Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

66 évaluations
Weak Beliefs Balanced - Buffs
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25 févr. 2014 à 6h12
15 mars 2014 à 11h46
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Weak Beliefs Balanced - Buffs

This simple mod makes weaker beliefs stronger - now religion choices are more interesting and balanced, not only 'Tithe' Founder Belief is useful :)

Version 2 uploaded - now Pilgrimage isn't overpowered, text errors for Aurora and Reliquary are repaired.

- God of Craftsmen: +1 production in cities with 3+ citizens -> +2 production
- God of War: faith gain from kills doubled, as well as tile distance from cities
- Sacred Waters: +1 happiness from cities on rivers -> +2 happiness
- Goddess of Love: +1 happiness for cities with population 6+ -> +2 happiness
- Dance of Aurora: +1 faith per non forest tundra tile -> +2 faith
- Religious Settlements: +15% faster border growth -> +35% faster border growth
- Ancestor Worship: +1 culture from shrines -> +2 culture from shrines
- Reliquary: +50 faith boost for great person sacrificed -> +250 faith boost
- Peace Loving: +1 happiness for 8 citizens believing in this religion -> +1 happiness per 4 citizens
- Church Property: +2 gold per city with this religion -> +3 gold
- Initiation Rites: gain 100 gold when city converted -> gain 200 gold when city converted
- Missionary Zeal: missionary conversion strenght +25% -> missionary conversion strenght +50%
- Ceremonial Burial: +1 happiness per two cities believing -> +1 happiness per ONE city believing
- Interfaith Dialogue: +10 science per citizen converted -> +25 science for citizen converted
- Choral Music/Liturgical Drama: bonus culture/faith increased by 1.
35 commentaires
H.PAPA 8 aout 2022 à 21h05 
god of craftsmaen +2 production was too strong
H.PAPA 25 mars 2022 à 9h35 
in sql file I can find this sentence 'UPDATE [Belief_YieldChangePerXForeignFollowers] SET [ForeignFollowers] = 4 WHERE [Type] = 'BELIEF_WORLD_CHURCH';'

but there wasn't other files
Ninja-454 11 déc. 2018 à 23h47 
Text edit:
CTRL + F = strenght
Replace all with strength
Sorry, just wanted to help? :3
Dr. Oz The Great And Powerful 6 oct. 2017 à 13h59 
Dance of Aurora would be better if it provided 1 faith and 1 production.
Drunk Demoman 18 juin 2017 à 15h42 
I never got Tithe, always got the one which gives your units an extra 30 HP heal bonus when next to a city that follows yours Really helps when you're invading or defending, since you get in two turns what would take 4-5 turns without. That and when invading you still get said bonus, so 40 HP instead of 50 when docking a few troops near enemy cities. This belief has saved me SO many troops and probably games.
YearsLate 19 sept. 2016 à 14h05 
The Unique Components mod made Dance of Aurora broken while I played Sweden. +2 faith and +2 science on tundra tiles? Ridiculous. What's more, all that faith with To the Glory of God reformation belief? So many great people it hurts.
Jarms 29 mars 2016 à 3h14 
Dance of Aurora should be +1 faith and +1 production. That would make it similar to a tundra styled Petra. It's balanced by the fact that Petra doesn't work on flood plains, DoA would work on tundra rivers, but not tundra forrest. You can even have the ability taken away from you, and you can't build farms on non-fresh water tundra.

I also agree that Ceremonial Burial and Goddess of Love need a change.
The former should be changed to +2 happiness per 3 cities, whilst the latter should be changed to +2 happiness for cities with population 8+.

Something else I might add is I think Ancestor Worship should be changed to +1 culture from shrines and temples.
margass 5 aout 2015 à 7h34 
Could you buff Holy Warriors? I always found it ridiculous that your first Composite Bowman cost as much as a MIssionary, and the faith inflation gets insane after just like 3+ purchases. I had a game where 1 Longswordsman cost 800 FAITH! TL;DR: It's a really weak ability.
Wiseguy 7 janv. 2015 à 5h32 
Goddess of hunt only says "furs, deer and bison". What about ivory?
Danny 2 déc. 2014 à 5h21 
God of war should be gain faith for every unit killed (not barbs) and cities conquered not following your religion.
It's a god of WAR not defence... :\