Silicon Zeroes

Silicon Zeroes

Achievements Hints & Tips (spoiler free)
由 vapier 制作
Tips for getting all achievements on your own, free of spoilers. It's easy to find guides telling you how to get these, but that's no fun.
Spoiler Free Intro
This guide is meant for people who want to get the achievements without just being told how to do it. Maybe you're stuck and just need a little prodding!

Each section below is made up of a number of tips with each tip individually blocked out. Viewing the first line/tip will only show the first one, not the entire block. The tips start off being a bit vague and increase in detail so that you can get a little help at a time and hopefully discover the rest yourself.

If you're looking for an easy guide for getting each achievement (i.e. "Do X, get Y"), then this won't satisfy you. There are a bunch already posted, so use them instead.

This is roughly organized as you progress through the game if you were to complete/perfect it as you go. That doesn't mean you have to of course.

General tip: if you want to see the name & icon (but not description) of all hidden achievements even if you don't have them, look at the global achievement stats for the game. This works for all games.
Narayana's Tale
Look at the first board for a certain difficult puzzle.
The achievement badge are animal prints in the mud and clue you to which puzzle.
Look at the 'Cows' puzzle.
Beat the 'Cows' puzzle!
You don't need to get a perfect solution.
See the "Puzzle Hints/Tips & Solutions (spoiler free) guide" for help.
Lighting The Spark
Beat the first board.
Follow the arrows!
You don't need to get perfect solutions for any of them.
You only have to beat the 'Increment' puzzle, not all the puzzles on the board.
You don't have to beat 'Stall', 'Rewrite', 'Spares', 'Validation', or 'Cows'. So skip them!
See the "Puzzle Hints/Tips & Solutions (spoiler free) guide" for specific puzzles.
Look at the second board for a certain difficult puzzle.
Look at the 'Threes' puzzle.
Beat the 'Threes' puzzle!
You don't need to get a perfect solution.
See the "Puzzle Hints/Tips & Solutions (spoiler free) guide" for help.
A Fine Product
Look at the second board for a certain difficult puzzle.
Look at the 'Multiply' puzzle.
Beat the 'Multiply' puzzle!
You don't need to get a perfect solution.
See the "Puzzle Hints/Tips & Solutions (spoiler free) guide" for help.
Beat the second board.
Follow the arrows!
You don't need to get perfect solutions for any of them.
You only have to beat the 'Arith CPU' puzzle, not all the puzzles on the board.
You don't have to beat 'Alternator', 'Threes', 'Multiply', or 'Fastcount'. So skip them!
See the "Puzzle Hints/Tips & Solutions (spoiler free) guide" for specific puzzles.
Beat the game.
You don't need to complete all puzzles.
You don't need to complete all boards.
You don't need any perfect solutions.
Get the 'Lighting The Spark' achievement first ...
Get the 'Fame' achievement next ...
Now just look at the third board ...
You only have to beat the 'Delay CPU' puzzle, not all the puzzles on the third board.
You don't have to beat 'Maze', 'Combiner', 'Swap', 'Copier', or 'Products'. So skip them!
Ignore the ⭐ board entirely!
See the "Puzzle Hints/Tips & Solutions (spoiler free) guide" for specific puzzles.
Ne Plus Ultra?
Beat a 'Goal' score.
When you complete a puzzle, look at the summary page.
You only need to get this once.
Notice the different Current/Best/Goal module scores?
Is your "Best" smaller than "Goal"? It needs to be :).
You can technically attain this any time, but it's "easier" with the more complicated puzzles that have higher Goal module counts.
After you've completed a puzzle, look at the online module scores (the bar graph icon to the right of the Current/Best/Goal module scores). If no one has a solution with a smaller module count than the Goal, then it's unlikely you'll find one either :). So look for puzzles that have a lot of people finding solutions smaller than the Goal and give that one a try yourself!
For puzzles that have module & mTick Goals, you only have to beat one. They're considered completely independently.
Puzzles you can ignore (no solutions smaller than Goal):
- All ⭐ or ⭐⭐ puzzles on board 1.
- All ⭐ or ⭐⭐ or ⭐⭐⭐ puzzles on board 2.
- All ⭐ or ⭐⭐ puzzles on board 3, and most ⭐⭐⭐ puzzles.
- All ⭐ or ⭐⭐ puzzles on board ⭐.

Ones with confirmed solutions smaller than Goal:
- 'Cows' (9 out of 10)
- 'Multiply' (17 out of 18)
- 'Swap' (6 out of 7)
- 'Products' (8 out of 9)
- 'Odds' (15 out of 16)
- 'Divide' (21 out of 22)
- 'Greater' (16 out of 17)
- 'Keypad' (14 out of 16)
- Many on Board 4: Sam.
- 'Silicon Zeroes' (14 out of 15)

See the "Puzzle Hints/Tips & Solutions (spoiler free) guide" for specific puzzles (especially 'Keypad').
Three More Things...
Look at the ⭐ board for a certain difficult puzzle.
Look at the 'Faux-Reg' puzzle!
Complete this puzzle once normally first.
After you've completed the puzzle, go back in and look at the description.
Beat the 'Faux-Reg' puzzle variants 1, 2, and 3.
You don't need to get a perfect solution (Goal) for any of them.
The description lists additional variants with different constraints that you need to beat. It will track your progress with (done) markers for you so you can re-use the current board.
See the "Puzzle Hints/Tips & Solutions (spoiler free) guide" for help.
Senior Engineer
Beat all puzzles in the game.
When you beat a puzzle, the name will be crossed out on the board.
You don't need to get perfect solutions for all puzzles.
There are 74 puzzles total you have to beat -- if you look at your achievement progress, it'll show your overall status.
⠂Board 1: 17 puzzles.
⠆Board 2: 17 puzzles.
⠇Board 3: 16 puzzles.
Board ⭐: 13 puzzles.
⠶Board 4: 11 puzzles.
You don't need to get get 'Hidden achievement #1'.
You can skip the board ⭐ (secrets side) puzzles.
See the "Puzzle Hints/Tips & Solutions (spoiler free) guide" for specific puzzles.
Get perfect solutions to all puzzles in the game.
When you perfect a solution, the name will be crossed out with a + to its upper right. You probably already have a number of these in the first board.
Tip: once you perfect all puzzles on a particular board, the tab at the bottom sparkles slightly. This might help when flipping between to find the last few puzzles you haven't fully solved.
"Perfect" == "your solution meets the Goal score". Solve a puzzle and make sure your "Best" is not larger than the "Goal" module count.
For puzzles with two Goals (module count & mTick count), you don't need a single solution to pass both Goals simultaneously to get credit. (Although there always is one solution that'll hit both Goals at once.)
If you come up with a solution that hits the module Goal but exceeds the mTick Goal, and a different solution that exceeds the module Goal but hits the mTick Goal, you'll get credit for finding a perfect solution to the puzzle.

There are 74 puzzles total you have to beat -- if you look at your achievement progress, it'll show your overall status.
⠂Board 1: 17 puzzles.
⠆Board 2: 17 puzzles.
⠇Board 3: 16 puzzles.
Board ⭐: 13 puzzles.
⠶Board 4: 11 puzzles.
You don't need to get get 'Hidden achievement #1'.
You can skip the board ⭐ (secrets side) puzzles.
See the "Puzzle Hints/Tips & Solutions (spoiler free) guide" for specific puzzles.
Hidden achievement #1
Prerequisite: Get the 'Fame' achievement first.
Title: Credit Where Credit Is Due
Emphasis on 'Credit' in the achievement description. Where do you often find them in games?
When looking at board ⭐ (the fourth board you unlock), do you see a clue there?
You don't have to beat the whole game in order to view them first ...
Go to the main menu (press escape many times).
Look at Extras.
Look at Credits at the bottom of the expanded menu on the right.
Check out all the cool modules and then some.
Look at the achievement badge for another tip as to what you have to do.
Remember the clue from the board ⭐?
As you move around the board, pay attention to the minimap in the upper right. Does it behave differently in some places?
Zoom out to be able to see the modules easier while panning around.
Maybe look around the corners of the credits ...
Are the edges of the minimap the edges of the board?
Pan all the way to the upper right.
Click the lone module that says 'Click me.'.
Congrats: you've earned 'Find the secret board.'.
Tip: You don't have to keep going to the menu->credits to access the secret board. Go to board ⭐ and click 'Secrets' in the bottom middle where the clue used to be.
Hidden achievement #2
Prerequisite: Earn 'Wealth' achievement first.
Title: Hope
First you got the 'Lighting The Spark' achievement ...
Then you got the 'Wealth' achievement ...
Now keep cranking on the puzzles ...
Focus on ⠶Board 4: Sam.
You'll need to beat the 'Finale' puzzle.
Congrats: you've earned 'Beat the final ending.'.
See the "Puzzle Hints/Tips & Solutions (spoiler free) guide" for specific puzzles.
Hidden achievement #3
Prerequisite: Earn 'Hidden achievement #1' first.
Title: Stellar Achievement
Beat the boards you just unlocked from 'Hidden achievement #1'. That's pretty much it.
Go to the board ⭐ and select 'Secrets'.
Beat those 3 puzzles.
Beat 'Reverse', then 'Silicon Zeroes', and then finally 'Cipher'.
Congrats: you've earned 'Beat the secret board.'.
NB: You don't have to get perfect solutions to any of these boards, just beat them.
See the "Puzzle Hints/Tips & Solutions (spoiler free) guide" for specific puzzles.