Pathologic Classic HD

Pathologic Classic HD

87 ratings
Improving graphics and fixing technical issues
A list of various opportunities to improve graphics at Pathologic (Mor), as well as solving technical problems
It is translation of this my guide
I don't write very well in English, so I'm sorry for the translation errors

While for the remake of 2019, the scripts of all the characters have not yet come out, it remains only to play in the remaster of 2015 (which I like even more), and it has fewer technical problems, but I want to upgrade the graphics. This is what this guide will be about. In it, I collected all sorts of improvements and solutions to problems with the game Pathologic Classic HD / Mor(Utopia) / Мор(Утопия), which I found on the Internet or thought of myself, so that you would not have to.

This reissue of Mor received higher-resolution textures, as well as support for resolutions up to 1920x1200 pixels, but what should the happy owners of screens with a resolution of 4k 3840x2160 pixels do?

Solving technical problems
  • Not a normal frame time / Lags / Statters
  • Unloaded textures / Non-changing environment when changing the time of day
Improving graphics
  • The resolution of the game
  • Improved Darkness
  • Editing a file with settings
Before installation
It is highly recommended to install everything on a clean, NOT YET RUNNING game, many people have encountered problems that were solved by completely reinstalling the game, deleting its folder from the steam folder " Steam\steamapps\common\Pathologic Classic HD"

Do not forget to copy the existing saves from the game folder before reinstalling
"Steam\steamapps\common\Pathologic Classic HD\Saves"

One of these frequent problems is that the game does not start
Solving technical problems
The game at the time of its release back in 2005 was not designed for such improvements and now it needs some edits for normal work which I will tell you about below
Not a normal frame time / Lags / Statters
It is very likely that the game will slow down very much every few seconds, if you look closely and listen, you will notice that lags occur at the moment when the sound starts playing. This is due to archived files in the game folder

The problem is solved their unarchiving with the program

programm[] alternative link

Unzip the program for example on the desktop, run and specify it all 10 .vfs files in the data folder one by one
Click button on left up corner to specify a path
Dont afraid if it ??? just click

After that, the corresponding 10 folders will appear there, the video folder was there initially

After that, you need to change the lines in the config.ini file at the end, as shown in the screenshot, all of them are already written in the block for copying below

Or download it here and change the screen resolution
config file []

Unloaded textures / Non-changing environment when changing the time of day
This problem occurs due to the fact that after all these improvements, the game needs more memory, which it can not get

4gb patch, which can be downloaded from the link below, will help us solve the problem

Run it and point to the startup file of the game " Pathologic Classic HD\bin\Final\Game.exe"

After that, you will see this window with a message that everything went well

Improving the graphics
Although the remaster and tightened the graphics, but there is still something to add and fix, more on this below
Resolution of game
If you have a monitor up to 1920x1200 pixels then you just need to select the resolution of your monitor in the game settings or the settings file in the game folder

If you have a 4k monitor, then you will have to download the new textures made by me with the help of AI, at the link below

4k UI (only for 4k displays)[]

Just move everything from the 4k folder to the data folder with file replacement
New higher resolution textures
I increased the resolution of textures by 4 times with the help of ai


Just move the Textures folder containing the files .tex to the data folder with the replacement of files, it should turn out like this

textures []
Higher resolution videos
Videos in the resolution of 3840x2160 (4k) upscaled with the help of AI, it is recommended to use at any screen resolutions, not necessarily 4k
Download and place the Video folder in the data folder with replacement

4k videos []

For many peoples, 4k videos cause a lot of problems (crashes), so 1080p videos download faster and have less problems
Download and place the Video folder in the data folder with replacement

1080p videos (recommended) []
Realistic nights
Mod authored by 𝔸𝕟𝕕𝕪⚚ℕ𝕠𝕩 makes the nights much more realistic and atmospheric, a link to download is provided below
Download and put into Scripts folder
...Steam\steamapps\common\Pathologic Classic HD\data\Scripts
You can also lower the gamma to 0.875 for atmospheric conditions
Editing a file with settings
If you downloaded it above, you can skip this step, but if you want to dig yourself, then the instructions below

Go to the folder with the game for example in this way

The config.ini file is located in the data folder "Pathologic Classic HD\data\config. ini" open it with notepad and edit it

After you finish editing, save the file and, by clicking on it rmb, properties, set the Read-only attribute to it
If you want to edit the file again later, then the Read-only attribute will have to be removed, edited and set again so that the game does not overwrite it

The screenshot below shows the settings that I would recommend to set, except for the screen resolution, it is set as your monitor

You can just download it here, just change the resolution
config file []

Or copy-paste from here

EnableConsole = 1
InitUI = game.xml
GameMenuUI = ingame.xml
FirstRun = 0

XRes = 3840
YRes = 2160
Fullscreen = 1
FrameSync = 1
NoCompressedTextures = -1
LightmapQuality = 0
TextureQuality = 0
EyeCandy = 1
Depth32 = 1
VSync = 1
RefreshRate = 60
Antialias = 2
TexAnisotropy = 16
NoBumpmapping = 0
DODrawDist = 60
WaterReflections = 1
SkySize = 1024
CorrectFOV = 0
FOV = 80
BetaBanner = 0

Enabled = 1
DOF = 0
SSAO = 1
SkyBloom = 0
FXAA = 0
MotionBlur = 0

Enabled = 1
MasterVolume = 1
MusicVolume = 0.45
VoiceVolume = 0.6
SoundsVolume = 0.6
SampleRate = 44100

ui = txt, 0
map = txt, 100000
keys = txt, 300000

ActorsType = FS
FontsType = FS
GeometriesType = FS
ScenesType = FS
ScriptsType = FS
SoundsType = FS
StringsType = FS
TexturesType = FS
UIType = FS
WorldType = FS

Just a reminder about the Read-only attribute
I hope this guide was useful to you and saved you a lot of time and nerves
I will be glad to see your ratings, add to favorites, steampoints and of course comments with edits and additions to make the guide bigger and better
I will try to answer all your questions in the comments, if you encounter problems, I will try to solve them and add to guide
I really hope that the links will not stop working
Marc Anthony 8 Jan @ 4:28am 
This guide finally made it possible for me to run the game smoothly on my laptop. Cheers!
Verisof 24 Mar, 2023 @ 5:14am 
Awesome guide, fixed the stutter in no time!
clickmeimorganic 26 Feb, 2023 @ 8:19pm 
I translated from the russian version from the guide. Look for dgVoodoo2 for UI scaling on 1440p.
clickmeimorganic 25 Feb, 2023 @ 9:48pm 
What about 1440p? Could I programmatically generate xmls for 1440p?
tyflos 30 Dec, 2022 @ 10:53am 
thanks for the guide! my stutters are finally gone
Reon Kenedi 25 Dec, 2022 @ 12:24pm 
the upscaled textures causes the game to crash after you try to move as Haruspex
homekeys 27 Nov, 2022 @ 7:30pm 
is there a windowed borderless mode fix? the game looks fine in fullscreen mode but in windowed borderless (and possibly in windowed mode), part of the game is cut off on the bottom resulting in missing portions of the UI (particularly dangerous with the inventory) and screen tearing that cant be fixed in the settings. the only issue i have with 1920x1080 res
Endali 11 Nov, 2022 @ 1:37pm 
Could you make a 1440p version of the UI config files? I would be eternally grateful :)

Fantastic guide otherwise <3
Apoletestry 6 Mar, 2022 @ 4:37pm 
There is no need to manually unpack the sound files.
There's a beta branch for that:
DoopForces 20 Jan, 2022 @ 3:34pm 
solved the issue for me with horrible lagging especially when music started playing - I just 1) unpacked all .VFS files and changed in the configuration =VFS to =FS 2) run that 4 GB patcher program. Thanks! :leftamark: :tragedian: