Ashes of the Night

Ashes of the Night

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Ashes of the Night Walkthrough
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This guide will help you to finish the game.
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I decided to make a walkthrough for this game since there isn't any yet. I made this as I was playing the game, so some information might be too detailed or less detailed. Hopefully it wasn't too confusing, especially regarding the directions.
First Things First
Some general guidelines:
  • Save often! You can save everywhere and you'll get a game over once you die, so it doesn't hurt to save a lot. Make a save in different slot once you reach a certain point in the game too in case you want to go back.
  • You need to use items to finish this game. There is no healer nor inn in the first few maps, so use those potions. Potions aren't that hard to get and money will be abundant later.
  • Don't use spells that cost MP unless if it's necessary. If you want to, make sure you have a lot of mana potions in stock. MP is very costly early game.
  • Gears that are sold in shops are inferior from those that you can get from optional dungeons. Make sure you explore them all!
  • If you think you're not strong enough to continue, head to other places first to level up some more. Some areas aren't designed to be explored in one go.
  • Dead party members will get half EXP compared to the ones who are alive. Inactive party members won't get any EXP at all.
  • Stock up phoenix downs. You'll get most of them from battle drops, but make sure you have them when you need it. Healers tend to die easily.
  • Use EXP boosting gears once you get it. It'll save you from the need of grinding later.

Regarding party members, it's up to you how to design your party members, but I advise you to have 2 healers, with at least one of them having the Revive skill. Jewel is a great healer early game due to her low MP usage, although there will be more healers that you can choose later on.

Although I said that it's up to you to choose your party members, I advise you to have at least one party members from this batch:
- Errow, Christian, Ishaku
- Maduin, Irael, Jewel, Duncan
- Yuka, Reinford, John, Almura
The reason is, the game will force you to use each batch as your party members. Having one of them in higher level helps a lot. Also, no, you don't have to level them all.

I myself used Reinford, Ishaku, Jewel, and John at the beginning and then switched John to Baron once I can access him to my party.
- ogre
Talk to the black-haired guy next to the trees to get 3x potions. Open the chest on the far west to get 50G and phoenix down. Battle enemies until you get 5 bat wings, 5 honeys, and 3 Hats. Feel free to use potions if you're low on health since the enemies will drop some after each battle. Once you're done, talk to the green-haired man on the east side and trade your bat wings for Falchion. Do the same to the yellow-haired girl, but with honeys this time, for large shield. Equip your newly-earned gears and head south.

Talk to the man in blue cap to get 2x potions and the ninja to recruit him to your party. Open both chests on the south side to get 25G and Magic Water. Farm Clothes from the skeletons for your party, then return to the previous area and head north, to the castle.

Battle the swordsmen to farm 2h sword for Ishaku. Head upstairs while you're at it and open both chests to get 50G and 75G. Talk to the princess to recruit her to your party. Equip her with items you found (2h sword, Hat, Cloth) before leaving the castle.

Talk to the hooded man on the way to the south exit outside the castle to see a cutscene. Keep on heading south until you meet a witch. Recruit her to your party and equip her properly. Return to the screen where you recruit the ninja (Ishaku) and head east.

Talk to the man to get 3x potions, open the chest to get 50G, and save. Interact with the ogre when you're ready.

Boss: ogre
Spam normal attack to kill it. Ishaku can use shuriken instead of normal attack.

The boss drops good gears, so make sure to equip them to your party. Farm in this place until you get 5 Minotaur Horns. Once you're done, return to the previous area and head south. Talk to the man to trade your Minotaur Horns for Jagged Edge. Remove all equipment you have on the ninja and continue all the way to the south until he leaves your party.
- gate keeper
Head west and enter the castle. Talk to the knight and the bard (white-haired woman) to recruit them. Make sure to put the bard in your party since she has a low MP party heal magic. Talk to the king to receive a quest, leave the castle, and head west. Enter the farm.

Kill all enemies in this area. Make sure to kill Gnoll Shamans first whenever they are available. They can deal a lot of damage to your party with their magic. There is also a chest containing Tent somewhere on the east area. Defeat the boss at the end of the road, near the north exit.

Boss: Orc, Gnoll
Kill Gnoll first, then attack the Orc. Heal whenever necessary.

Continue north until you find a house. Enter the house. The door that leads to 2 chests containing 50G and a Tent on your right will lead you to a fight. There's another fight at the chest on the room above you which will give you 200G and Appretince Staff. Head to the room on your southwest for another battle and 2 chests containing phoenix down and 75G. Head all the way north and inspect the clock for a battle and elixer of magic. Now, sit on the piano to the east to unlock a secret passage. Head downstairs.

Head north and talk to the man nearby. There are several chests here. The chest north from where you are contain phoenix down in it. The one next beside it contains Magic Water, the one southwest from it contains 100G, and the southeast chest from the blue circle contains Tent. Inspect the blue circle, save, and exit the area. Make sure you have both Bard (Jewel) and Paladin (John) in your party.

Boss: lower Dreadwolf
Assign Jewel and John on healing duty while the rest attack the boss. You'll be healed both before and after the fight so don't worry about MP.

Return to the castle and talk to the pink-haired woman to trade your 5 Gnoll Teeths for Gnoll-Tooth Necklace. If you're wondering, the grey-haired guy on the southeast is bugged and won't give you any quest. Head 1 screen to the east, then south.

Open all chests to get 150G, 50G, Elixer of luck, elixer of vitality, 100G, 50G, 100G, 150G, and 200G. Save and fight the dragon.

Boss: evil dragon
Assign Jewel and John on healing duty while the rest attack the boss.

Head north, then east. Talk to the gate keeper. You can either battle it or bribe it for 250G. I suggest to battle it for the EXP and gold.

Boss: gate keeper
Assign Jewel on healing duty while the rest attack the boss.

Head to the next area.
- Gildain
Head north. The pixie will restore your HP and MP only once so I suggest not to talk to her until you need it. There is a camp to the north.

Talk to the wizard to receive a quest and Potion X, a quest item. Feel free to buy some supplies and/or gears from the merchants if you have the money. Head all the way to the north until you meet the ninja that was in your party. Talk to him to recruit him again. Head south.

Talk to the queen next to the tree house and head inside it. Talk to the princess and select the second option: "No, In fact you have a lovely home" and recruit her. Note that you can interact with the blue bed as many times as you want to get fully healed in this house. Exit the tree house, head south, and talk to the king. Enter the castle (the white building). Talk to the person blocking your way and choose either option to initiate a battle.

Boss: Plunderer
Assign Jewel on healing duty while the rest attack the boss.

Head to the basement floor. Keep on heading downstairs while killing all enemies that you see until you see a building with wooden door that is guarded by an enemy. There is a boss here so make sure you save before you interact with him to initiate a battle.

Boss: Gregorish Stormbeard
Assign Reinford to use taunt > unbreakable > Double Attack > repeat. The boss will spam Rolling Thunder otherwise, an attack that hits all of your party members. Jewel can take on healing duty as always.

The axe is a good weapon for Reinford so make sure to equip it. Exit the castle and talk to the king outside to receive 15,000 gold. Now that you have a lot of money, keep on heading south until you see the camp and gear up properly. Continue your way to the south until you return to the first place you were in the desert and head east, then north to see a cabin. Enter the cabin.

Open all chests to receive elixer of strength, elixer of speed, elixer of vitality, and elixer of vitality (again). Inspect the firepit, save, then head to bed.

Boss: Nichezhar
Assign Jewel to spam hymn on healing while the rest attack the boss. No, taunt won't work on this boss. It'll keep on casting life leech.

There's nothing more to do here, so head south and go to the east exit. You'll see a man. Talk to him to recruit him to your party. Head north, then east for another cutscene. Head north to enter the forest. The path isn't that obvious but you definitely can head 1 screen north. Interact with the dog to get the gold digger. Farm 10x Undead Fleshes and 12x Eyeballs from the enemies. Return to the previous screen and talk to the wizard twice to trade them with Ghoul Rags and Ghoul Visage. Enter the castle.

Open both chests to get 250G and 250G. Head north and talk to the man twice to trade your Potion X for heavens wrath. It's a good blade so make sure to equip it. Save before heading north because you'll have to face another boss.

Boss: the old king
Assign Jewel on healing duty while the rest attack the boss.

Open all chests to get Riposte relic, 250G, 250G, 250G, and 250G. Exit the castle, head west, then keep on heading north until you reach a crypt. Enter it. Inspect the coffin for a battle.

Boss: vampire
Assign Jewel on healing duty while the rest attack the boss.

You'll receive sword of eternity and ring of vitality after the battle. Again, make sure to equip the sword. Head north, defeat all enemies in the room, and open both chests to receive shroud of magic and circlet of magic. These are good for magic-based user so make sure to equip them. The large-sized enemy in this room will also give you counter-attack blade after the battle. Head north, save, and interact with your next boss when you're ready. All choices will lead to a fight, so pick anything you want.

Boss: Gildain
Assign Jewel on healing duty while the rest attack the boss.

You'll get ring of wizardry after the battle. Walk north for a few steps and you'll be teleported to Serenity Grove. Head north again to see that a boat has miraculously showed up. Yes, it's time to sail.
- Baleora
Keep on heading west until you see a cave-like structure to the north. Head north and talk to the white-haired man to buy his Prince of Shadows sword for 15000 gold. The girl also sell better items than the shop in the town we're going to if you have the money. Return to the previous area and keep on heading west until you reach a town.

Talk to the girl with twintail and answer her with "hi" and "trying to have a good time" to get 2x elixer of vitality, 2x elixer of magic, 2x elixer of strength, and 2x elixer of speed. You can buy ring of hatred and ring of healing from the guy with yellow hat for 5000 gold and 5500 gold. Continue to the west and talk to the black-haired man. Choose "Go on I'm listening" to get Bulwark and legacy blade. Head west once more.

Talk to two people between the statues and recruit them to your party. Talk to the glasses man to the south and say "I agree" to get a secret phrase. Now, talk to the man beside the dog and say "It's nice to meet you Benjamin" to get tome of knowledge. Head west. Talk to the man with golden armor and say the secret phrase: Beasts of burden to receive 5000 gold. Continue to the west.

Talk to the man with blue-ish hat to trade 2 Sapphires for Imbued Sapphire Necklace. The guy besides him can also trade 2 Topazes into Imbued Topaz Necklace. Head south.

Talk to the man with red cap to trade 2 Rubies for Imbued Ruby Necklace. Do the same with the guy beside him to trade 2 Emeralds for Imbued Emerald Necklace. Talk to the guy near the small boat on the southeast and listen to his story. Keep on talking to him until he lets you fish for a cutscene. Now, return north and keep on heading all the way to the east until you find a ship for the second time. Interact with it to initiate a battle.

Boss: 2x ghost pirate, 2x ghost swordsman
Assign Jewel on healing duty while the rest attack the boss.

The shield that was dropped from the battle is good for magic user, so make sure to equip it. Keep on heading east until you reach a camp. Talk to the green-haired man to get magical lamp. Head east. Farm until you get 12x Rat Tails. Head west 2 screens and talk to the guy to trade your Rat Tails for 1500 gold. Return to the place where you farm Rat Tails and interact with the rat for a battle.

Boss: 2x plague rat, Rat King
Focus on killing the plague rats first. Assign Jewel on healing duty while the rest attack the boss.

Head to the only tree in the area. It'll lead you to a secret area. Open all chests to get elixer of luck, shadow cloak, shadow boots, elixer of speed, elixer of vitality, and elixer of speed. Return to the previous area and continue heading east. Defeat all the land sharks when you meet them. Feel free to head back and gear up if you can't beat them yet. Don't go east yet since the enemies are too strong for you to beat now. Instead, keep on heading west until you reach an intersection. Head north.

Talk to the monster to initiate a battle.

Boss: stolen vessel
Assign Jewel on healing duty while the rest attack the boss.

Head north, battle the enemy, and step on the light-colored tile on the east side to reach a secret area. Open all chests to get elixer of vitality, obsidian ring, counter-attack blades, and elixer of vitality. Head to the next room and open both chests to get mana blade and elixer of magic. The next and last room will have 3 chests in it containing shadow cloak, evasion manual, and riposte book vol 1. Exit the area and head north.

Talk to the fairy for some guidance and enter the green tile near the mountains. Yes, it's another secret area.

Interact with the monster for a battle.

Boss: gargoyle
Assign Jewel on healing duty while the rest attack the boss.

Open both chests to get elixer of vitality and elixer of magic. Talk to the white-haired guy to recruit him. Exit the area and enter the castle nearby. There will be a cutscene. Open both chests to get elixer of speed and elixer of strength. Head upstairs. Open both chests to get elixer of vitality and elixer of magic. You can rest in the middle bed to the north of you (interact with it from the southeast side) and talk to everyone to recruit them back to your party. Threre's nothing to do here, so exit the castle and head to the northeast corner of the map. Make sure to rearrange your party though. Enter the castle.

Save before heading upstairs. There's a boss waiting for you.

Boss: demonoid
Assign Jewel on healing duty while the rest attack the boss.

Open both chests to get obsidian ring and mana shield. Interact with the princess to retrieve Princess Tiara. Head upstairs and recruit the girl to join your party. That's everything you can do here, so head all the way south to the intersection and then head all the way west to reach the town with your boat. Keep on heading west until you can't head west anymore and head south this time.

Talk to the girl near the bigger boat and say "That's too bad, let's fix that", then pay her for 250 gold and talk to her again to go on the boat. If you decide to return to the town, you don't have to pay the fee again if you want to come back to this place.

Keep on heading west and defeat all of the enemies you found. If you're having trouble with 3 Restless Bones, get Reinford in your party and use Taunt. He should be able to take some damage. Take John in case you need to revive him too if you want. Enter the castle after you're done.

Talk to the girl before going upstairs. Open all chests to receive phoenix down, 500G, elixer of luck, and elixer of luck. Again, talk to the girl before going upstairs. The chests on the next room will contain elixer of strength, elixer of strength, elixer of speed, elixer of speed, 750G, and 500G. Save before interacting with the monster.

Boss: Spectre
Assign Jewel on healing duty while the rest attack the boss. If you have 2 healers like me (I used John), you can assign Jewel to cast battle chant in between.

Head upstairs and open the chest to get Windwall Mausoleum Key. Exit the castle and enter the pyramid next to the graves.

Open all chests to get elixer of vitality, elixer of vitality, and Tome of Knowledge. The next room has 2 chests containing elixer of magic and elixer of vitality. Defeat all enemies in the next room and proceed to the next room. Save before interacting with the demon.

Boss: Baleora
You might want to have 2 healers here. Assign Jewel on healing duty while the rest attack the boss. If you have 2 healers like me (I used John), you can assign Jewel to cast battle chant in between.

Head to the next area. Talk to the king to get crown of throns. Climb upstairs until you exit from a cave and inspect the furthest tree to get 8000 gold.
- Ancient Red Dragon
Return to the town by talking to the man with red cap 1 screen east from the castle you were in. Head to the westernmost part of the town again and talk to the man with blue cap this time to go to coast of Mira.

Keep on heading west and interact with the "dog" for a battle.

Boss: Cerberus
Assign Jewel on healing duty while the rest attack the boss.

Head inside the burrow. Keep on following the path while defeating every enemies that you see until you reach to a town-like area. You can buy weapons from the monster in front of the weapon sign and fight other monsters. The Siriki in front of the pub will also give you 20x potions, 10x magic waters, and 5x phoenix downs after you defeat it. Once you're done, use your Forgotten Key to unlock the house in the upper middle area.

Talk to the man inside to get Vigor Belt. Open both chests to get 500G and Opal. Return to the previous screen and head inside the upper right house for a battle. Talk to everyone afterward before exiting the room. Continue to the east and defeat all enemies that you see. Save before heading upstairs for your next boss battle.

Boss: Siriki Warlord, 2x Siriki guard
Focus on eliminating the Siriki guards one by one first before attacking the Siriki Warlord. You might want to have 2 healers here.

Open both chests to get Obsidian and elixer of strength. Use the green portal to return to the previous map and head all the way back to the town (Westahmen). You should see 3 familiar faces here. It's the three person that you saved! Talk to the woman to receive 2x elixer of speed, 2x elixer of strength, and 2x elixer of vitality. Now, keep on heading east until you reach Nevermore. Remember that place on the far east that we didn't explore? Yes, that place. Before you enter Nevermore, make sure you get 1 Ohbu Shell from Ohbu, a random encounter in Gate to Nevermore, for later.

Open both chests to get riposte book vol 1 and evasion manual vol 1. Note that your party members might die in this place from the poison, so make sure to watch out for their HP. You don't have to revive your inactive party members. The next screen will have chests with Soul Stealer and Spirit Stealer. Open both chests in the next screen to get riposte book vol 2 and evasion manual vol 2. Save before interacting with the knight for a battle.

Boss: ageless knight
Assign Jewel on healing duty while the rest attack the boss.

Head to the next screen. Open the chest to get Sorcerer Ring. Save before interacting with the monster.

Boss: Death Dealer
You might want to have 2 healers here. The boss like to use high damaging or AoE magics.

Head to the next screen and open both chests to get war gauntlets and war travelers. Inspect the fire to return to the desert-like place. Head back to the town (Westahmen) and keep on heading west until you reach the place with the boats. Talk to the pirate that you saved before (the one on the right side) to go to Dragon Cove.

Head north and open all chests to get 500G, 500G, 250G, 250G, 500G, and 500G. Make sure you save often in this place. The enemy is very strong. Keep on following the path until you see a red dragon walking around in the cave. Save before interacting with it.

Boss: Ancient Red Dragon
You might want to get John or have a lot of phoenix downs in stock. The boss has a high damage that can 1 shot your party. Use Jewel's battle chant whenever possible and hit the boss with your best damaging skills.

Exit the cave and head north to reach a village.
- The Rot
Enter the village and head east. Talk to the guy in front of the cows twice to receive a quest. Keep on heading east to exit the village. You'll see 5 enlarged animals. Interact with all of them to receive 4x Meat. You can get the last meat from defeating a random encounter in this spot. Return to the guy that gave you the quest and give him the meat to get Forest seal 2.

You just need to pay once to use the inn forever. I'm not sure if you can enter it without paying or not, but there is a bed that you can interact to recover your HP and MP from the north stairs. The middle stairs will lead you to a cutscene. Pet the cat outside the inn to get elixer of speed. Head north and talk to the guy to trade your Ohbu Shell for Ohbu Ring. Head north and talk to the long-haired guy to get Purification Potion. Exit the town through the north exit.

Head north, then west at the intersection. Keep on following the path, opening all chests on the way containing elixer of speed, elixer of strength, elixer of vitality, elixer of magic, and elixer of magic until you reach a well. Use Purification Potion on the well. Open both chests in the next room that contains riposte book vol 3 and evasion manual vol 3. Save before interacting with the monster.

Boss: Leviathan
You might want to have 2 healers here. The boss like to use high damaging or AoE magics. Prepare Phoenix Downs or John's Revive to revive anyone who got hit by its Double Attack.

Return to the screen with quest giver in the village. Talk to the old man with the cane to submit your quest and receive foreset seal 1. Exit the village and head east at the intersection. Follow the path and head northeast at the next intersection. Interact with the monster near the entrance for a battle and enter the cave.

Follow the path and defeat all enemies that you see. Prioritize killing Grimly whenever there is one mixed with 2 Grimps. There will be 4 chests at the end of the road containing Grimp blade, Grimp Shield, Grimp Mask, and Grimp armor. Return to the previous intersection and head for the northwest exit this time. Place both seal on the grassy tile to the north (make sure to face the wall when you do it) to reveal a door. Save before entering it.

Boss: Treowen, 2x Sappling
Sapplings are healer, but strangely, you can't target them. Use multi attack or AoE spells to target them. Luckily, they usually focus on healing so you can just focus on attacking.

Talk to the old man to get Growth Talisman. Head north. Ignore the ship for now and head north 1 more screen. Enter the cave.

Pull the lever and take Renova Seal from the statue. Head north. There's a chest containing 1000 gold on the left and a mimic (named as Nether beast in this game) on the right. You'll retrieve Zealot after the fight. It's a good weapon for John. The next room will have a lot of enemies for you to fight. Time for exp farming! There will be a boss in the next room when you interact with the hole-like thingy to the north, so make sure to save beforehand.

Boss: Renova
Make sure to do AoE heal each turn. The boss is faster than you and do wicked damage. Luckily, it doesn't have much HP so it should be pretty quick.

Inspect the hole-like thingy again and open the chest to get Templar, a great shield for John. Exit the cave and head south. Interact with the ship. Pay the fee of 2000 gold to get across. Keep on heading north until you reach a cutscene and a battle. You can choose to spare the remaining guy, but killing him will net you EXP, money, and drop, so it's your choice. Head north.

Interact with both standing knights from the front side and the boss in front of the gate to initiate a battle.

Boss: Lukevich, 2x Soldier
Again, you can only target Lukevich here. Use multi attack or AoE attack to hit the Soliders before defeating Lukevich.

Head north for a cutscene and open the chest afterward to get 5000G. Exit the room and open all chests to get Elixer of Defense, Elixer of Spirit, elixer of vitality, elixer of vitality, elixer of magic, elixer of magic, Elixer of Spirit, and Elixer of Defense. Exit the room and enter the leftmost room for another cutscene. You'll receive King Seal. Talk to the clown-like guy for a quest. Exit the "castle" and you'll be teleported near the ship.

Keep on heading north and head east at the intersection this time. Head east once more and you'll see a lot of people. Enter the building surrounded by trees. Head upstairs and inspect the sword to get Sinner, a good weapon for Maduin. Exit the building and head east. Enter the town.

Inspect the guy lying near the pool to get 750 gold. There will be a fight on the next screen. You can fight against the guy that is lying next to the green guy. Interact with the green guy in front of the door for another fight. They aren't hard to beat. Interact with the house door afterward. He'll let you in. Head inside.

Help the guy and open all chests to get elixer of speed, Elixer of Defense, and Elixer of Spirit. Exit the house and head east. The red-haired guy will give you 1000 gold and the other corpse will initiate a battle. Defeat all enemies and head east once more. Enter the house to get beacon of hope. Head east once more to exit the village. Continue your way to the south until you reach a "hole". Head downstairs.

Open all chests to get Tent, 1000G, elixer of vitality, phoenix down, Elixer of Defense, and Elixer of Spirit. Continue your way to the south. You'll battle the boss as soon as you head south from the narrow passage so make sure you're ready.

Boss: The Rot
The boss loves to inflict status ailments. Status Ring is nice to have here. If you have John in your party, you also can let him cast prayer of healing to eliminate the dot effect.

Open all chests to get 2500G, 2500G, elixer of magic, elixer of magic, 2500G, and 2500G. Interact with the flame to get teleported outside. There's nothing else you can do on this island, so return to the ship and head back to Aranauk for 1000 gold.
- Crazed Warwick
Head north and talk to everyone. Make sure you equip your party since they are very weak. I suggest you to equip Battle Bracers to Baron. He can do almost anything with +10 TP regen every turn. Continue to the north and open 2 chests that you see that contains Tent and elixer of vitality. There are other chests to the north containing 1000G and riposte book vol 1. Continue to the north and interact with the monster for a battle.

Boss: Caldora
Assign Robert on healing duty while the Baron attacks the boss.

There are 3 points of interest here. There are 2 dungeons to the south and east of you and a town to your southeast. Head to the town.

Talk to the purple monster to trade your glow dust for Illumination and talk to the green monster to trade your Corpus Vine for Corpus Cloth. To be honest, I couldn't seem to notice corpus vine in my inventory when I traded it. I'm not sure about the glow dust either, which I assumed that it's from Caldora boss fight. If you need the Corpus Vine though, you'll get it in the next dungeon we're going to. Head east until you see a white-haired woman. Talk to her to recruit her to your party. Make sure you have enough supplies since 2 of your party members are MP-based and consume a lot of MP. There's also an inn to rest, but that's everything you can do here. Exit the town.

Tip: Once Sonnen learns Empower Spells, keep on casting it before the buff runs out to save MP usage.

Head to the southwest area, Williams Cavern. Yes, this is where you can farm Corpus Vines. Traverse the area until you reach 2 chests containing elixer of magic and elixer of strength. Head to the next area. Traverse the middle and right path first before heading through the left path. Open all chests containing rejuvination potion, 1000G, Tent, elixer of speed, Elixer of Defense, and Ethereal Ring. Head to the next screen and open the chest to get Swift Boots. Exit the cavern and head to the northeast cave.

Open all chests to get potion, buckler, Vigilant Visor, Ninja Garb, and balaclavas. Head to the next floor. Again, open all chests to get 25G, 50G, elixer of vitality, 200G, elixer of strength, and elixer of magic. Save before inspecting the middle of the blue circle on the next floor for your next battle.

Boss: Nether Beast
Assign Baron to cast Coldest Winter, ice age, and Greater Heal (or White Wind if you somehow can't target anyone) whenever necessary.
Assign Robert to cast taunt, open wounds, Crippling Strike, and Critical Strike.
Assign Sonnen to keep Empower Spells and Force Shield at all times.

Head north and enter the cave. It's a bit of a maze here. There is a chest containing Ethereal Shield in the northwesternmost corner of the map and another chest containing Ring of Fortitude in the southeastern corner of the map. The exit is in the northeast corner. Enter the cave on the other side.

This area is more straightforward than the previous one. Open the chest containing Zhar Cap along the way. There's another chest on the southeasternmost corner of the map containing Giant's Belt. Same as the previous map, the exit is in the northeast corner.

Despite the downstairs stair present in the area, you can't use it. Head upstairs. Make sure to save often. There's a random encounter with 5 enemies here. Open the chest to get 500G before heading upstairs. Again, open all chests to get 500G, 500G, 500G, and 500G. Although you can head to the castle's entrance in this screen, there's nowhere else you can go, so keep on heading upstairs.

There's an enemy in the next area and 2 chests containing 750G and 750G. Continue heading upstairs. Talk to the man to fight him and head inside the library to the north. Inspect the clock to get elixer of vitality. There is also Tome of Knowledge in the middle shelf on the middle right side.

Use the middle stairs to the west of you. Defeat all enemies and open all chests to get elixer of strength, elixer of strength, 500G, elixer of vitality, elixer of vitality, elixer of strength, 250G, elixer of vitality, Elixer of luck, Imbued Obsidian Necklace, elixer of magic, 250G, 250G, elixer of magic, Ring of Fortitude, elixer of speed, elixer of speed, and 500G. Return to the previous room and use the southern stairs.

Defeat all enemies and head to the bed area. Inspect the opened shelves to get Topaz, Emerald, and Opal. Head towards the weapon area and walk through the stones to get Ore and Ore. There's nothing more to do here so return to the previous room and use the northen stairs.

Talk to the hooded man twice to get Warwick's Syrum. Use the southern stairs first. The enemies are strong, but weak to ice so make sure you let Baron cast Coldest Winter in the first turn. They will die in 3 turns on their own. Open all chests on the south rooms to get Courage, Tent, and Phantom. Return upstairs and use the northen stairs. Follow the path and talk to the lord when you're ready.

Boss: Crazed Warwick
Assign Baron to cast Coldest Winter, Sicken, and Greater Heal (or White Wind if you somehow can't target anyone) whenever necessary.
Assign Robert to cast open wounds, critical Strikes and Battle Dressing when necessary.
Assign Sonnen to keep Empower Spells, Force Shield, and Swiftness Enchantment at all times. Cast Draw Defense if she can too.

Keep on talking to the lord until you got teleported to another place. Equip your newest party member and head downstairs. It's another maze. Open all chests to get elixer of vitality, elixer of magic, phoenix down, Tent, 250G, and 500G. Head inside the boat. Talk to Warwick upstairs when you're ready.
- Omega
Farm 4x Shadow Remnants before entering the nearby town. Buy at least 4 Grim Walkers from the gear seller in the building to your right. The man inside the building up north will trade 2 of your Shadow Remnants for shaded cloth. Exit the building and talk to the man with blue cap on your left. He'll trade 2 of your Shadow Remnants for shadow lance. Head inside the building to the northwest and talk to the person inside. Now, exit the building and exit the town. I know that there is one person that can teleport you to another place for 10000G here, but it's better to level up your party first before going there.

Head north and follow the path until you reach a ship. Board the ship and head to the north exit. The enemies are quite strong here, so be careful. There are several places you can go from here. Head to the east exit first. Open the chest to get Indestructible Ring. Return to the previous screen, head north, and then southeast at the intersection until you reach a cave.

Tip: Sonnen will learn Regeneration Ennchantment at level 21, which also works for Empower Spells' MP regen. Keep it up at all times alongside Empower Spells to save MP.

Follow the path, opening all chests on the way containing elixer of speed, Phoenix Ring, elixer of magic, Promise Ring, 125G, and 100G. Exit the cave from where you came. Return to the previous intersection and head north until you see a cave to the northwest. Enter the cave.

Make sure you have a lot of phoenix downs. The enemies are tough. Defeat all enemies and open the chests at the end of the cave to get Warlock Staff, Frostcap, and Crest of the gods. Exit the cave. Don't head to the north exit yet. You won't be able to return to the previous town if you do that. Instead, return to the previous town. Head to the area near the northwesternmost house and talk to the guy with green "cap". Pay him 10000 gold to go to another place.

Make sure you're not exiting this area before you finished with everything - you won't be able to go back. Also, note that the enemies are still very strong at this moment - Baron and Sonnen can be 1 shotted with Assassinate so save often and prepare a lot of phoenix downs. Head west until you reach a chest containing Topaz, Ruby, and 4x Ore. Return to the previous intersection and head east. Open both chests to get Fortunas Visor and Emerald. Again, return to the previous intersection and head north this time.

Head east on the intersection to find chests containing Obsidian, phoenix down, Tent, and Fortunas Tower Shield. Return to the previous "path" you were in, but don't go there yet - stick to the northeast path to reach other chests containing Sapphire and Opal. Return to the previous "path" and intersection, heading north. Before you head to the north exit, make sure you have 4x LOTL Keys.

You'll need to use your LOTL keys to unlock all buildings. Unlock them all and open all chests inside them to get Fortunas Platemail, Regeneration Ring, Giant's Belt, 1250G, Crown Of Jewels, 1000G, and Fortunas Blade. Keep on heading north until you see a campfire surrounded by rocks. Save and light the campfire.

Boss: Harbinger, Scarecrow Shade
Assign Baron to cast Coldest Winter, Sicken, and White Wind whenever necessary.
Assign Robert to cast Batter (when Scarecrow Shade is still alive), open wounds, and critical Strikes.
Assign Sonnen to keep Empower Spells, Regeneration Enchantment, and Force Shield at all times.
Assign Warwick to cast Sanguine Tides (when Scarecrow Shade is still alive) and Tranfusion.

Priorizie defeating Scarecrow Shade first. The boss isn't that hard; it will die on its own.

There is nothing more to do here so return to town by heading back to the first area you were teleported to and interact with the scarecrow while stepping on the brown tile. Exit the town and head north 2 screens.

There are 3 exits here: northwest, north, and northeast. Head to the northwest exit first. Continue the path until you reach a village. Talk to the man with orange cap and buy his music box for 10000G to get Song box. Return to the previous intersection and head to the northeast exit.

There's a village in the next area. Enter the village and open all chests by the shore containing 3000G, and 6000G. Enter the house that wasn't guarded by an NPC. You'll get Letter for Rain. Open the chest to get Rain Maker. Exit the village and enter the cave to the north. Prepare yourself for a tough battle.

Boss: Omega
Assign Baron to cast Resist Elements, ice age, Sicken, and White Wind whenever necessary.
Assign Robert to cast taunt, open wounds, Soldier of Fortune (or critical Strikes if you haven't learned it yet) and Battle Dressing whenever necessary.
Assign Sonnen to keep Empower Spells, Regeneration Enchantment, Force Shield, and Swiftness Enchantment at all times. Cast Draw Resistances if she can too.
Assign Warwick to cast Transfusion and Blood Pack whenever necessary.

The main idea is to kill the boss with DoT (ice age, Sicken, and open wounds). Taunt is used only on first turn to prevent Baron and Sonnen from dying because of the single attack skills. Warwick might need some mana potions to keep on healing if you're undergeared. Cast White Wind whenever the boss is casting AoE and cast Blood Pack (with Battle Dressing if Warwick MATK is too low to heal to max health with one spell) whenever the boss is casting Engulf or doing a normal attack. It's going to take a long time (it took me 1h with level ~20 party members) but it's doable. Lastly, prioritize your buff first before debuffing the boss.

Here's my setup if you need it:
Baron (lv 24): Warlock Staff, phantasm, Zhar Cap, imbued cloth, dragon ring, Ethereal Ring
Robert (lv 24): Illumination, Fortunas Tower Shield, Crest of the gods, Shaded Cloth, Giant's Belt, Battle Bracers
Sonnen (lv 23): behemoth dagger, Ethereal Shield, Crown Of Jewels, Corpus Cloth, Imbued Obsidian Necklace, Dragons Ring of protection
Warwick (lv 21): Harbinger Staff, Phantom, Dream Catcher, Leviathan, Demon King Bracelet, Sorcerer Ring

Head north and open both chests to get Temperance and 25000G. Once you're done, check your money. If you have 200000G, you can buy a house in Orion village to gain access to end-game dungeons. If not, don't worry. We'll explore this place later anyway. Return to the previous intersection and keep on heading north until you reach The Bog.

Tip: Despite the warning from 2 people in front of the area, you'll be fine without any poison or disease resistance as long as you have good healing skills.

Head east and north at the intersection to reach a chest containing Sun Cap. Continue traversing the east path and head west on the next intersection to get Sun Cloak from the chest. Return to the previous intersection and traverse through both paths to the north to reach 2 chests containing The Ward and Blight Ring. Now, return to the area entrance and head west.

Head west on the first intersection that you find and continue the north path to reach a chest containing Primal Mask. An enemy will fight you when you open the chest, but it's the same as the random encounter in this area so you should be fine. Return to the previous intersection and head to the west exit. Don't worry, we'll traverse the north path from the area entrance later.

Interact with the nearby well and place your Cursed Sword to get Blessed Sword. If you follow this walkthrough, you should have the sword in your inventory already; it's from the place where you fight The Master. Exit the area and return to the "area entrance" from the south exit. Keep on heading north.
- The Reunion
Talk to the woman. Head north and open all chests to get mana potion, 4x Bandage, 3x Tent, 3x rejuvination potion, 3x phoenix down, mana potion, mana potion, mana potion, mana potion, mana potion, healing potion, healing potion, healing potion, and healing potion. Make sure to equip your party members before proceeding to the north. Keep on heading north until you see someone in black suit. Talk to him again to recruit him to your party. Again, make sure to equip him properly. Head north and enter the castle.

The path is straightforward. Follow the path, opening all chests on the way containing phoenix down, Shadow String, Phantom, Staff of Clarity, Deliverance, Realm Blade, Demon Hunter, elixer of vitality, Tent, elixer of strength, elixer of speed, phoenix down, phoenix down, elixer of speed, and elixer of strength until you reach a vortex. Inspect the vortex at the end of the road. You should be teleported to a familiar place.

Enter the town and head inside the northwesternmost house. Talk to the woman to recruit her. As you know already, equip her properly. Exit the town and head to the ship - you know the place. There's nothing more to do if you have explored the previous area with the other party, so keep on heading north until you exit The Bog and reach a town.

Tip: Equip Staff of Clarity to Maduin to get mana regeneration. If you don't mind with the mana usage, you can equip her with Sinner instead on the weapon slot.

As usual, equip your party member before moving. Head south and open all chests to get Stone Hands, phoenix down, mana potion, and Tent. Keep on heading south until you find a bald man. Recruit him to your party and equip him properly. Enter the whirpool to find a chest containing Pilgrimage Ring, a nice ring for Irael. Keep on heading south until you reach a ship. Interact with it to go to another land. Head inside the town.

Talk to the white-haired woman to recruit her to your party. Again, equip her properly. The Song Box that you bought before will give her mana regeneration. Exit the town and head south, to the hole. You'll find another party member.

Head north and open both chests to get Storm Helm and Ring of Fire Resist. There are other chests in the far west in the next room containing ring of protection and Ancients Staff. Follow the path until you see a stair. Head south before using it to reach chests containing elixer of vitality and Shield of the Sky. Return to the stairs and head downstairs. Continue the path until you reach a town. Enter the town.

Talk to the woman in white cap to get a quest. Exit the town and head to the southeast corner of the island. Save before inspecting the flower near the water.

Boss: Sea Dweller
Assign Maduin to cast contagion, pestilence, and life tap.
Assign Irael to cast Double Attack.
Assign Jewel to cast Sinister Sound, battle chant, and curing chords.
Assign Duncan to cast lightning weapon and spam normal attack.

Return to the town and talk to the quest giver. Keep on heading north until you reach a cutscene.

Follow the path, opening all chests to get mana potion, mana potion, mana potion, and Tent. Equip your party members. Follow the path, opening chests containing phoenix down, phoenix down, Tent, Tent, Midas Box, Pluto Relic, The Shroud, and The Seperator, along the way until you reach a blue circle. Step on the circle.

Enter the inn and head to the second floor. Inspect the cupboard next to the bookshelf on the left room to get Colored undergarments. Inspect the bookshelf on the right room to get Tome of Knowledge. Exit the inn and talk to the woman on the southwest corner to recruit her to your party. Buy 1x Innothuhl Stone from the man with red hat on the southeast corner of the town. Enter the building nearby and talk to the guy inside to get a quest. Exit the building.

Head to the pub which is located on the northwest corner of the town. Talk to the black-haired guy that sits on the north side in the table of four to recruit them. Exit the pub and enter the building with a yellowy sign on the northeast. Talk to the woman to recruit her. Exit the building and talk to the black-haired man to the north. He'll craft your Oblivion Shards to The Oblivion Blade. To be honest, I didn't see the shard in my inventory so I don't think you need to have it to get the sword. If you need it, you can get it in the next dungeons. Exit the town.
- The Three Demons
Head southeast until you reach a cave surrounded by mountains. Follow the path, opening the chest along the way to get Steel Stopper, 3000G, Ring of Reprisal, Shade Blade, 2500G, Elixer of Spirit, Elixer of Spirit, Shield of Omens, Brewers Kit, and magnificent defensive ring. The Brewers Kit is an accessory for Almura. Exit the cave.

Keep on heading south until you reach Crimson Sea. Board the ship and head to the northwest exit. Keep on following the path until you reach a town. Talk to the guard near the sign on the east exit to get Nethukos Key. Return to Innothuhl. Just keep on heading north from the previous intersection to reach it.

Head west from the town. Follow the path until you find a cave on the north side. Open all chests inside to get 1000G, Shade Cloak, 1000G, Ring of Fatality, Enchanted Blade of Life, Aegis, 5000G, elixer of strength, elixer of vitality, elixer of magic, and Pandora Pendant. Exit the cave and keep on heading east until you reach a large "town".

Head upstairs. Traverse the east path to reach a chest containing Shadow Katana. Return to the previous intersection and head north. Save before interacting with the boss.

Boss: Ahnjorae
Having 2 healers is recommended. Keep on attacking the boss and make sure you heal your party to full health each turn until you beat the boss.

Use the portal to return to Innothuhl. Head east this time. Keep on following the path until you reach a "town". Enter the "town".

Head to the west path to reach a chest containing Oblivion Plate. Do the same with the east path to reach a chest containing Hot Spurs. Return to the previous intersection and head north. Head either way on the next intersection until you reach a stair. Don't head downstairs yet since there are 2 chests on northwest and northeast corner of the map containing Oblivion Helm and Oblivion Shield. Head downstairs and interact with the boss when you are ready.

Boss: Bethora
Having 2 healers is recommended. The boss deals either AoE attack with DoT effect or a huge damaging, single target damage that bleeds your party member. Assign your tanky party member to use taunt for the single target damage. Focus your healers on healing your party members to max, especially the ones that use taunt.

Strangely, the boss doesn't spawn a portal after you defeat it, so you must return to Innothuhl on foot. Head to the north exit this time from the town. If you somehow stumbled upon Nethukos dungeon, don't enter it yet. We'll get into that later.

If you go to the right path, you'll enter in a forest-like area, Ghahomanep. Follow the path and head east on the intersection to reach a chest containing 1000G, 1000G, and 1000G. Return to the previous intersection and head north. Head west in the previous intersection to reach a chest containing 2000G. Don't head to the west exit; it'll lead you back to Innothuhl. Instead, return to the previous intersection and head north. The west path on the next intersection has a chest containing Staff of Clarity and an exit. Although the exit will lead you to where you're supposed to go, don't go there yet. There's another place we have to go first. Head all the way to the east and then south at the next intersection to reach an exit to Greater Ghahomanep.

Head west to reach a chest containing Water Ring. Return to the previous intersection and head east to reach a chest containing Force of Nature. Again, return to the previous intersection and continue to the north. You'll find a chest containing Enlightened Relic of Protection near the waterfall. The upper path to the east has a chest containing Catwind Pendant. Continue following the path until you reach another intersection. There is nothing on the south path so head north instead. You'll reach a chest containing Angelic Relic of Protection. There's nothing more in this area so exit the area from where you came.

Return to the previous intersection and head north. Exit the area. Yes, this is the same exit as the last one we found earlier. Keep on heading north until you find an exit to the east. Enter the castle.

Explore the current floor before going upstairs and open all chests to get 1500G, 2000G, and Plate of the Sky. Head upstairs. Again, open all chests in this floor to get 2500G and 2500G. Save before heading upstairs since there will be a boss battle.

Boss: Lord Ammon
The boss hits hard, but it has low HP. Just focus on healing while attacking the boss and you should be fine.

Explore the whole floor to open chests containing 5000G and 3000G. Exit the castle. Head west 1 screen, and then continue heading north until you reach a city. There is nothing to do here so just keep on heading north until you enter a castle.

This castle has a similar design as the previous one. Head west to get a chest containing Crimson Cap, east for a chest containing Crimson Coat. Head north after you take both chests and follow either path until you reach a stair. Head upstairs. Save before interacting with the boss.

Boss: Ahzein
Strangely, this boss is weaker than the other two. 1 healer is enough in this battle. The boss will usually cast AoE attack with DoT. The most annoying attack is its silence attack, which might be fatal if your healer got it. But again, the boss doesn't have much HP so you should be defeating it before it becomes problematic.

You'll fight the final boss if you head downstairs, but we still have more things to explore. Return to Innothuhl and keep on heading south until you reach your boat. Remember Orion village? Head that way. It's located to the northeast.
- Nethukos and Demon Father
Head north and talk to the bald guy. Hand him your Colored undergarments for 5000 gold. Strangely, the item doesn't seem to be removed from your inventory afterward. Head north again and talk to the hooded man. You should have 200k gold right now, so give him the money. Enter the house and open all chests at the end of the house to get Gate Keeper Ring, Gate Keeper Ring, and Shield of Ashes. Also, no, you don't need to step on the tiles on the right side - the enemies are too strong for you to beat. Return to Innothuhl.

Enter the cave northwest from the town which will lead to Nethukos Forest. Equip Grim Walkers before stepping on the fire tiles (optional) and head south until you reach a stair. Head downstairs. Feel free to unequip the shoes if you want. Open all chests to get 2500G, Endurance, and elixer of vitality. Continue following the path, opening all chests with elixer of magic, elixer of strength, elixer of speed, 4000G, elixer of vitality, 5000G, 1500G, and Zodiac Staff along the way until you see a monster. Save before initiating the battle.

Boss: Fallen Star
Make sure you have fire resist equipment (Sun Cap, Sun Cloak, Hot Spurs, and Marbled Ring should help a bit if you equip one of them to each of your party members). Your party member can die with a single use of Meteor. If you don't want to, Baron's Resist Elements helps. Heal everyone in your party to full health after each attack. The boss doesn't have much HP so it'll end quickly.

Continue traversing the path, opening all chests on the way to get 7500G, Ninja Blade, 6000G, 6000G, elixer of vitality, Priest Dagger, and 6000G. Make sure you save before you head upstairs from the brown-colored area (lv 9). You'll face a boss battle right after.

Boss: Nethukos
IMO, this boss is way easier than the previous one. Sure, it has higher HP, but it barely deals any damage. As long as you can deal 500+ damage per turn, you should be able to defeat the boss easily.

Open both chests to get Prism Blade and 10000G. Exit the area through the blue portal.

There is actually one more thing you can do, but since it'll require some grinding, you might want to defeat the final boss first. Note that you can't save after you finish the boss so it's up to you whether to do it now or later. If you want to save the final boss for the last, head to Primordial section.

It's time to return to the current quest. Keep on heading north until you reach the place where you fought Ahzein. Head north again after you exit the castle until you reach a ruined castle. Save before heading downstairs after you enter the castle.

Boss: Demon Father
You shouldn't have problem with this boss. His attack is more or less the same as Nethukos with more HP. Unlike Nethukos, he won't keep on spamming the HP drain skill, so you don't have to worry if you somehow can't deal 600+ damage per turn.

Congrats for finishing the game!
- Primordial
There's actually one more thing you can do, but I decided to leave it after the end game (despite you can't save after the game finished) since you need to do some leveling to finish this. Head south from Innothuhl, sticking to the west side until you see an island. Face towards the island and interact with the sea to enter Oasis.

You can rest for 25G by talking to the woman with white bandanna, but our destination is on the cave to the northeast, Cave of Wisdom. Enter the cave.

Open the chest to the west to get Dagger of Wisdom. Return to the previous intersection and head north, then west again on the next intersection to reach a chest containing Cap of Wisdom. Traverse the west path until you hit a dead end, then head south to reach a chest containing Buckler of Wisdom. Go all the way to the north for a chest containing Cloak of Wisdom. Now, return to the previous intersection, head west, then north. Interact with the blue-ish circle and place your Omega Relic in the whirlpool to reach Edge of the World.

Before you continue, it's better if you level up a bit. You can level up in any place that you want, whether it's in Nethukos dungeon, Greater Ghahomanep, Innothuhl, or other places. Level up until you're level 45+. Wisdom gears can boost your EXP, so is Growth Talisman. Go to Galen, the town in Innothuhl, and buy 4-8x Ring of Fire Resist from the accessory shop located in the northwesternmost part of the town (it's somewhat hidden). Once you're ready, return to Edge of the World.

Keep on heading north until you reach a cave. Enter it, save, and interact with the person inside. It's your final test, so make sure you're ready.

Boss: Primordial
The most important point in this fight is to boost your defense. Make sure your party members can survive Meteor and your healers can heal your party members to full each turn. You need to have 50% fire resist (25% if you have Baron in your party) to not die from it. One tank with taunt is needed to direct all of the boss' normal attacks to him. If the boss somehow attacks your other party member and die, you can reset the battle or try to get your attacker to ressurect him/her.

Here's my setup if you need it:
Reinford (lv 46): Prism Blade, Shield of the Sky, Crest of the gods, Plate of the Sky, Angelic Relic of Protection, Ring of Fire Resist
Jewel (lv 45): Priest Dagger, Shield of Omens, Sun Cap, Leviathan, Gate Keeper Ring, The Song Box
Baron (lv 44): Zodiac Staff, Shield of Ashes, Wyrmhide Cap, Wyrmhide Leather, Sage stone, Ring of Fire Resist
Ishaku (lv 44): Blessed Sword, Sky Scraper, balaclavas, Sun Cloak, Ring of Fire Resist, Ring of the King

Here's my strategy with this setup.
On first turn, assign Reinford to cast taunt, Jewel to cast defensive decrescendo, and Baron to cast Resist Elements. Keep Resist Elements up at all times.

The next thing that you have to watch out is Reinford's defense buff. He MUST have defense buff at all times. The easiest way for this is for him to cast Stone Skin, since it lasts longer than defensive decrescendo.

If the boss uses a single target damage on Reinford, his HP should be on the yellow.
If it's lower than 100: assign Reinford to cast unbreakable, Jewel to cast hymn of healing, and Baron to cast Greater Heal on Reinford.
If it's higher than that: assgn Reinford to cast unbreakable and Baron to cast Greater Heal on Reinford. Jewel can cast battle chant to help Ishaku to deal some damage.

If the boss uses Meteor, assign Jewel to cast hymn of healing and Baron to cast White Wind. If Jewel is able to use song of truths, use that instead and assign Baron to use Resist Elements. It's hard to find an opportunity for him to cast this, so do it whenever the buff only has <5 turns left.

If the boss uses the other DoT AoE (I forgot the name), just assign Jewel to cast hymn of healing instead.

Feel free to Spam Ishaku's Double Attack, or his higher version of attacks if you have a lot of TP to spare. Note that Double Attack has lower TP usage than the other two in the long run if you can cast it every turn. If you somehow screwed things up and need MP pots (Baron will most likely run out of MP, but I didn't have to use it), you can assign Ishaku to do it.

Lastly, feel free to cast anything (Reinford with quadra attack or Onslaught, Jewel with battle chant, Baron with Sicken) whenever that party member is free. The boss isn't that hard once you know what to do. Good luck!
It's done! It took me a while to find the last boss, but defeating it wasn't as hard as I think once you know what to do. I was afraid that I had to grind just to beat this boss, but luckily, that wasn't the case.

Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy the game!
4 kommentarer
aquatorrent  [ophavsmand] 15. aug. 2023 kl. 5:08 
@prudenceanne: thank you :)
prudenceanne 15. aug. 2023 kl. 2:57 
great work thanks
aquatorrent  [ophavsmand] 10. jan. 2021 kl. 7:40 
@Shane: you're welcome! Thanks for being active in the discussion thread too. I won't be able to notice the primordial if not from your info ;)
Shane  [udvikler] 10. jan. 2021 kl. 6:34 
Thank you so much for taking the time and putting in all the effort that you did!
This is awesome!