Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077

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Automatic Crafting - Compatible with any mouse
Av Game Over, Suka!
Craft items automatically by using Auto-Clicker and Auto Key Holder Software
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Crafting in Cyberpunk 2077 is incredibly slow. In order to craft an item you have to manually hold the mouse. Every. Single. Time.

You can't just choose to craft 100 grenades with one click, but by following this guide you may learn how to automate this rather boring process. Let's begin!
If you can take my cringe Engrish, you can watch the video:
Otherwise, just follow written the guide below ▼
Required Software
You will need to download two programs. Both of them are completely free and safe:
  1. OP Auto Clicker

  2. Keyboard Clicker Holder
Software Settings
  1. OP Auto Clicker Settings
    Mouse button
    Click type
    Repeat until stopped
    You can also change the hotkey by clicking on "Hotkey Setting" button.
    Otherwise you will need to press Ctrl+1

  2. Keyboard Clicker Holder Settings
    Left Click
    Autoclick frequency (ms)
    Hotkeys cannot be changed.
    F6 - will start holding the mouse button;
    F7 - will stop.

In-game crafting
  • Keep both autoclickers opened and run the Cyberpunk 2077 game.
  • Go to the crafting menu:

  • Choose an item you would like to craft:
    I've chosen EMP Grenade since it requires 1 common + 1 uncommon item components (with perks) and you can disassemble it to an epic componenet

  • Put you mouse cursor over the CRAFT button:
    To start automatic crafting:
    1. Press Ctrl+1
    2. Press F6
    To stop automatic crafting:
    1. Press Ctrl+1
    2. Press F7
3 kommentarer
DJVakuum 15. jan. 2021 kl. 4.47 
Understandable, the difference in time is only 2,5min lost per 1000 items crafted so you don't really lose that much time :)
Game Over, Suka!  [skaper] 15. jan. 2021 kl. 4.24 
@xXDragonSlayerHuntressXx Thank you! To be honest, I didn't try it, because I usually just left it crafting and cleaned my room, washed dishes, or did something else. And the time didn't really matter to me, but I will check it and update the guide with more efficient values.

Also, I know that you can edit some .ini file and lower the time it takes to craft an item, but I'd like to keep the game vanilla. And there is one more way to speed it up by using CheatEngine's speedhack, so maybe I'll put it in the guide later.

DJVakuum 15. jan. 2021 kl. 3.53 
This is ridiculously clever use of 2 pieces of software together, well played sir! Btw, have you tried this with a lower frequency? I belive the crafting time is 850ms so you'd save a couple of min if you're crafting a large quantity of items.