STAR WARS™ Starfighter™

STAR WARS™ Starfighter™

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Star Wars Starfighter Gold Medal Hard All Missions [WIP]
Por Davido01
This guide shall provide a walkthrough; along with videos; on how to complete all missions on hard with a gold medal proficiency.
Ever wanted to complete all the missions on hard and get the gold medal? This guide shall brief you on how to achieve this, along with videos. :)
Why the Hard Difficulty? Why not Medium Difficulty?
Quite simply, because the hard difficulty will help those playing on hard as well as being more than sufficient for those playing on medium. Plus it gives me an extra challenge. =)
Mission 1: Naboo Proving Grounds

Main Goals:

- Destroy all first Arena Mines
- Destroy all second Canyon Mines
- Destroy Training Droid
- Defeat Essara

Bonus Goals:

- Destory all Bonus Mines
- Complete Mission in under 4 minutes
- Win race against Essara


- My Time in Video: 3:21

Additional Notes:

- You can press A or D to auto-target when searching for the bonus mines when chasing the holographic fighters. This will highlight them for easy dispatchal.

- Do not go through the forcefield UNTIL Essara starts the race. Even if you win but did this, she will just say you cheated. Because you did. :D

- To complete the mission in under 4 minutes just fly as fast as you can to each arena before notification from Essara. As well as shooting the targets before notification when possible. However do not do this for the race with her of course, as explained in the above tip. :)
Mission 2: The Royal Escort

Main Goals:

- Protect the Royal Starship

Bonus Goals:

- Royal Starship takes no hull damage
- Destroy all Merc Daggers in under 1 minute
- Rhys destroys all Merc Dianogas


- My Time in Video: 5:50

Additional Notes:

- Make sure to take out the Dianoga in the first wave, despite her telling you to take out the Daggers. Otherwise you will not get the objective where you have to personally destroy all Merc Dianogas. This one got me first time. :D

- Dispatch the initial Merc Daggers as quickly as possible. Do not hesitiate to use proton torpedoes to quicken the job. Destroying them all in under 1 minute is undoubtedly the hardest bonus goal for this mission. Thankfully you only need 1 minute of mission time to see if you got it or not. :)

- Keep an eye out for Dianogas. You NEED to destroy them all yourself. Use A and D to quickly identify each incoming enemy ship to help you.
Mission 3: Contract Infraction

Main Goals:

- Destroy all Scarab Fighters
- Destroy all Hunter-Seeker Droids
- Defeat Merc Fighters

Bonus Goals:

- Tag all Scarabs
- Complete Mission in under 4 minutes
- Destroy all Merc Fighters


- My Time in Video: 2:45

Additional Notes:

- Tag means to use your secondary weapon. So make sure you use your secondary weapon on each scarab before destroying it.

- You will notice circular droids around the main ship which do not move or do anything. These are some of the hunter-seeker droids that will attempt to destroy you after you intercept the message. Feel free to destroy them while you are destroying the scarabs, will mean a little bit less trouble when dealing with all of the hunter-seeker droids.

- Keep on using tag throughout. It is very useful, allowing your lasers to track targets after being fired. It helps a lot for completing the mission in under 4 minutes as well as destroying the merc fighters before they fly off.
Mission 8: Taking the Offensive

Main Goals:

- Destroy orbiting satellites
- Destroy escaping TF freighters

Bonus Goals:

- Destroying escaping SuperFreighter
- Destroy all TF fighters
- Complete Mission in under 7 minutes


- My Time in Video: 5:45

Additional Notes:

- Save your advanced proton torpedoes for the objectives. They are either stationary or slow moving objectives, meaning they are easy to hit, as well as being fairly durable.
Bonus Mission: Fighter Training

Main Goals:

- Destroy 5 waves of Holo Fighters

Bonus Goals:

- Complete Mission in under 5 minutes
- Complete Mission in under 4 minutes
- Complete Mission in under 3 minutes


- My Time in Video: 2:48

Additional Notes:

- You should save most of your proton torpedoes for the later waves. More units to hit therefore less chance of missing. Will help you complete the mission faster.
Bonus Mission: Ground Attack Training

Main Goals:

- Destroy 10 waves of Holo Units

Bonus Goals:

- Complete Mission in under 6 minutes
- Complete Mission in under 5 minutes
- Complete Mission in under 4 minutes


- My Time in Video: 2:01

Additional Notes:

- Keep on using your energy bombs, especially against clustered targets. And remember that they recharge so you should never have a full load waiting around. You should not have too much trouble getting the bonus goals for this mission.