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Getting photos to work, hopefully
De Lykøs
Getting photos to count in Phasmophobia can be hit or miss but this "guide" is here to at the very least give you an idea how to get them to show as evidence or interactions.
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Pretty basic and very easy to get these to count in the journal, so easy in fact you can get them by accident. If you or a teammate has a UV light (or glowstick but who uses those?) and sees fingerprints on a door, light switch or window just take a picture from a foot or so away and boom photo of fingerprints. If you know where or think you know where they are you don't even need to see them for it to count.
Ouija Board
Ouija boards have about a 20% to spawn and I found that the most reliable way to get a photo is to move it to something like a cleared table or counter top and take a fairly close photo. Apparently there is also a glitch that allows you to take a photo of the computer in the van at an angle that counts a Ouija board photo only if one is currently on the map, I have no idea if it still works so try it of you want.
I have seen many people struggle to get photos of bodies to count and its seems like they have a low priority when it comes to getting them to count. The most reliable way I found to to first find where the person "originally died" this is easy to find out as they drop all of their equipment when they died. Once you find the spot take a few steps back and take a photo with the body and the spot they died in the same shot. It sounds odd and it is but it seems something in the game makes it recognize the location they died and not the body itself. Also taking a photo of a body may lead to you getting footprints instead, it happens to me often.
Interactions are fairly easy. It could be a salt pile that has been recently walked through, a book with writing, voodoo dolls at either farmhouse or a object rolling / being tossed. Interactions tend to have more room for error and some pictures can and will count as interaction for seeming no reason including but not limited to someone being choked to death, a dead body after said choking and the ghost itself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Footprints seems, at least for me, to be more up to the game then it is up to you. While getting footprints only takes a few salt piles and 1 or 2 UV lights on the ground getting the photo of them is a whole different matter. You can get a photo when you least expect it especially when you try to take a photo of something on the ground like a body. From my experience taking a photo of footprints going in a straight line yields the best results. Sometimes the ghost will walk in place and while you can try to take a photo of that I can't say if it will work. Also footprints is not the same as fingerprints. One is evidence and the other is a opportunity to yell "We got toes!"
Find bone, take photo of bone, pick up bone, in that order. Easy.
Ghost are like celebrities, some are easy to work with and others will try to kill you before you can take their picture. The hardest part is getting the ghost to show itself long enough to get a photo but if the ghost is just vibin and letting you take a photo why not get 1 or 2 more and thank it for being kind. Even if you only see a part of it or someone is standing in front of you like a lump on a log take the photo anyways, most of the time is will still count.
Dirty Water
Dirty water is what happens when the ghost has enough decency to waste its foul, disgusting hands in a sink before it strangles you, little miracles I guess. Just walk up to a sink with dirty water and take a photo of it, you can really screw this on up unless you really try.
That's it
You did it, you can now take photos of stuff in a ghost game! Full disclosure the game can be janky when it comes to photos, some will be a one and done while other photos will refuse to be what you want. Remember to check your journal is a safe spot and take the camera out of you hand before you do so. I hope this lousy "guide" helps someone.

Ok see ya.