Minion Masters

Minion Masters

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Ultimate Glory Guide [OUTDATED]
Par Retroactive Android TTV et 1 collaborateur(s)
What does glory ACTUALLY do? What are the nuances? That is what I'm here to explain!

This is a guide for noobs and pros alike! Myself and some guildmates will be keeping this guide as up-to-date as possible!

UPDATE: This guide is being abandoned. I have quit the game, as has basically my entire guild. The developers keep pushing this game into unbalanced, pay-to-win states and completely bungled a mobile release that could have saved the game. Myself and my guildies are out.

This guide is being left here for archival purposes.
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So, what even IS glory?
The little numbers at the bottom left corner of your cards?

That, my friends, is the card's Glory. More is better, for reasons I will explain shortly.
How do I get glory?
Cards have a little glory to start, but this is very small.

You increase the glory of your cards by getting duplicates of them. You can do this through power tokens, store offers, crafting, or card quests. I’ll cover each in turn.

Power tokens are fairly straightforward. Get a power token, open it up, and you get either a new card or a duplicate card. What card you get is almost entirely random.

Store offers often have a discount on either specific cards or random cards of a specific rarity. These are usually good choices to pick up.

Crafting is what shards are for. You spend shards to add glory to your card.

Crafting works as follows:
-Common (green lower-right triangle) cards: 50 shards for 2 glory
-Rare (blue lower-right triangle) cards: 125 shards for 4 glory
-Supreme (purple lower-right triangle) cards: 500 shards for 8 glory
-Legendary (gold lower-right triangle) cards: 2000 shards for 16 glory

Card quests are possibly the most confusing part of glory for many. The quests are the little boxes when you examine a card. This is shown in the bottom right of this picture.

What are these quests? Increase the card's glory!

Now, the first quest is to get the card to 32 glory. The reward is another 40 glory on that card, for a total of 72 glory.

The second quest is to get the card an additional 48 glory, or to get it to 120 glory. In this case, the reward is an additional 80 glory for the card, bringing the total to 200 glory.

The third quest is to add an additional 80 glory to the card, bringing the total to 280. The reward for this quest is an additional 120 glory added to the card, for a total of 400 glory.

400 glory is the most the card can have.
Glory and the Season Pass
The primary purpose of Glory is the Season Pass.

The amount of glory your deck has determines how much progress you make in the Battle Pass for each battle you win.

Each game that you win, your deck gives season pass progress to your season pass equal to the total glory of your deck.

Let's say you use this deck here:

The overall glory of this deck can be seen on the far right, in the star. This deck has 4000 glory, the maximum a deck can have.

Let's, then, go into a game and win.

You'll notice, just under the deck you have Season Bonus. This is bonus glory added on top of your deck that is acquired through leveling the Season Pass. This bonus glory is 625. The deck's glory is 4000. Together, they make the 4625 glory that you can see being added to the Season Pass in the middle.

What about the four gold stars to the right of the deck's glory?

These are the Season Gold Stars. They automatically apply to the cards in your deck with the lowest glory and raise their glory to 400. You start the season with two of them, and can gain two more by purchasing the Season Pass.

Battle Chest

But wait! What about the Battle Chest?

The Battle chest multiplies your Season Pass earnings for your first three wins. Each win stocks the chest with the deck's glory, as well as contributing to the season pass.

Reach three wins? The battle chest multiplies the glory of your deck for those three wins by no less then TEN and adds it to the Season Pass.

Let me rephrase and simplify that: your first three wins give you the same glory as your next thirty-three.

You get a new Battle Chest every day.
Glory and Guild Conquest
This is something that some very experienced people still struggle with. To be fair, the way it works is very confusing. This guide will try to explain it as completely as possible.

What is the Guild Conquest?

The Guild Conquest is sort of your guild Season Pass. The big differences:
  • The top 15 contributors in your guild contribute to the Guild Conquest
  • Everyone in the guild gets the same rewards for the Guild Conquest
  • Each individual can only contribute a few matches
  • Conquest Cards exist

How can I contribute to the Guild Conquest?

Please note: only the top 15 contributors from a given cycle actually contribute to the guild conquest. This does NOT mean that you shouldn't try, just that if you do badly a guildmate may be able to cover for you (or vice versa). In the rest of this section, we are going to proceed under the impression that everyone contributes, because in practice that's what it pans out as.

Every few days, the guild goes through what is called a cycle. Each cycle lets you contribute to the guild again..

A cycle consists of the first six wins you get. The fact that you can only contribute six wins is the biggest limit. The other limit is that you don't have unlimited attempts. Lose three times and you're done contributing, even if you only have gotten three wins.

To rephrase: Until you get six wins or three losses, you contribute to the Guild Conquest.

How do I contribute the most I can to the Guild Conquest?

There are a number of factors at play here, and this is where it gets complicated.

First off, there's the glory of your deck (see Glory and the Season Pass).

Second, your rank matters in Guild Conquest. Higher ranks give significantly higher contribution modifiers, up to multiplying your contribution by three and a half.

Third, there's Conquest Cards. These are one of the best ways to increase your contribution.

Here is a set of conquest cards.

These cards count normally in your deck during conquest, but they have a bonus.

That bonus is an additional 400 glory for the Guild Conquest for every Conquest Card in your deck.

This is huge. A deck full of conquest cards can more than double your contribution to the guild, and you don't have to fight tougher opponents or rank grind for it.


Here are the results of a Conquest battle.
Note the three contributing factors:
  • The glory of the deck (4307)
  • The bonus from the Conquest Cards (five of them, raising the glory by 2000)
  • The rank (silver, contributing an extra 55% of your deck's glory)

So let's go back over all of this.
To contribute the most to a guild conquest
  • Get six wins
  • Use as many Conquest Cards as you can
  • Have a high rank

Pausing the Conquest

This is a very important section, as I have seen some people leave their conquest paused for entire seasons, not helping the guild at all.

You can know if your conquest is active by the word "conquest" on the battle button and your guild icon on the left of it.

if you go into your guild tab, there will be a button to start or stop the conquest

To reiterate: if the conquest is paused, you are not contributing. If the conquest is not paused, you are contributing and normal conquest rules apply.
Final Thoughts
I originally made this guide for a couple of reasons.

For one, I had a very hard time figuring out Glory in this game. I had to figure it all out myself, and it took the better part of a year. I don't want anyone else to have to struggle like that.

For another, I lead a guild. Frequently, I have people ask questions about Glory and the Guild Conquest, and I had no simple answer for them and nothing to refer them to. I looked at other Steam guides, and all of them were outdated, incomplete, or just plain bad.

The third reason is that this is a fantastic game. I have played so much of it and it's still good. The Glory system, though, has turned people off from it because it's so hard to understand. I want to remedy that issue.

Thank you for reading. Please give this guide a thumbs-up if you enjoyed it or found it helpful, so others can see it and be helped or amused by it :)

Leave any constructive criticism you have in the comments, it's always welcome.

If you like what we did with this guide and want to help in similar things, or are just looking for a Minion Masters guild or community, try checking out Random Insanity discord and in-game guild!
You can find more information in the official Minion Masters discord, recruitment section!
7 commentaires
Retroactive Android TTV  [créateur] 13 nov. 2021 à 17h54 
Thank you, feel free to share it to any players who are struggling to understand it :D
t3kk3 13 nov. 2021 à 3h56 
Good job, glory is something many players dont understand. I hope many will read your guide!
Retroactive Android TTV  [créateur] 25 sept. 2021 à 17h35 
Thank you very much!
Bep van Mokum 25 sept. 2021 à 10h43 
Well done!
Retroactive Android TTV  [créateur] 6 mai 2021 à 9h47 
Thank you, it took several days of work and I'm really proud of it :D
Mars 6 mai 2021 à 1h18 
Nice! Well written.
Biggest_Noob  [créateur] 4 janv. 2021 à 14h44 
Very very nice :steamthumbsup: