop blinking, and you hear no more footsteps or heartbeats. When it's over, it means that it failed to find and kill someone or has killed already. To confirm if someone is dead, go to the van and check you and your teammates' sanity. Beside their names will show their status. If they're alive, it will show the percentage of their sanity. If not, it will show a question mark. Taking a picture of a dead body counts as a photo reward.

When you've found all the evidence, you're free to go. To head back to the lobby, press the keypad on the left side of the van's door. If someone has pressed the keypad accidentally, not meaning to close the door, you can click the keypad again, and it will reopen the door.

Back to the lobby, it will tell you what type of ghost it was and how much money you've earned. You and your teammates don't always get the same amount of money. The funds can increase or decrease depending on whether they put the correct ghost type on their journal or even put anything. Photo rewards and bone rewards give you the same amount. Take note that if you died, you would only receive half of the money you earned.

Something important that you have to remember is that if you die and add any equipment, you will lose all of your items. I can confirm this because when I was the one funding for all our gear in the server. I died, and when I returned, all of the items I added into the game was all gone. So I suggest that you choose if you are the one who funds for all the things and you stay safe in the van, or add nothing and be the sacrifice who risks your life to find evidence. I personally don't like to be the one funding because you'll be held back knowing that you're risking all your items. I enjoy venturing, so I like being able to help find clues and all that without being held back.

(Kindly tell me if I made any mistakes)