80 ratings
All achievements (explanation)
By Queen
Hello everyone! Achievements in the game are almost all story-driven, so you cannot miss them. But there is one thing for which the guide was made.
Hello everyone! If you want to knock out all the achievements in the game, then you may have a problem only in one case, with the achievement Endangered Species. Otherwise, you will get everything in the course of the game's plot.
Just want to play
Для тех, кто хочет играть и не обращать внимание на руководство, я создал данный раздел. Чтобы получить все достижения за одно прохождени, вам лишь необходимо поболтать с дамой в кресле перед тем как отключить её от аппарата жизнеобеспечения в самом конце игры. Всё. Приятной игры.
All achievements
Chasing Catherine

Visit the Lambda station.


Make an emergency landing at Delta Peak.


Visit the station "Theta".

Plan B

Unsuccessful trying to get "DANBET".

Killed the Dream I Dreamed

Leave Theta Station

A New You

Modify body at Omicron station.

The achievement will drop out as soon as you leave the station in the airlock.

Endangered Species

Meet the last living person on Earth.

The achievement is easy to miss, so before disconnecting the lady from the life support apparatus (at the very end of the game), you need to talk to her.

Your Expressway to the Stars

Get to the Omega Space Cannon.

The End

They are not us!

Answering the Call

Talk to Catherine Chan.
I tried my best while making this guide, so I need your support.
Ezan Okuyan Haham 21 May @ 2:00pm 
whicchones are missable
Tromoko 18 Jan, 2022 @ 10:12am 
niceee finally an easy 100%
Nyakorare 9 Jul, 2021 @ 1:09am 
very helpful since i want to get the achievements since i already finished the game :):steamthis::steamthumbsup:
Meister Chief 26 Dec, 2020 @ 1:30pm 
Nice guide, keep up your work :steamhappy: