Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate

Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate

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Grinding for Stronger Equipment
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How and Where to Grind.
With some tips & tricks to lessen the grind.
  • Grind on Merchant's Hideout
  • Climb tower and defeat God (if you haven't)
Before We Begin
If Steam Cloud (Steam > Settings > Cloud) has been enabled, remember to back up your data
:\Steam\userdata\[Your SteamID]\1178790\remote

To prevent accidental throwing:
Other > Options > Dungeon Settings 1 > Confirm Direction: "Yes"

If there's anything you don't understand, please refer to: if you can read Japanese
Grinding on Tower of the Past
When Jirokichi faints, the stairs teleport you back to the village.
You can let a monster defeat him (a risky strategy) or
Use item to damage him (e.g. Dragon Grass, 4-2-8 Pot, Electric Staff)

We're looking for two Bracelets here, Monster and Item Detector.
Because bracelets are unidentified, we can guess by equipping / looking at the sale price.
On the Tower, Bracelets with 5000G price can only be the Detector Bracelets.

I recommend stopping on 2F for the first time.
On 3F, there lives a Rabbit with a Hat called Fearabbit.
Fearabbit can pulls you and monsters in the same room to its side.

Once you have both Detectors, you can:
Grind some more for Pots (Preservation, Synthesis, Presto) or
Grind on Merchant's Hideout instead.

Don't forget your exit items (Escape Scroll or Undo Grass) before going to Merchant's Hideout.
I prefer Revival Grass & Escape Scroll instead of Undo Grass to save my points.
Using Presto Pot in the Warehouse gives either Onigiri or Escape Scroll.
Revival Grass can be gotten from Explosion Rocks.

An alternative to both Detectors is the Scout Bracelet.
Exchange 10k (Ten thousand) points for it or
Find it on The Pinnacle (Bonus Dungeon).
Don't finish this 10F Dungeon if you didn't find it! (next clear is 99F)

The theme of this bonus dungeon is Escape. Some Tips:
On hallway, Monster travels straight.
Stay 1 tile away from the intersection / entrance to avoid being spotted.
If the way is blocked, Monster will reverse direction. Plan your route.

Can. Arm Bracelet is very efficient when the monsters form a line.
Always keep a minimum distance of 10 tiles vertically with Moseal.
When not possible, use item (swap staff, hide pot, etc) to bypass it.
Merchant's Hideout
Merchant's Hideout is a bonus dungeon found in the Dungeon Center at Nekomaneki Village.
The drops in this dungeon are either Equipment (Sword/Shield/Bracelet) or Pot.
Some of the drops are rare or can't be found in the Tower.
Merchant room is frequent and sells Consumables (Food, Grass, Scroll, Staff, Talisman).
You can also bring items to this dungeon.

Synthesis Pot is common and Mixer spawns early on 8-10F.
I usually ends my run early on 10-15F because of the abundance of items I'd get.
Going deeper, the difficulty spikes considerably and the drop starts to be fewer.

The downside is items are unidentified.
You could get an Identify Bracelet by:
Saving 500k (Five hundred thousand) in the Bank or
Clearing the Trapper's Sandbox.

Tips to clear the 10F Trapper's Sandbox:
Help the Mamel levels up to Pit/Gitan Mamel then defeat it with traps.
Escape > Disable > Fight (unless you can one-hit all the monsters).
Some traps are great. Decay, Onigiri + Explosion, Gauge Blind, Pit, etc.
Items to keep
If you're still climbing the tower, I recommend these runes on your equipment

Dull Gold Edge (Rustproof. Alternative: Plating Scroll or Plating NPC)
Water Cutter (Anti-Aquatic) or Desert Scroll
Sky Splitter (Anti-Floating) or Warp Grass
Copper Cleaver (Anti-Metal) or Iron Arrow
Drain Dagger (Anti-Drain) or Antidote Grass
Lizard Lasher (Anti-Dragon) or Dragon Grass
Nap Rattle (Sedating) or Sleepy Grass

Gold Shield (Rustproof. Alternative: Plating Scroll or Plating NPC)
Blast Shield (Anti Blast. Reduces Explosion Damage by 50%)
Lock Shield (Anti Theft)
Day Shield (Diurnal. 25% less damage from day monsters, but 50% more from night monster)
Swap Shield (Magi-Twister. Magic Bullet deals 10 damage to you instead)
Snake Shield (Anti Fire) or Dragon Grass
Gyadon Blocker (Anti Peck)

Blessing Pot & Extraction Scroll

Blessing Pot blesses the item put inside.
Extraction Scroll pulls out the item inside (and drops it on the floor).
When a blessed Scroll is read, the blessing disappears but you can read it again.
(If blessed Extraction is read, the scroll is still used up but the extracted items are blessed)
We can use this trick on Fate/Earth Scrolls for faster upgrade.

For efficiency, we'll use Pot God Scroll to increase the capacity to 5.
We'll also need Blank Scrolls (through Point or License Shop) to make Extraction Scroll.
(License can turn into Blank when you advance from the floor which spawns that monster)

For Shield:
Explosion Bracelet, Fort. Staff, Immunity Scroll (Anti-Blast*)
*Same name but stronger effect (immune to Explosion Damage)

For Weapon:
Explosion Bracelet, Oil Scroll, Upgrade Seed (Blue Flame)
Lost Scroll (Bored)
Sharing Staff (Dispersing)

For Both:
Cheery Grass (Enhancing)
Herb, Otogiriso, Heal Grass, Life Grass (Lively, Uplifting*, Vitalizing, Energizing)
*Uplifting rune can be skipped if you're leveling Bladite or Red Blade type

For mixing different type of item, you need to use the Mixer monster.
(at least Mixergon or its Dark variant or a Mixer fed with 2 Stomach Expander)
How much should I grind for the story Boss?
The more the better to ensure you survive the climb.
We'll mostly rely on buff Grass (Swift, Invincible, Power Up) to defeat the Boss.

The Reeva Statue has 600 HP and cures status effect after a turn.
It starts the battle accompanied by 2 Gyaza and 2 Shagga.
This fight is relatively easy if you have the right tool.

Gyaza can be defeated by throwing 4-2-8 Pot and Shagga can be disabled with Paralyze Staff.
(Leave a Shagga alive so Reeva can't summon more of them)
Waste Reeva's turn by inflicting status (Paralyze/Slow Staff, Slumber/Confusion Scroll)

The Great Reeva Statue has 1200 HP and can reflects projectiles & thrown items now.
(You could still damage it with Dragon Grass but your sword should be the damage dealer now)
It starts the battle by stripping your equipment, so chew on Swift and equip them again.
Chew on Invincible and Power Up then hit it until it crumbles.

Unlike the first fight, letting this drag on would just hurt you more.
lightning bolts hit everybody and hit hard, leaving your allies in critical condition.
It summons up to 4 Sky Dragons to surround you.
It also summons gust and shockwave that knocks you back.
Tricks to learn (Blessed Scroll, 1-Floor Dungeon, Fever Pot, Rescue Password)
Blessed Scroll (Blessing Pot + Extraction Scroll loop)
You can read a blessed scroll (except Extraction) twice
For a blessed Extraction, it blesses the items instead
Make sure 5 tiles are open around Shiren because the extracted items drop in a + layout
  1. Put Scrolls in Blessing Pot
  2. Read Extraction Scroll, choose Blessing Pot
  3. Read the extracted scrolls once
  4. Back to 1
What if you don't have Blessing Pot yet? Bless the Extraction Scrolls first
  • Put Extraction Scrolls in Preservation Pot
  • Use a Blessing Scroll on another Extraction Scroll
  • Read Extraction Scroll, chose Preservation Pot

1-Floor Dungeon (Wanderer Awaiting for Rescue)
Certain Dungeons allow you to send Rescue Request when you collapse
While waiting for rescue, you can play post-game/bonus dungeons you've gone to
Normally, the number of floors to clear the dungeon is based on your best attempt
But for these certain dungeons, the floor number is the floor you collapse on
  1. Let yourself be defeated on the first floor then ask for assistance
  2. Back on the main menu, choose Waiting for rescue > Wanderer awaiting for rescue
  3. Talk to the rescuer/dungeon center's lady and choose that Dungeon again
  4. Remember to store/sell the items you get before returning to main menu
  5. Cancel the rescue request to return to Hotel Nekomaneki

Fever Pot (Item Duplication)
Put in items with the same name until it's filled to shatter it and double the items
can be found in Pitfall of Life

Rescue Password
They grind so you don't have to
Other Things to Grind for (Points, Blank Scroll, etc.)
For more details

Trap-generating Items (Trap Bracelet, Trap Scroll)

Blank Scroll
Collecting Monster Licenses on Gen's Turf (post-game Dungeon)

Synthesis Pot
1F Pitfall of Life (post-game)

Projectiles (Arrows & Rocks)
1F Lost Well (post-game) with Dodger Pot (Knockback Arrow)
1F Bladeless Wasteland (Wooden Arrow & Rock)

Equipment Upgrade
Blessed Fate, Earth, and Extraction Scrolls
(Use Blessing Pot to skip Blessing the Extraction Scrolls)

Equipment Level
Blessed Gambler's Scrolls and Extraction Scrolls.
(Use Blessing Pot to skip Blessing the Extraction Scrolls)

Coupon Scroll (Tanuki Password: Coupon) and high-value items in Pots
(I recommend doing this last)
Grinding for Points
By equipping Trap Bracelet, it's possible to generate new trap
The first and second floor of Destiny Trail can only generate Point Switch trap
It's only 10 points and time consuming but easy to collect
The limit of generated trap is 64 so step on those traps periodically

The turn limit is 2000 per floor
The game will warn you when you have 300 turns left
  • You feel the wind picking up (1st warning)
  • The wind blows harder (2nd warning. 200 turns left)
  • The wind gust vigorously! (3rd final warning. 100 turns left)
You can find Trap Bracelet in Merchant's Hideout
Grinding for Blank Scroll
When you're saving up Points for something else, get some Monster Licenses
License can turn into Blank Scroll when you advance from the floor which spawns that monster

We can buy one for 5000G at the License Shop or
Make some in Gen's Turf (post-game dungeon) if they don't sell the right license
If money is not a problem, it's faster to just refresh the merchant's list
(by entering Destiny Trail and choosing Abandon Adventure option or shortcut)

Ideally, you bring licenses while doing Point Grind in Destiny Trail
(We mostly want Mamel, Sproutant, Seedie, and Colum License)
If you're doing both, you might want to change the walk speed to "Fast"
(Other > Options > Dungeon Settings 1 > Walk: Fast)

To unlock Gen's Turf, go to Gen's House and check the sparkle.
Grinding for Synthesis Pot
1F Pitfall of Life
When you enter this dungeon, you're given a Synthesis Pot
Use the "Wanderer awaiting for rescue" feature

To unlock this post-game dungeon, clear Tower of Miracles with Kojirouta as your ally
then return to his house
Grinding for Projectiles (Arrows & Rocks)
1F Bladeless Wasteland
When you enter this dungeon, you're given 20 Wood Arrows & Rocks
Use the "Wanderer awaiting for rescue" feature

It's one of the new Bonus Dungeons and available from the beginning
You get 10 David's Bullets for clearing it (now you don't need to wish for it in Inori Cave)

Lost Well
Bring Dodger Pot to collect Knockback Arrow from Strong Cart
Be quick (day/night cycle) and be strong (+40 Equipment)

to unlock this post-game dungeon, go to Sparrow's Inn
Grinding for Equipment Upgrade
Blessed Fate/Earth Scrolls
The scrolls can be read in the warehouse.

Underground Manor (Bonus Dungeon) District 4
Clearing this dungeon allows you to bring home 4 items (excluding pot)
Although you can't bring items in, it's a relatively-easy 10F dungeon
The items are unidentified but they're the positive effect type
The hallways are lit, making it easy to spot monsters and plan your escape

District 4 (31 - 40F) gives you Dotanuki+8 & Wolfshead+10 as starting equipment
The equipment level is 4, so they have decent rune count and can be used as storage

Latter Districts gives you the Shoddy set with high upgrade count (District 10 gives you +27)
I don't recommend doing these solely for the equipment. Too much work, in my opinion
The Shoddy set has innate rune Expendable (upgrade count decrease by 1 per hit)
If your main equipment have available rune slot as you meld it?
You just wasted your time to pay a visit to the Hermit Blacksmith
Grinding for Equipment Level
Gambler's Scroll
When you read Gambler's Scroll in the warehouse, nothing happens
When you read it in the dungeon, it has 7 possible effects:
  • +1 Equipment Level for Equipment in Inventory (excluding items in pots)
  • Extinction Scroll to random Monster (vanishes and can't spawn)
  • Big Explosion (sets your HP to 1 and destroys items within 1 tile)
  • Bankruptcy Scroll (lose all Gitan)
  • Swift Grass to Monsters (double speed)
  • Gain 10 levels
  • Warp 5 floors

If you want to complete the Item Book, use this to lessen the grind
We will do this on Destiny Trail 5F (last floor so the Warp has no effect)
You should already be familiar with the Blessing Pot + Extraction Scroll method

I would bring:
Balance Staff, Trap Deletion Scroll, Escape Scroll or Undo Grass
Shield with Anti-Blast Rune or Zen Pot
Blessing Pot (filled with Gambler's Scroll)
20+ Blank Scrolls (written as Extraction Scroll)
32 Equipment

For convenience, I only level 16 equipment at once
(The remaining 8 slots are Shield, Blessing Pot, Pot with Blank Scrolls, and 5 Gambler's Scrolls)

"What if I just want to level this one set?"
  1. Find a small floor layout with Dagger Bee
  2. Eat a Blessed Upgrade Seed
  3. Equip Monster Summoner Bracelet(s)

Another method is using Flamebird and Pop Tank family. Quick but elaborate
Finding both, having strong (40+) equipment, and low enemy count (there's a limit of 19)
Anti-Blast (the immune one) for Pop Tank, and Anti-Floating for Flamebird
Tri-Direction and Healing to farm efficiently and to avoid dying
2 comentarios
Spacestone29 6 JUN 2023 a las 11:10 a. m. 
explosion rocks is a really good way to grind fate/earth scrolls, just do the easiest diff and in 2 mins youve completed it with abt 4 fate/earth scrolls.
Ryutaa 15 DIC 2020 a las 8:54 a. m. 
I have a good tip for you. Go in the Underground Manor in the Dungeon center, the one where you do the dungeon in slice of 10 floors at a time.

Of the early floor gives up +10 weapons right off the bat. The dungeon being very easy to beat by just running away will give you material to synthetize the bonus to your main weapon.

The 90-99 floor gives you disposable sword and shields with a +30 bonuses, If you are lucky you could escape with an intact sword and get a +27 bonus to meld. Just remember to remove the rune where it says that your weapon will break over time.