Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077

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Analysis of all endings
Considering that Cyberpunk 2077 belongs to the RPG genre, it is not surprising that during the game we will have to repeatedly make decisions that affect the development of history. And Cyberpunk 2077 does have several endings - some of them are better than others, there is even one secret one. In total, the passage of the plot takes from 20 to 30 hours, depending on which side quests you are doing. And it is highly recommended to close as many side missions as possible before reaching the point of no return - the Nocturne OP55N1 mission. This is the only way you can see the maximum possible options.

This content contains plot spoilers. Only read this guide if you fully understand that it will reveal the key points of Cyberpunk 2077!
How to unlock all endings in Cyberpunk 2077
As stated above, in order to get the full range of Cyberpunk 2077 endings, you need to complete as many main side missions as possible. For example, to get a "good" ending, you need to complete the Panam Arch.

It is also imperative to have a good relationship with Johnny Silverhand before you get to the Nocturne OP55N1 mission. This requires completing Rogue's side missions and being kind to Johnny - in particular in the scene with the grave.

If you do all of this, you can unlock all the main endings below. However, regardless of the decisions, after completing the game, you can return to Night City to the point of no return to complete the missed missions.
Ending # 1: Trust Arasaka

What is required: Get to the Nocturne OP55N1 mission

Regardless of your relationship with Johnny and the characters in Night City, you can always choose an option and trust Arasaka in the game's final mission. Johnny won't like this, but there are always Omega blockers to silence the ghost in his head.

How events develop in this ending:

You call Hanako, she says that her brother is in custody
Hanako sends a car for V, driven by Anders
While you wait, you can ask Misty to read the Tarot, which opens the last cards in the set
After saving Hanako, you fly to the Arasaka Tower.
Her father is revealed to be alive as an engram.
You take part in the directors' meeting where the father appears
A battle ensues, but Arasaki's son escapes.
Soon the boss appears - Adam Smasher, who once killed Johnny
When you catch Yorinobu, pass it to Hanako
Anders takes him to Mikoshi, where in cyberspace they meet with a disgruntled Johnny
You go back to your body and leave Johnny with the Alt
In the finale, you wake up in the Arasaki space station. Repeating scenes occur until Anders appears with a contract. There are two solutions:

Sign a contract and become a V engram to get a possibly new body in the future.
Refuse and return to Earth, where V is waiting for death for 6 months
Ending # 2: Ask Panamas for Help

What is required: Close the arch of Panama

If you completely closed the Panam Arch, an achievement will appear, and she will offer help, both her own and the clan. Only after that an additional option will open in the final mission. This ending can be called the best, however, it all depends on the perception. Especially when you consider how many people can die in this final.

How events develop in this ending:

You call Panamas and she agrees to infiltrate the Arasaka Tower to get to Mikoshi.
While you wait, Misty can read Tarot, which will reveal the last cards in the set
Panamans are transported to the clan's camp, where the plan of the tunnel under the skyscraper is discussed
Dakota agrees to contact Alt to help in the tower.
Mitch talks about the changes in the Basilisk (tank)
Sol will make you a member of the clan, Panam will give his jacket (good stats)
The next day, you will explore the construction site before climbing into the Basilisk
Here you will find battles both inside and outside the tank before you break into the tunnel
Unfortunately, this is where the first deaths begin
Inside the tunnel, next to the drilling machine, you must tell Mitch to return to the clan in Basilisk
Next, use the drill to penetrate the tower with Sol and Panam.
After a new series of battles until you get to Alt
She will help you deal with the guards and then move on to Mikoshi
There is a battle with Adam Smasher
Unfortunately, Sol dies in the process.
Once in cyberspace with Johnny and Alt, a new solution follows, which depends on the relationship with the ghost

Option 1 - Return to Earth in your body and live the remaining days
Option 2 - let Johnny take the body and stay in cyberspace as part of the Alt
If you choose the option of returning as V, then you will leave Night City with the clan - they know someone who can help with the imminent death. As a bonus, if you have a relationship with Judy before the final mission, she will go with you.

If Johnny is allowed to take the body, he will return to Earth to engage in self-destruction again. There will be mini-quests with him. Ultimately, he too will leave Night City to start from scratch.
Ending # 3: Rely on Johnny and Rogue

What it takes: A great relationship with Johnny is needed

This ending is not available if you have a weak relationship with the Silverhand engram. So it is recommended that you complete side missions to achieve this ending. By choosing this option, Johnny will take control of V's body and you will end the game for him.

How events develop in this ending:

Johnny takes control and you move to Rogue
She agrees to help, makes a plan, and finds help.
Next comes preparation and planning
After Nyx helps to talk to Alt
Next, you, Rogue and Wayland travel to the Arasaka Tower
Along the way, Alt destroys the satellite
Aviacar knocks down security, but you land on one of the floors
Don't forget to find Wayland
Then follow Rogue and enter the security rooms
Install Alt into the system
Next, you need to get to Mikoshi
Adam Smasher will meet on the way
He will kill Rogue, but she will throw a grenade into his armor, and you will get her cannon
Connect with Mikoshi and reunite with V
Once in cyberspace, you can make one of two decisions:

Option 1 - Let Johnny take the body, with V becoming part of the Alt
Option 2 - Return as V, knowing the end is near
Ending # 4: Another Way

What is required: Nothing

If none of this interests you, then there is an alternative - after all, Vic gave you a pistol for a reason. This option appears when you choose the path to the main endings. Johnny will say that this choice is final. If you select it, V will throw the pill away.

This ending is tragic, it leaves no positive afterwords. Everyone you helped will be disappointed in you.

This is essentially a bad ending.
Ending # 5: Secret

What it takes: Excellent relationship with Johnny

This is a positive ending in which no one dies, only Johnny or Vee. It requires you to have a good relationship with Silverhand, so in the campaign and side quests, you need to choose the right decisions that Johnny likes.

To get the ending, you need to respond to the option of the operation with Johnny and Rogue (take the pill that will allow him to take control). But don't choose her! Look between Johnny and the gun until Johnny speaks. It can take up to five minutes, but then you will have to enter the Arasaki skyscraper on your own - but no one will die.

This ending is said to unlock cool content that can be used in the city after completing it.