Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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W&R:SR Playset
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Przedmioty (40)
МАЗ-537 (MAZ-537)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Четырёхосный седельный тягач разработки Минского автомобильного завода. 1 - МАЗ_537 с ТЗ-60 2 - МАЗ-537 с ЧМЗАП-5247М Года выпуска 1959—1989 3 цвета ------------ Four-axle truck tractor developed by the Minsk Automobile Plant. 1 - MAZ_537 with TZ-60 2 - MA...
УАЗ - 469 (UAZ - 469)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
УАЗ - 469 Бобик. 2 варианта 13 расцветок 7 посадочных мест. Производился 1972 - 2003...
ЛуАЗ-969М (LuAZ-969M)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
ЛуАЗ-969М "Волинянка" Лёгкий многоцелевой внедорожник. Есть 8 разновидностей: 1,2,3 - Пассажирские версии. 4 - Самосвал. 5 - Открытый кузов. 6 - Закрытый кузов. 7 - Автоцистерна. 8 - Бетономешалка. 16 расцветок. Года произвоцтва: 1972 - 2002 --------------...
From Russia with Love - export.
Autor: Salty
The mod allows your republic to establish the production and export of automotive, construction, and special equipment from the modification packages: "Military Construction Detachments of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR" and "Automobile Troops of the ...
Autor: vinnikandry
Serial production of BelAZ 540 was launched at the end of 1965. The main feature of the car is the ability to transport up to 27 tons of cargo (or 15 m3)....
EN: KhTZ T-150K is a general-purpose agricultural wheeled tractor manufactured by the Kharkiv Tractor Plant (UKRAINE). It has been produced since 1971. Operating power is 170 horsepower (125 kW). Speed is up to 35 km/h. Operational weight is 8 t. In additi...
MAZ -530
Autor: vinnikandry
Soviet heavy-duty dump truck with a 6 ? 4 wheel arrangement, produced serially by the Minsk Automobile Plant and the Belarusian Automobile Plant from 1957 to 1960 and from 1960 to 1963, respectively....
Autor: Mauser_NATO
АТ-Т Тяжолый тягач на базе танка Т-54, Также на базе тягача Инжинерная машина БАТ-М. 1- Бульдозер 2- С закрытым кузовом 3- Лесовоз 4- Бульдозер для уборки снега Года выпуска 1950 - 1979 ---------------------------------------------- AT-T Heavy tractor base...
Склады ЗТМ
Autor: Tesmio
Склады в стиле зданий ЗТМ четырех видов для стройматериалов и ценных предметов. - Склад стройматериалов на 2000 тонн. - Производственный склад на 2000 тонн. - Склад стройматериалов на 4000 тонн. - Производственный склад на 4000 тонн. Warehouses in the styl...
Conveyor Road & Rail Crossings
Easily connect up your conveyor belts over the top of roads and rails. 6 roadside towers with a combination of inputs and outputs and 10 crossings with 3 inputs and 3 outputs, all are symmetrical so can be placed either way round. Includes roadside towers ...
ГЭС-27 | Hydro electro power station '27
Autor: dimndroll
RUS Для тех, кто не может дождаться появления ГЭС от разработчиков — этот мод. Он основан на легендарной Волховской ГЭС, одной из первых советских гидроэлектростанций. Её строительство началось почти сразу после революции, но было прервано из-за гражданско...
Pipeline overpass
Autor: BORO
Трубопроводная эстакада. Шесть арок для автомобильных дорог. Шесть арок для железных дорог. Тип здания – конвейер / трубопровод. Pipeline overpass. Six arches for highways. Six arches for railways. Type of building - conveyor / pipe engine. Не воспламеняет...
Университет | University
Autor: Podolskiy
Прототип настоящего здания (Дворец творчества детей и молодёжи) Игровая модель Тип: университет Рабочие - 20 Профессора - 20 Максимум студентов - 300 Доступны исследования технического университета Другие мои работы:
Pipeline overpass 2
Autor: BORO
Трубопроводная эстакада 2. Тип здания – конвейер / трубопровод. Не воспламеняется. Pipeline overpass 2. Type of building - conveyor / pipe engine. Not flammable. Сделано на основе насосной станции. Требует подключение электроэнергии. В данной версии арка р...
Simple Forwarding Pump
Autor: KArantukki
A simple pump for long distance pipelines, one input and one output connection. Comes in two versions with different connections on both sides....
Transformer with altered connections to provide a high power throughput...
Khovrino Hospital
Autor: Akira43
An ill fated real life building ( ) adapted as closely as possible to be an in game hospital. It has 2 road connections and parking spaces for up to 15 ambulances and a roof heliport. It has more or less t...
Kindergarten Детский сад серии VI-52 medium size 360 kinders 30 workers Автор модели: Тимур Самедов (citizensnip)...
Kindergarten 1950s
Autor: Gerbilskij
A kindergarten in a typical Soviet style from the '50s (series 2-04-40). Stats are close to the original kindergarten: 9 staff / 90 kids max. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic"...
Monument of MotherlandCalls...
Ryan's Farm Fields Pack
Autor: ryantheskinny
three new square fields and one massive test size...
Small Clothing Factory
4 small clothing factories in white or red brick with mirrored versions for easy placement. Much smaller than the vanilla clothing factory with a reduced capacity. No heating requirement...
Small clinic ('50s)
Autor: Gerbilskij
A small clinic building, in a typical Soviet style from the '50s. It also has a backyard parking for a couple of ambulances. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full ...
Small school
Autor: Gerbilskij
A small school buiding, with reduced personnell requirements and capacity compared to the original one (5/8). This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 as an admin building for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with...
Деревня | Village
Autor: dimndroll
RUS Для тружеников села в первом выпуске "Сельской жизни" представлена традиционная русская деревня. Это 64 уникальных дома: 16 отдельных участков и 16 сельских улиц, по 3 участка. Дома относительно уютные, качество жилья — 55-65%. Для строительства нужны ...
КРАЗ 260 (KRAZ 260)
Autor: Mauser_NATO
Украинский многоцелевой тяжелый грузовик двойного назначения Кременчугского автозавода. Выпускался с 1979 по 1993 Представленно 15 вариантов грузовиков: 3 - Закрытый кузов. 4 - Открытый кузов. 2 - Автоцистерны. 1 - Цементовоз 1 - Лесовоз 1 - Бетономешалка....
Palast der Republik (Party HQ/Attraction)
Autor: KArantukki
Palast der Republik / Palace of the Republic The Palace of the Republic was a building in Berlin that hosted the Volkskammer, the parliament of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany or GDR), from 1976 to 1990. It serves as a party university just li...
Large City Hall
Autor: KArantukki
Large City Hall/Accounting office This building serves as a city hall. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Ministry of Education
Autor: KArantukki
Ministry of Education This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Ministry of Finance
Autor: KArantukki
Ministry of Finance This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
University Institute
Autor: KArantukki
University Institute Small university building that serves as technical university. Perfect for building a small university complex. - Technical University - 60 Staff - 60 Professor...
Nuclear Cooling and Spray Ponds
Autor: Nyxyx
This set contains a cooling pond pump station, and a spray pond pump station. Rather than use gigantic cooling towers and the atompshere for heat recovery in your nuclear plants, use huge lakes of naturally cold water as your thermal heat sink! You will ne...
Nuclear Storage / Ядерное хранилище
Autor: EZ88
A repurposed missile silo that can be used as Nuclear Storage facility. Small in size as the containers are stored underground. Has room for 26 containers. Переназначенный ракетный бункер, который можно использовать в качестве хранилища ядерных материалов....
Поликлиника | Polyclinic
Autor: dimndroll
RUS Районная поликлиника – медицинское учреждение для оказания амбулаторной помощи больным на приёме. Поэтому службы «скорой помощи» здесь нет. Пациенты добираются на приём пешком или на общественном транспорте. Персонал: 10 Врачи: 30 Максимальное число па...
Small radio station
Compact building of a regional radio station. Drawn from the head, real prototypes are missing. Maybe someone will find her too small, but it suits me perfectly. In addition, until inspiration came to me to draw a normal antenna, I might fix it later. Para...
Small Brick Factory / Малый Кирпичный Завод
Autor: EZ88
A small brick factory with a "classic" look. Produces a smaller amount of bricks than the regular factory but needs less workers. Workers needed: 30 Consumption: 9 ton coal per work day Production: 15 ton bricks per work day Небольшой кирпичный завод с «кл...
Construction offices pack
Autor: Gerbilskij
We cater for all sizes: this package conveniently includes the updated versions of all my construction offices. Main changes are updated models, lighting and texture mappings, plus other small fixes. UPDATED 02/08/2023 using new 3D Models from vanilla COs ...
Pack of Stalinist buildings 2
Autor: Raysione
The pack of vanilla Stalinist buildings includes 13 variations of air-conditioned and glazed balconies. With new textures, unlike my other mod. Thanks to Benser for the textures :) With these buildings you can easily make a densely populated residential ar...
Ampir brick houses PACK
Autor: Benser
ПАК кирпичных сталинок начала 50-х с высокой детализацией по мотивам серии домов в Дарницком районе, г.Киев, Украина. Состоит из 3 домов: 1. Ampir brick house S - пятиэтажный дом на 100 жителей 3. Ampir brick house М - пятиэтажный дом на 220 жителей 4. Amp...
Chicken Farms
2 small chicken farms, mirrored for easy connection. Provides a small amount of meat in return for grain. Requires up to 20 workers. In the mod category Factories. No heating requirement...