Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

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How to swat American helicopters out of the sky
By justrandomman
The RPG class is an invaluable asset to your team if the Americans have helicopters in their arsenal. There are different ways to become a good RPG user so lets get into the tips.

1: Know what you want to shoot, if you see multiple helicopters (ex: resort) don't take too long to decide who to shoot at because during that time you might be shot.

2: Prioritize: You must know who to shoot down first, my list is the cobra, huey, and then loach. Cobra due to the fact that it is a huge nuisance to the team if they have good pilots and that they can kill a lot of people in one pass and clear an objective. Next is the Huey due to its ability to drop off a squad of soldiers and can change the tide of a fight for an objective, as well as heli spawns. Finally the loach due to it being very difficult to hit and it is not as lethal as the other two helicopters, but it can spot you for a cobra to target you so try to use the environment around in order to not get marked by the loach.

3: Know when its worth firing a rocket: If a helicopter is high in the sky and far away it would not be worth it, as well as helicopters flying away from you as most likely they would dodge it. After about 250 meters it is not worth trying to fire a rocket at a helicopter as after a few hundred meters the rocket deviates off course from the wind.

4: Keep your ammo topped off: Try to have 3 rockets at all times and know where resupply caches are located on the map.

5: Choose wisely: If a helicopter is taking heavy fire it will most likely go down so it would be a waste of a rocket, but if a helicopter is landing and its full of people that helicopter should be your first priority.

6: Location is everything: Your best bets are to be in range of where the enemy helicopters will try to land but not the front lines as you would most likely be killed in a hailstorm of rockets from a cobra. Use the map to your advantage and be in areas with a lot of cover so that if you miss you can take cover before that cobra you fired at unleashes hell upon you.

7: Aiming and prediction: The PG7 is a quick little rocket that can go far distances quickly so make sure to keep that in mind so you don't overshoot for thinking it goes much slower.

8: BE QUICK: The RPG class gets picked very quickly so if you want to be able to play as that unit you have to select it fast.

9: You are not a fighter: You may have access to decent weapons like the SKS and SxS but compared to other units you are ill equipped to be fighting up close and personal, as well as the Americans would like to pick up your RPG that you dropped when you got shot in the face by an XM21.

10: Keep your teammates in mind: Rocket launchers have backblast be aware of your surroundings before you shoot cause you might blow off the faces of 7 of your teammates to shoot down a loach.
Removing the metal birds from the sky
Really lucky shot