Over the Alps

Over the Alps

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King of the Mountain (aka Annie) Achievement Guide (Spoilers)
By NS Plover
A work in progress for how to get the achievements in King of the mountain. If anyone knows how to get the achievements I don't know (at this point Iron Maiden), please add a comment and I'll update.

Stamp Description
Blue Snowflake
control composure precision calculation
Orange Fox
devious wiles
Pink Dove
conviction courage
Purple Mask
poise timing aloof
Red Swords
grit stubbornness
Yellow Profile
appeasement charisma charm

Each time you use a stamp, you improve your usage (or ability) of that characteristic. This in turn may give you different outcomes when choosing a response for that stamp or responding to a test identified with that stamp. This may also be specific to the individual the stamp was used on (and the number of times that stamp was used on the same individual)...
It seems to me that usage of the Orange Fox stamp may be associated with the ability to pick locks. I'm not 100% sure, but I had one play through where I didn't use many of the Orange choices and I didn't get the option to pick the lock that happens in several locations.
At this time these are unordered:

A Woman of the world
I think this may be unmissable. I got this during the opening sequence before the first actual location. I don't know if it matters but my choices were Blue Snowflake (only choice), Yellow Profile, Orange Fox, Orange Fox.

Meet Fischer
unmissable I think - but in case it isn't, it popped up for me when I went to bump into Fisher at the hotel bar in Bern.

Pet the Dog
When in the vehicle with Rolf, pet his dog

Left to the Wolves
At the ? location Fraulein Wolff should go to get Fisher, I think you also need to shoot her

She Follows
In the first location Bienne - Click on the car before the building.

The Old Switcheroo
At the end, choose the text about having the real suitcase. Obviously you can't have lost the suitcase to get this one...

Mission Accomplished
This is for handing over the manila folder to your handler in Zurich (near the end of the game).

Femme Fatale
At the first hotel (Bern), meet Fisher at the bar, have drinks (if it matters I had French 57), have more drinks then drag him back to the room

A Blistering Performance
I dont know if these are important but they may effect the choices you get
I made sure to read the dossier on the way to Bienne
I choose "He sounds like Fun" when hearing about Fisher in Bienne
I listened to the wall in Bern
I picked the lock to his room
Left the room to bump into him in the bar (Meet Fisher achievement triggered here)
Had a French 75
And another and another
Dragged Fisher back to my hotel room(Femme Fatale achievement triggered here)
He was absent when I woke but but left an invitation
Meet him at the boat / flirt and dont talk about business
When the Polizei loom get a little help from Fisher then go back to your room
Avoid business
On the way to the Grand Prix
I choose the "Down the Street" route then the Blue Snowflake (I followed...) choice.
At the Grand Prix (the sections in bold may be the only ones required):

Pink Dove "Thanks to the dossier"
Then Orange Fox "slipped past the cordon"
Then Purple Mask "Feigned a Swoon"
Then Yellow Profile "I could help"
Then Orange Fox "If he knew he was disqualified"
Then Red Swords "I'm taking the car"
Then Yellow Profile "The Green Flag Flew"
Then Blue Snowflake "Stop Being Silly"
Then Yellow Profile "Accidentally Competing in Grand Prix"
Then Arrows with a Yellow background "I dropped back"
Then Yellow Profile "I whooped"
Then Arrows with a Yellow background "Suspecting a trap"
Then Arrows with a Blue background "I headed straight for the inside"

At this point the A Blistering Performance achievement dropped.

Feeling Lucky
This happens at the ? location when you get the gun Fraulein Wolff thought was empty but it has 6 chambers instead of 5.

The Peoples Triumph
At Interlaken, let the Russian get away with the documents. Not compatible with getting The Saboteur in the same playthrough. I'm not sure if you need to have picked Fishers lock in Bern to be able to pick this lock...
Click on Hotel - not seaplane
Yellow Profile I had to admit she was good...
Orange Fox I half expected...
Orange Fox I wondered how honest...
Orange Fox After that everything happened very quickly...
Blue Snowflake I raised an eyebrow...
Red Swords I raised my hands...
Red Swords My muscles tensed...
Purple Mask She Hadn't noticed...
Orange Fox Had to keep her talking...
Yellow Profile Fraulein how do you manage...
Red Swords She toppled wonderfully...
Purple Mask I can't believe...
Orange Fox I picked the lock...
Yellow Profile My name is...
Orange Fox I glanced down...
Blue Snowflake As far as I was concerned...
Click on seaplane

The Elusive Shadow
Don't get caught by the police

The Saboteur
At Interlaken, go to the seaplane before going to the hotel (I talked the fisherman into lending us a rowboat for free), knock on the door, threw the man into the water, searched the coat pocket and then the documents on the chair, showed the photograph to Fraulein Wolff.

In You Go
I think you have to have met (or seen) the Fraulein prior to the party for these options to become available. During the pre-Grand Prix party on the boat at Aare, approach Fraulein Wolff, curl mouth, ask why she was here, ask name (may not have to do this if you already know), say drop the act, wait for her to play her hand, smile and give her a good hard shove

Money-Back Guarantee
Don't spend money from the briefcase for bribing people etc. Don't give the briefcase to Fisher. I think I had to listen to the wall in the hotel in Bern and then pick the lock to his room to get enough mistrust that I had options not to give him some level of money... I added a section with my notes for this (it was too long to add to this section).

The Common Cold
I believe that you have to be exposed to water, rain or cold multiple times. It pops near the end when you are in Zurich. I added a section with my notes for how I got this...

Iron Maiden

Stop Shooting At Me!
You have to be shot at twice. The first place I found was at Interlaken, go to the hotel before the seaplane, when the Russian runs with the documents, chase him, leap after his boat and punch his henchman. There should be a Purple Mask with text like "A bullet left a 3 inch..." somewhere shortly after that, choose it. In the same play through at Grimsel Pass, go to the wrecked car by yourself leaving the Fraulein to watch, choices "No Body", "Could be Fischer", "I told him exactly...", "I don't want to murder him". I think you have to have made fewer Yellow Profile choices to get the achievement (possibly if you have too much charisma Rolf won't shoot at you).
If you feel like a conversation is going wrong, try doing a Save and Quit followed by a Continue. Often you get to redo quite a large portion of it. If you don't have save and quit available at that point doing an end task on the overthealps process and then starting the game and continuing usually has the same effect.

The bad side effect of this is that if you actually want to save and quit - you might not find yourself where you thought you should be (and have to redo things).

If you actually want to save and quit, the safest place is when you start a new location.
Money Back Guarantee Walkthrough
These are some notes about the exact choices I did to get this achievement. There may be other routes to get it as well - and during the race it may tell you that money is coming out of a car - but it doesn't seem to be the money from the briefcase...

Blue Snowflake First of All…
Orange Fox I assume you and Control…
Orange Fox I'm fairly sure I can trust you…
Purple Mask It's presumably vital…
Pink Dove But I've done as much…
Blue Snowflake Don't worry…
Purple Mask It sounds like the French word…
Pink Dove Do you think…pretzel… touch car
Orange Fox I needed to confirm…
Yellow Profile First things…buy that pretzel
Orange Fox Slipped into convenient…
Blue Snowflake I waited until my tail… click door
Orange Fox I was woken…swansong
Yellow Profile I offered him a pretzel
Pink Dove He took me through the Bern…
Pink Dove All in the dossier…
Yellow Profile He sounds quite fun
Orange Fox we wouldn't want that
Red Swords Whats in there?
Green Briefcase I took the briefcase
Blue Snowflake I decided not to mention..
Orange Fox I even switched buses...
Yellow Profile I stopped for a quick drink…
Orange Fox I asked the barman…
Orange Fox First…press an ear against the wall
Orange Fox While…I picked his lock
Yellow Profile I left the room … hotel bar
Yellow Profile A French 75…
Yellow Profile That drink was followed by another..
Yellow Profile ...dragged Fisher back to hotel room...
Purple Mask He was absent… go to aare
Pink Dove I made a circuit…
Yellow Profile We danced ….
Purple Mask That’s when … tap…
Orange Fox I was immediately suspicious
Orange Fox Ruprecht…
Yellow Profile I never thought I would be so glad…
Yellow Profile We wouldn't want you to…brilliant blue eyes…
Yellow Profile I decided to forget the mission…
Purple Mask Two Polizei loomed…
Pink Dove With a little help from Fisher… use map
Yellow Profile We spent the night together…
Purple Mask At first… matters of the soul
Pink Dove Something in his tone…
Pink Dove I told him it wouldn't be that easy
Blue Snowflake I sighed and raised my hands
Purple Mask I could see…murder on her mind
Red Swords Her gun swung…
to grand prix down the street - a test of insight Purple Mask
Yellow Profile I have to confess…
Purple Mask I was ensnared…
Blue Snowflake I can assure you… click cars
Pink Dove Thanks to the dossier
Orange Fox I slipped past the cordon…
Purple Mask The rest of the drivers…
Blue Snowflake I knew she wouldn't be fool… click cars
Orange Fox if he knew he was disqualified…
Red Swords I'm taking the car
Yellow Profile The green flag flew
Blue Snowflake I told her to stop being silly
Yellow Profile It's not often one ends up…
Arrow Yellow I dropped back
Yellow Profile I whooped…
Arrow Yellow Suspecting a trap...
Arrow Blue I headed Straight for the inside…
Pink Dove I yelled once again…
Arrow Yellow It was too sharp a turn…
Pink Dove I wrenched at the wheel…
Purple Mask we crashed…
Orange Fox I recovered my breath…
Yellow Profile loosing the police
Purple Mask she was right…
Yellow Profile I shook… use map
Blue Snowflake A test of precision
Yellow Profile I attempted small talk...
Pink Dove It was no good…
Yellow Profile I spun him quite a story
Yellow Profile It seemed likely…refuel
Yellow Profile Most curious…
Orange Fox Steal a motorcycle
Blue Snowflake Good riddance to Thun
Yellow Profile The…long overdue a discussion
Orange Fox How did you know…
Red Swords Why haven't you shot me yet
Blue Snowflake No. You're more useful…
Pink Dove I asked her to promise… map
Pink Dove A test of decency
Purple Mask We arrived at Interlaken mid afternoon… Click seaplane
Orange Fox I had to see inside…
Yellow Profile I persuaded a fisherman…
Pink Dove At a loss I knocked
Red Swords I grabbed the lapel…
Orange Fox Searched the pockets of a coat
Purple Mask I flipped through a pile…
Pink Dove It confirmed…
Pink Dove … told her about the photograph click on building
Red Swords I told wolff not to bother…
Orange Fox … pause at door to eavesdrop
Pink Dove …not trust that voice…
Orange Fox After that everything happened….
Blue Snowflake I raised an eyebrow
Red Swords I raised my hands…
Red Swords My muscles tensed…
Purple Mask She hadn't noticed…
Pink Dove I warned Wolff…
Purple Mask We rushed…
Orange Fox I glanced down at the manila folder…
Red Swords I chased him … click seaplane
Pink Dove Even at a distance…
Pink Dove I was surprised Wolff didn't shoot…
Blue Snowflake We left him on the seaplane… map -steal Oskar's van
Yellow Profile I asked the Fraulein…
Blue Snowflake I ignored him and spoke to hotel guests
Red Swords yes on the run…
Pink Dove yes he needs to be tried fairly…
Purple Mask I'd been right. Fisher was heading south. Map
Pink Dove A test of courage
Red Swords I concentrated on the bends…
Pink Dove I pulled over
Purple Mask A shame…
Red Swords I set off down the slope without another word…
Orange Fox I searched the foorwell…
Orange Fox my first thought was the Russians
Yellow Profile bewildered damsel routine
Yellow Profile ignoring wolffs protests…
Pink Dove not a drop of malice…
Yellow Profile I'm Annie…
Yellow Profile Have you listened…
Pink Dove I'd appreciate a bed…
dog blue I pet the dog map
Purple Mask So Fisher crashed his own car
Red Swords Ask Rolf about Rifle
Yellow Profile drinks cabinet
Blue Snowflake radio
Pink Dove rub Marti's belly
Purple Mask spare bed
Purple Mask fistfuls of screaming children
Orange Fox bargain for life
Pink Dove I can already hear… map
Orange Fox walk alongside Fraulein
Red Swords Wolff hot out lock
Yellow Profile Rolf and I … cards
Orange Fox I was .Fisher doubled back to Zurich
Blue Snowflake Fisher bamboozed
Blue Snowflake probably nothing… map
Blue Snowflake at first I thought. Country bumpkin click fire
Pink Dove he looked a little worse for wear
Orange Fox …with warm bed and good food...
Pink Dove I'm not going to let anyone get hurt…
Pink Dove how long.
Blue Snowflake what were you thinking…
Red Swords don't do it…
Red Swords but the fraulein had miscalculated - feeling lucky dropped here
Purple Mask If I wasted it…
Pink Dove drop the gun
Purple Mask It's over..
Yellow Profile Well I'd be lying…
Pink Dove I've never been a fan of appeasement...
Blue Snowflake throw the documents down…
Blue Snowflake turn around Wolff. Start walking…
Yellow Profile Your namesakes…
Orange Fox …give me cipher key…
Yellow Profile with a resigned sigh...
Orange Fox I didn't promise not to tell you…
Yellow Profile Last I heard…hospital… map
Yellow Profile we stayed up long into the night…
Yellow Profile I gave him a kiss…
Pink Dove Fisher wasn't a viable asset…
Pink Dove I handed him the manila folder…
Pink Dove I know the key...
Green Briefcase All hundred thousand thousand franks of it yes - Money back guarantee drops here

The Common Cold Walkthrough Part 1
Blue SnowFlake
First of all…
Blue SnowFlake
The Swiss people are…
Purple Mask
By the time…
Purple Mask
It's presumably vital…
Blue SnowFlake
I skimmed it
Blue SnowFlake
Don't worry…
Purple Mask
It sounds like the French word…
Blue SnowFlake
It was clearly not a hidey-hole… Click on Car
Purple Mask
I'd been compromised…
Red Swords
I marched straight up to the car
Pink Dove
I spoke to her in German
Pink Dove
And who might you be
Pink Dove
Annie Taylor
Yellow Profile
I expect we shall meet again
Orange Fox
I was woken this morning by swansong
Yellow Profile
bit of a melancholy…
Pink Dove
He took me through the Bern…
Blue SnowFlake
Regular afternoon…
Yellow Profile
He sounds quite fun
Orange Fox
We wouldn't want that…
Purple Mask
I unclasped it…
Green Briefcase
I took the briefcase
Blue SnowFlake
I decided not to mention…Took train to Bern
Blue SnowFlake
And best of all quiet
Purple Mask
Bern was shrouded…
Yellow Profile
that evening I contrived to…
Yellow Profile
A French 75…
Yellow Profile
that drink…
Purple Mask
Of course eventually…
Purple Mask
Tell me, what is hitler…
Pink Dove
you don't feel any guilt…
Red Swords
I started off with threats…
Purple Mask
You can imagine my excitement…
Yellow Profile
I told him I'd be honored…
Purple Mask
Had trouble sleeping…Take rowboat to Aare
Red Swords
By the time…
Red Swords
I threw the briefcase…
Yellow Profile
I went to ask the barman…
Yellow Profile
We danced…
Yellow Profile
That’s when I saw her
Red Swords
I stormed over…
Orange Fox
Fraulein Wolff so wonderful…
Purple Mask
I had no time for her games…
Yellow Profile
I made my excuses…
Yellow Profile
we wouldn't want you to lose…
Purple Mask
He had my briefcase…
Pink Dove
no uphold your end…
Pink Dove
we drank a toast…
Blue SnowFlake
I ran into a little trouble…
Red Swords
I kicked one of them…To avoid police, crawl
Orange Fox
a test of wiles
Red Swords
stayed awake
Orange Fox
I pressed my ear…
Blue SnowFlake
I'm sure you understand…
Red Swords
for a moment…
Pink Dove
at this point…back alley
Blue SnowFlake
a test of composure
Green Briefcase
Fisher had the briefcase…
Goat Pink
I tripped…
Pink Dove
I put my foot…
Purple Mask
I was ensnared…
Red Swords
I vaulted…
Blue SnowFlake
…remotely funny
Pink Dove
thanks to the dossier
Red Swords
I charged towards him…
Purple Mask
The rest of the drivers…
Red Swords
A swift punch…
Purple Mask
I turned away…
Orange Fox
if he knew he was…
Orange Fox
Your manager…
Yellow Profile
The green flag flew
Purple Mask
I screamed…
Purple Mask
Mostly, I was…
Tires Red
I stuck…
Tires Red
I managed to get…
Tires Red
I was willing…
Yellow Profile
I whooped…
Arrows Blue
I took the inside…
Pink Dove
There was nothing I could do…
Purple Mask
I yelled at Wolff…
Tires Red
I pressed him
Tires Red
There was no going back…
Pink Dove
I yelled once again…
Arrows Blue
If I took the inside…
Tires Red
I slammed my foot…
Red Swords
I slammed my elbow…
Purple Mask
we crashed…
Pink Dove
are you alright…
Red Swords
I put the car into gear…
Purple Mask
She was right…
Yellow Profile
I shook…
Blue SnowFlake
A test of precision
Yellow Profile
I attempted small talk…
Orange Fox
we should abandon the racecar…
Pink Dove
It was no good…
Pink Dove
I don't know why…
Orange Fox
Steal a motorcycle
Purple Mask
I confess I felt…
Blue SnowFlake
The Fraulein tried…
Red Swords
A test of perseverence
Blue SnowFlake
I took the opportunity… Click Hotel
Blue SnowFlake
Worked like a charm…
Orange Fox
I half expected…
Orange Fox
I wondered how honest…
Orange Fox
After that everything…
Blue SnowFlake
I raised an eyebrow
Purple Mask
I was in a state of utter shock…
Purple Mask
Could be worse…
Purple Mask
She hadn't noticed…
Pink Dove
I warned Wolff…
Red Swords
I grabbed for the …
Yellow Profile
Could I take a quick look…
Purple Mask
It kills you…
Pink Dove
Fraulein, I think…
Purple Mask
I leapt after the departing…
Orange Fox
As the boat rocked…
Blue SnowFlake
Nice try
Blue SnowFlake
we left oskar… Use stolen motorcycle
Yellow Profile
A test of allure
Purple Mask
Fisher was Bergkonig…
Orange Fox
I'm looking for my brother…
See Part 2
The Common Cold Walkthrough Part 2
It wouldn't let me do it in one section
Yellow Profile
It was time for…
Purple Mask
I'd just have to…
Blue SnowFlake
A test of control
Red Swords
I concentrated on the bends…
Pink Dove
I pulled over
Blue SnowFlake
I can't see my briefcase…
Orange Fox
After you, Fraulein
Pink Dove
I sighed…
Blue SnowFlake
no briefcase
Purple Mask
where was Fraulein…
Red Swords
I told him exactly…
Red Swords
his rifle was a swiss
Orange Fox
I imagine you were waiting…
Pink Dove
I'm on the run…
Purple Mask
I started to cry
Orange Fox
I swear…
Purple Mask
I wasn't too sorry…
dog blue
I pet the dog
Purple Mask
so fisher crashed his own car
Pink Dove
As darkness fell..
Yellow Profile
his drinks cabinet
Pink Dove
I rubbed…
Blue SnowFlake
I turned on…
Purple Mask
Ignoring social…
Purple Mask
it was holding…
Pink Dove
I offered myself…
Pink Dove
I can already…
Yellow Profile
rolf proved to be…
Yellow Profile
I asked Rolf…
Red Swords
I chucked a rock…
Orange Fox
I descended into the cellar…
Pink Dove
we waited all day
Pink Dove
Rolf is right…
Blue SnowFlake
Fine by me…
Red Swords
I struck out…
Purple Mask
It had to be him…
Red Swords
he was a pathetic…
Pink Dove
What the…
Purple Mask
Fisher had made a grave mistake…
Red Swords
don't do it
Red Swords
but the fraulein…
Red Swords
time to make it count…
Red Swords
no warning…
Purple Mask
My bullet went right through…
Blue SnowFlake
it was quite…
Purple Mask
the fire went out
Pink Dove
we descended
Green Briefcase
it hardly seemed important…
Pink Dove
lets go home…
Pink Dove
rolf had been…
Red Swords
Honestly how…
Purple Mask
I send you a postcard…
zurich - click on building - the common cold drops here.
The endings that I have found (so far) are:

  • Annie gets dismissed
  • Back to Paris
  • Retire to a tropical location
  • Go away with Fisher to a tropical location
  • Leave (Control?) to work more effectively against fascism
  • Get a new assignment that starts in 2 weeks that needs you to speak German

dubzggately 11 May, 2021 @ 11:27am 
much appreciated on the 'russian documents being taken back to russia'...i had never encountered those cards before where i get the chance to just let him go...and sorry, no...'Iron Maiden' is the last achievement i need and i think it's honestly bugged. I became best friends with both Fraulein and Wolfe (and i did this on several occasions where it said they both really liked me); but no matter what i never get any cards asking to play a drinking game when we get to the cabin.
NS Plover  [author] 8 May, 2021 @ 2:03pm 
@dubzggately Did you manage to get the Iron Maiden Achievement? What do you need to do?
NS Plover  [author] 8 May, 2021 @ 10:53am 
@dubzggately I updated the guide with the steps that worked for me after I was in Interlaken. Note, I think you have to have the briefcase when you arrive in Interlaken.
NS Plover  [author] 7 May, 2021 @ 4:12pm 
@dubzggately This happens at Interlaken and you have to have the briefcase (so that Fisher takes it instead of the folder). I think you cannot go to the seaplane before the hotel and if I remember right you can't warn the Fraulein or go after the Russian. Hope this helps...
dubzggately 2 May, 2021 @ 2:22pm 
Omg THANK YOU, so much your guide and taking the time to do this! I tried forever on my own to get ‘catch a cold’ but I just couldn’t get it; followed your guide to the letter and it popped up just like you said it would. Now the only one I can’t get is ‘Fischer documents are taken to Russia’…I can’t figure out how to let the Russian escape. It seems I always catch him somehow or sabotage him from leaving. Any hints?
T.I.L.S.S. 20 Jan, 2021 @ 12:21pm 
I can confirm that you can get both "In You Go" and "The Common Cold" in one playthrough thanks to your guide. I followed your "Common Cold" Walkthrough to the letter apart from the conversation with Wolff on the party boat:
Blue Snowflake | I curled my mouth into a smile that was equally barbed
Orange Fox | "Fraulein Wolff! So wonderful to see you again!"
Red Swords | "Drop the act, Fraulein!"
Orange Fox | I waited for her to play her hand
Red Swords | I smiled, nodded, put my hand behind her back and gave her a good, hard shove.

"In You Go" Achievement drops here.

The only difference is an extra sentence when she leaves the boat with Fisher and the picture changes to a soaked wet Wolff as well. Apart from that, she doesn't seem to hold it against you for the rest of the playthrough which is nice. Thank you very much for this wonderful guide.
Wandering Fruitcake 20 Jan, 2021 @ 11:59am 
Well, then I can confirm that you indeed need to have the Fraulein with you at the pass (and leave her by the bike/truck), otherwise you don't get the "I told him exactly..." dialogue option.
NS Plover  [author] 20 Jan, 2021 @ 3:55am 
@Wandering Fruitcake - I brought her along and left her at the truck. Didn't try getting away from her at Interlaken so don't know if that would work too.
Wandering Fruitcake 20 Jan, 2021 @ 3:16am 
About Stop Shooting at Me!;
"In the same play through at Grimsel Pass, go to the wrecked car alone"
Does this prerequisite that you get away from the Fraulein at Interlaken or do you have to bring her along and approach Fischer's car alone, leaving her at the truck?
T.I.L.S.S. 19 Jan, 2021 @ 4:24pm 
Weirdly enough, when you hover over that specific achievement in your library, it shows that 0.1% got it but all the tracking websites including Steam itself (when looking at global achievements from your own in the library) states 0%. Most curious. I made a small screenshot to show you. https://docs.google.com/document/d/12sPVrAf-9aHm7SwBrrxZsR25nhaGP8N-U7xRMc8fskQ/edit?usp=sharing