Dark Fantasy: Jigsaw Puzzle

Dark Fantasy: Jigsaw Puzzle

Dark Fantasy: Jigsaw Puzzle Life Hack
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3 σχόλια
SLMEPHI[GER] 23 Ιαν 2021, 13:38 
Thats a big problem of engines like unity, they are good engines but they get a bad reputation ebcause of the much devs using the finished templates and only changing a bit the graphcis, no more. Then much games have the same gameplay, same modes, same bugs,.... This engines make it easy to create own games, but creatiing own games does not eman take a tempalte, change graphics and sell them. if they usem they should only use them as a game base and not for the whole game.e xact ebcause of such developers and asset flippers,... do this engines have such a bad reputation
FoxLeks  [Δημιουργός] 23 Ιαν 2021, 13:05 
@SLMEPHI[GER] Thanks for your comments. Yes, I also think that it’s the problem with the template code. I hope that this video attracts more attention of different developers! I stand for beautiful code and Professionalism of Architecture!
SLMEPHI[GER] 23 Ιαν 2021, 12:47 
I think its more that they use the same template from unity market or another source because unity itself does not write the code. But it they use the same template with the same code its understandable. I use unity myself and writing a puzzle game on it does not automatically cause this bug. its a buggy code part self written from a template from some source or eventually from a tutorial or something they used to learn how to program it. possible is for example is that they use the puzzle piece creation order to choose the part which is picked up if they are stapled. Butusing this in the code would cause exact this but not only on unity engines, this would happen on all engines with this code.To solf this problems they should shuffle an internal piece id which they use to choose the part, or use an randomizer for it, then this would not happen. So its not a unity problem, its a code problem froim the programmer/template programmer/tutorial programmer, whatelse wrote it.