Scrap Mechanic

Scrap Mechanic

The Megalithic Mechanic - a Scrap Mechanic Survival farm defense idea
"Bots and I share one thing; neither of us can break large rocks with our hammers or pitchforks. I build a bridge too far and use large rocks to create an invincible wall as farm defense against haybot and totebot raids in Scrap Mechanic Survival.

0:00 Some Bots Chop
0:43 A Small Rock Garden
1:12 Building A Bridge
2:55 Explosive Mining
4:15 Shifting Rocks Around
5:24 Building Stonehenge
6:40 The Moment Of Truth"
Johnathan Raymaker  [author] 21 Dec, 2020 @ 10:58am 
The jury is out about trees. I remember that bots of all sizes could get through a big one once it was laying on the ground. But recently they seem to be hacking at them forever. So im not sure anymore...
Eeveebob 20 Dec, 2020 @ 2:11pm 
whatabout treees
Veteranov 12 Dec, 2020 @ 2:07pm 
metall 2 lvl and wood 3 lvl can also succesfully protect you and your farm actually ; farmbot does not counteract of course ))