Torchlight II

Torchlight II

86 평점
The Double Agent
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7.977 MB
2014년 2월 28일 오전 10시 04분
2018년 8월 19일 오전 6시 23분
변경 사항 36개 ( 보기 )

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The Double Agent

The Double Agent is a new custom class focusing on close combat and tanking. Nobody knows who the Double Agent works for, as he fits the role of a honest duelist as well as that of a dastardly lowlife, when he's not a sword for hire.

The Double Agent does not have a charge bar. Instead, he has a fatigue bar, indicating how much he's straining his body. If the fatigue bar fills to his max, the Double Agent becomes exhausted, moving and attacking very slowly, and unable to perform most skills. To avoid this, the Double Agent has three skills that empty the fatigue bar completely and confer him temporary buffs, proportioned to the amount of fatigue consumed in the process. The more he's willing to risk, the greater the rewards.

The skills trees are as follows:

1 - Duelist
A duelist knows all the techniques needed to slice any enemy in his field of view, regardless of range or armor. Even if it's not a fair one-on-one the Double Agent always has the right skill for any situation.

2 - Mercenary
When someone needs a bodyguard, no one's better than the Double Agent. Shield and armor are brothers in arms and greatly enhance his survivability, but the Double Agent is also crafty and knows a thing or two about alchemy, making the most of all the metal he carries on his shoulders.

3 - Bandit
Don't expect the Double Agent to break his neck just because there are monsters around. He knows some of the most dastardly tricks you could learn in a poorly-lit back alley and he somehow manages to become filthy rich with the least possible effort.

Note on passive effects:

While vanilla Berserkers and Engineers receive 25% less damage by default, the Double Agent only receives 15% less damage. But, to make up for this, he also has a 15% permanent physical armor bonus so having the best physical defense at all times is top priority when playing this class.


This mod adds the following items:
30 new skills
All new particle effects for said skills
Textures for said particle effects
30 new skill icons
Various UI elements
New class icons
New textures for the basic look of the class when no armor is equipped.
3 unique item sets restricted to the Double Agent Class with new textures
1 unique sword with new textures

Usually the fatigue bar takes at least 8-9 seconds to fill even in the worst scenario, But some users reported that their bar fills up in 5 seconds or less. So far I've been unable to replicate the bug even using the best equipment and skills available to the class. To fix these issues I need the exact list of equipment/skills/stats of your characters and the list of mods you're using. If you want to upload your save file somewhere and link it to me that also helps a lot.

My other mods:

The Preacher
A punch-and-magic monk class for close combat and multiplayer assist.

Generic Rewards
Adds standard quest rewards to improve compatibility between classmods.
댓글 80
Durwar 2022년 7월 1일 오후 5시 36분 
@Snowfunk I understand you, I didn't really like the weapon restriction that the skills have in this mod either and I found the skills that reduce fatigue very weak too! so at the time I played, I removed the weapon restrictions and buffed the fatigue skills with the GUTS tool.
Snowfunk 2022년 6월 30일 오후 8시 47분 

Then we have the problem with weapon restrictions, some require an axe, some sword and like a lonely mace skill. And they all exclude each other. Just why...?
You end up with a very limited skill set.

And on top of that, the skills with "flat" damage are more or less useless.

Most custom classes for this game, are just crap unfortunately, random mish-mashes of skills.
But this one is really cool, it has a coherent concept and well made skills.
It just needs some real polish.
Snowfunk 2022년 6월 30일 오후 8시 46분 

I really want to like this class. But it has a lot of problems.

The Fatigue concept is real solid. But it doesn't play well, at all.
You forced to rotate 3 skills, to dump your bar, to not get a 10~ second afk break, where you get stuck in place with nearly all of your skills disabled.

The bar fills way to fast, even with the mastery, sometimes you just fill the last 20 to 25% in a second.

The "dump" skills have awful cast times, you basically need to stop attacking, let go of your mouse to be able to get the damn casts of.
Maybe you can get a lot of cast speed in the end game, but that's not really a solution.
Durwar 2021년 2월 19일 오후 11시 11분 
Void Bubble and Lightning Rod works with greatswords but Steel Dance and Pressure Split doesnt even tho they share the same requirements... it is really a sad because i really wanted to build a GreatSword Wielder :steamsad:
GaviJa 2020년 7월 16일 오전 5시 58분 
Class scales poorly into late game, past NG+, it does absolutely no damage even with 2k strength.
Loser 2019년 11월 12일 오후 1시 33분 
Any build?
Pilgrim of Darkness 💜 2019년 10월 8일 오후 1시 48분 
Just finished the game with this class and it was Awesome ! fatigue bar is a really good idea and works great. Too bad this game has Critical Damage Bonus Cap at 500.
Lone Wolf McQuade 2018년 6월 30일 오전 6시 06분 
First off let me just say this mod is awesome and I think you're the best class modder for this game. I'm not sure if you're interested in updating this anymore, but I went through each skill and noticed a few problems, most of them easy to fix.

1. The Tier 3 bonus for Void Bubble, where the bubbles are supposed to ricochet, doesn't seem to work.

2. The Prismatic Armor affix levels don't scale properly. This is because each of the Affixes 2-15 are missing <BOOL>NOGRAPH:true in each of the Armor Bonus effects (first affix has this). Also the percentages are off for each skill level description.

3. Level 4 for Skull Crusher is bugged because there's no duration set for AFFIX:DUELIST_BONK_NO_KNOCKBACK, making the character always resistant to Knock Back. Also Level 15 is supposed to bypass Stun resistances, but I think that's not working because you made it a second Event Trigger in order to hide its stats, but its being overwritten by the first Event Trigger in the skill.
mrz361tallyman 2018년 4월 26일 오후 5시 03분 
So this is probably my current favorite class thematically in this workshop, Just for the fact that for the most part it's just a "Rough and Tumble" Fighter type rather than a spellcaster. The fact that it's reflected in Fatigue (The Double agent has to actually pace himself so as to not tire out, reflecting on how it's all just fighting skills rather than any type of extra power) and it's also good to get people to practice "meter watching". I did have a bit of trouble recently (Only in the second act sorry to say) But that's more a general problem of misallocating points (something I've had trouble with in these kinds of games sadly) and after bumping up my passives and making sure I had the cutting edge armor and weapons I ended up in a much better state.
Either way, great job, playing it in the Variant modpack now but I'm still subbed to the standalone.
Xaade 2017년 7월 20일 오후 9시 39분 
Most of the skills don't seem to scale with anything. Even focus won't scale the damage. I'm confused.