Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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TF2 cosmetic sets, based of other games!
Oleh [WFS] Pinkman
this is 9 cosmetic sets in tf2, 1 for each class, all based off a character from a different game.
if you use these in game feel free to leave a comment or message me if you like them, thanks for viewing my guide.
i will also include a weapon or 2 that go well with the cosmetics, hope you enjoy!
Batalkan favorit
Scout / Geralt from The Witcher
First cosmetic is an unpainted Hero's Tail
squire's sabatons
Courtly Cuirass
or you can use Sign of the Wolf's School instead of the sabatons
the weapon i use with this set is the Three-Rune Blade
Soldier / DOOMGuy / DOOM Marine
so this one was an obvious one to do, but actually really hard
so first you need an unpainted or Drably Olive Painted Whirly Warrior
Then an After Eight / Dark Grey Painted Gourd Grin
and lastly a flak catcher
this one isn't as good but the 2 weapons are the Original and the Stock Shotgun
Pyro / Mr. Foster from KF2
this is Mr. Foster form Killing Floor 2
you need, of course, the Foster's Facade
the Stcokbroker's Scarf
and the Breakneck Baggies painted After-Eight
and for the weapon i suggest shotgun
Demoman / Stormcloak from Skyrim
the demoman was kind of hard, he, in my opinion, doesn't have good cosmetics that are usable for cosplays. but anyway here in a Stormcloak General from the Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim
first you need the K-9 Mane
then you need the Toowoomba Tunic on the Knight style option
lastly you need the Cool Breeze
for the weapons use the Eyelander, Splendid screen on the Spike And Arrow style option, and lastly the Ali Baba's Wee Wee Booties.
sorry about how dark the second image is
Heavy / Zarya from Overwatch
now i realize this is a second Overwatch one but im out of ideas lol
so you need the Gym Rat paint Pink As Hell
then you need Warmth Preserver
and lastly, the Soviet Strong Arm on the Barbed Wire style option
this works best on blue team but looks ok on red team too
for a weapon, i think the civic duty brass beast looks best but you can use any civic duty minigun
Engineer / Dutch from Red Dead 2
this is an obvious one lol
first you need a Sophisticated Smoker
then you need a Dead Of Night on the Dark style option
lastly you need either Support spurs or the Teufort Tooth Kickers
for weapons, Frontier justice, Lugermorph, and any wrench
Medic / SnowTrooper from Star Wars battlefront
this is the medic as a storm trooper
first you need a Water Logged Lab coat or unpainted Coldfront Commander
next you need an After-Eight or unpainted Coldfront Carapace
and lastly, a White painted Surgical Survivalist. (i don't remember the paints name lol)
Blutsauger Amputator, and Vaccinator all look really good, Kritskreig and Quick Fix look really good too
Sniper / Lieutenant Karl Fairburne from sniper elite
next up is Sniper, the hot Australian man
first cosmetic is Handsome Hit Man with no paint
the second is Rifleman's Regalia painted After-Eight / dark grey
and lastly we have the Triggerman's Tacticals
I think this set looks really good but i just wish there was a better looking body cosmetic for it
for the weapon i think Hit-Man's Heatmaker looks good along with the Cleaner's Carbine
Spy / Revolver Ocelot from MGS 3
ok for this you need the Dead Head
the Puffy Provaca-
NO we aren't doing that
ok so for this set every thing is painted balaclavas are forever
ok you need a bills hat
a lurking legionare
and bandits boots
i think this one looks really good
i also think that the l'etranger looks the best for this, big kill looks good aswell
if you enjoyed please leave a rating and like, if this does well i will make a part to and maybe even 3
thank you for viewing and i hope you have a good day!
I used This[] to make the images of the loadouts
3 Komentar
mama mia 23 Mei 2021 @ 6:34pm 
among us cosmetic set
[WFS] Pinkman  [pembuat] 5 Jan 2021 @ 12:21pm 
Thanks STR1K3R
STR1K3R™ 5 Jan 2021 @ 12:18pm 
looks good