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The Caretaker SE (3.1)
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7.189 MB
4 ян. 2021 в 9:53
14 септ. 2021 в 14:55
3 бележки за промени ( преглед )

Абониране, за да се свали
The Caretaker SE (3.1)

В 2 колекции от AlphaAsh
How I Played Vanilla Stellaris 2.8
21 артикула
How I Played AlphaMod 3.1
32 артикула
Updated for Stellaris 3.1.x

This Special Edition for The Caretaker includes a few compatibility tweaks and bits of extra content over that of the version included in #ModJam 2020, some that did not make the competition's deadline, or required over-rides of vanilla files.

Steam Guide