Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

40 ratings
How To Play Soldier
By One More
In this guide I (Bowser) will teach you how to play soldier. With a little bit of practice and proper form you should be able to play in UGC Iron[] in no time.
The Meta
The Meta for soldier in highlander is to have a pocket soldier and a roaming soldier, with out this essential combo, no highlander team can succeed without this combo. When Playing pocket soldier it is important to always run the Cow Mangler 5000 or if the situation becomes tough it would be considered alright to use the overpowered Liberty Launcher. When it comes to a secondary for the soldier I would recommend the Battalion's Backup or to get those sick nasty medic kills the Mantreads always come in handy. Finally for the soldiers melee the only one I can recommend is the Half-Zatoichi. This is 100% the best soldier loadout for the pocket soldier in highlander. Now when it comes to the roaming soldier you're going to want to completely change your loadout to make sure you can always get the medic no matter what. When it comes to the primary there is only one choice and that is the Beggar's Bazooka to make sure that you maximize you're medic killing ability. For your secondary you will want to run the Righteous Bison to clean up those pesky scouts that always get in your face. For the final weapon in your arsenal you will want to run the Disciplinary Action to kill the medics with the extended reach making random critical hits even more effective.

Hat's (aka The Skill Factor)
There is literally only 2 options for the soldiers best headgear. Option #1 Is a Burning Team Captain if you do not wear a Burning Team Captain you will fail to prove that you have any skill and will be banned from Valve's competitive servers. The Second Option is to wear a Idiot Box; This is because if you don't have a Burning Team Captain you are a useless idiot scrub who will lead their team to a failure of a season in UGC Iron[]. Now don't forget why we're going to get you into competitive; the reason I'm helping you out here is so you can get a swanky badge; Gnarly Bro!
Rocket Jumping
Now some people will lead you to believe that rocket jumping is an important and useful mechanic in this game; all I can say about that is that they have never been more wrong in there entire life! Seriously imagine this: You're walking around as roamer on 2Fort and you see a sniper that is on the battlements and you are in the sewers. You think to you're-self "Man I could just rocket jump twice and I'll be able to 1 shot that sniper with my Disciplinary Action and then capture the intelligence." You do the first rocket jump, it was successful! You have 120 Health Points left and do your second rocket jump; you mess it up and think to yourself "Ah Whatever I have 40 Health Points left It was an easy jump I just forgot to hold down 'w' let me try again". You do the jump perfectly, in fact it was so perfect you think you might be able to get the kill with the Mantreads. Alas, the sniper whipped out his Machina and dropped all 11 of your medics. He moved under cover and taunted causing you to miss your kill with the Mantreads. You look at your health; you're at 2 Health Points and you hit the floor and die of fall damage. This could all have been avoided had you not participated in the stupid mechanic that is Rocket Jumping.
This is the part of the guide where I set you free to learn how to do your thing. Go be the best Soldier you can possibly be. I will miss you and I should hope you will miss me, but in the end always remember who taught you; I will stay with you and will always be by your side. I love you and *Cries* Goodbye~
deck-e 18 Apr, 2023 @ 9:48am 
damn this post is posted a damn long time ago
azmat the rug merchant 1 Jul, 2014 @ 7:10am 
dont read into it too much guides just take it basic and do not underestimate this guide is changed my life srsly
20euros 8 Jun, 2014 @ 12:13pm 
Terribad guide. Didnt say anything about gunboots in mge. 8.5/10 it was meh
Xel'Naga 22 May, 2014 @ 2:15pm 
This a great guide 10/10. Great for UGC Platinum :Rubber_Duck:
BRIGHT 3 Mar, 2014 @ 10:11am 
wow such a bad guide, best soldier loadout is rocket jumper + gunboats + pain train, nerd d8)
One More  [author] 26 Feb, 2014 @ 11:47am 
ty 4 da tip firedick456 vvvv
lights 26 Feb, 2014 @ 3:15am 
Trash guide did not go in depth the fuck is a bataillilililons badcap? Disregard guide entirely just run direct hit every other item is unimportant improves frag videos by 135%
One More  [author] 25 Feb, 2014 @ 9:22pm 
Ty <3 u
Majesty 25 Feb, 2014 @ 6:02pm 
no im not and p.s i actully liked everything besides that so i would like to kindly agree to disagree, i dont want to offfend you this is a good guide. p.s. i gave thumbs up
One More  [author] 25 Feb, 2014 @ 3:02pm 
vvv ur mad bcuz ur bad kidd0