Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

46 Bewertungen
USMS Atlantic (1871-1873)
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Vehicles: Creative
Environment Mods: Environment Mod
Tags: v1.0.21
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26. Nov. 2020 um 7:31
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USMS Atlantic (1871-1873)

In 1 Kollektion von Alex1889
Historical ships (By Me)
25 Inhalte
This has the majority of spaces explorable above the waterline
Spawns at Large Oil Rig
You MUST have infinite electric on
She was launched November 26th, 1870.
Credit to Oceanic Star Line for the hull, and credit to Liam Sharpe, our Atlantic enthusiast for all the helpful information, and this detailed description of her loss.
And below is a beautiful description of the terrifying loss of the "Atlantic", written by Liam Sharpe:

At 3:00 AM in the morning, a steward arrives on the bridge and informs Metcalf that he was here to awaken Captain Williams. Confident in his own control of the ship, Metcalf dismisses the stewards and lets the Captain sleep longer. At approximately 3:14 AM, the lookouts see something that no sailor wishes to see. The S.S “Atlantic'' appears to be steaming directly in the path of the rocky shores of Nova Scotia. A lookout yells to the bridge, “BREAKERS AHEAD”. Metcalf, shocked by this, orders “HARD TO STARBOARD” in an attempt to turn away from the shores of Nova Scotia. Not too long later at 3:15 AM, the S.S “Atlantic” rips her keel out as she runs over a submerged rock. Many passengers still awake think that the anchor is being let off and that they have arrived in Halifax. However, less than 10 seconds later, the S.S “Atlantic'' practically beaches her bow on a rock titled “Golden Rule Rock”. The forceful sudden stopping of the ship's movement causes passengers whom are sitting on the edge of a bed or a chair to be brought up to their feet. Some even roll out of their beds and onto the hard wooden floor and some are just simply thrown down to the ground due to the forceful collision with the rock. The forceful stopping also causes air to rush back aft of the ship, blowing out all of the oil lamps that are lit, plunging the ship and it’s passengers into absolute darkness. Unlike the sinking of the Titanic which had occurred 40 years later, panic did not break out on deck until the last 20 minutes of the sinking, which was about 2 hours after striking the iceberg. With the “Atlantic” however, panic breaks out on board the ship immediately. The S.S “Atlantic” with her propeller still in motion causes her stern to swing back and come into contact with the rocky shores of Nova Scotia. When the blades came in contact with the rocks, the propeller blades immediately were sheared off. And because of there now being no weight on the center of the propeller, the engines were now surging below deck.
For steerage passengers located in the bow section, some are immediately killed by the impact and some would drown in their bunks. Captain Williams immediately rushes forward to the wheel house and gives three orders to the officers. “Stewards awaken all passengers, two quartermasters to launch the rockets and have lifeboats be loaded and lowered away.” As the first of the passengers make their way up to deck, the panicking crew practically throw them into the lifeboats as the liner becomes more and more unstable. Down in steerage, many passengers are madly crushing themselves together on the narrow stairways as they desperately try to get up on deck. Soon enough, the staircases would become totally bottlenecked in steerage and even in saloon class areas. As said by Captain Williams, a great wave slams the starboard side of the ship, destroying many of the boats and washing them clear of the ship. When the first port side boat was launched, it successfully made it into the water. But seconds later, it was immediately swung onto the hull of the ship as a result from the rough waves. All of the other lifeboats would suffer the exact fate upon being launched. Up on the boat deck meanwhile as more and more passengers begin to emerge from the deck houses, panicked passengers begin to rush some of the lifeboats, desperately trying to get off of the rapidly sinking ship. Officers however, used “Excessively brutal force to defend the lifeboats” according to several survivor accounts. Officer Metcalf and Captain Williams were near the bridge having a heated argument when suddenly, the boat officer Metcalf and several others were standing slid over the side of the ship and dropped into the sea, killing all on board. Captain Williams, knowing the dangers of the lifeboats, orders passengers up into the ship’s rigging, to get them as far away from the sea below. As more passengers emerge from the deck houses, the panic level goes from hysteria to absolute pandemonium.
The last rocket is fired, but explodes on the deck of the liner, Scorching and burning those nearby. A horrific roaring noise is heard from the hull of the wounded “Atlantic”, as she loses her footing and rolls approximately 30-45 degrees onto her port side. Passengers on deck also lose their footing and crash down into deck houses, rails and deck gear as the ship rolls further onto her port side. Down deep into the belly of the liner meanwhile, steerage passengers in the shredded stern of the liner and being smothered and rapidly submerged as the frigid waters of the Atlantic rush into her interiors.Meanwhile, Third Officer Brady and a quartermaster decided to swim a rope to the granite rock to try and transfer survivors to it. Upon swimming to the rock, the both of them succeeded in fastening the rope to the rock somehow, which would allow the passengers still stranded aboard the wrecked “Atlantic” to climb to safety. While many passengers were up on deck and clinging onto railings and deck houses, many passengers were still trapped inside the ship, unable to escape due to the floors and ceilings of the ship quickly becoming walls. In the bow section of the liner, passengers begin opening up portholes and would thus manage to escape the dark, cold and wet interiors of the wrecked liner. Many of the passengers on the hull of the ship would also help open other portholes in the bow and in the middle section of the ship to help free others imprisoned within the iron coffin. Passengers at this point begin to climb the rope on the bow section of the ship towards the rock. Although many would be unable to make the horrible journey across.
Not long after, the ship rolls once again another 20 degrees onto its port side, drowning many of those unfortunate enough to still be inside of the ship. At this time, geysers would have started bursting out of the open portholes and windows of the ship, for the powerful waves have now started to gut the interiors of the ship. As passengers were being transferred to Golden Rule Rock, those whom were not brave enough to climb the forty feet to safety were being led by the Chief Officer up into the rigging of the liner, which was still quite high up despite the ship’s immense list. As the struggle for life continues aboard the “Atlantic”, Quartermaster Robert Thomas has managed to reach the shoreline after being thrown from the vessel after she partially capsized, where he was found by the father of the Clancy family, whom was investigating after being awoken from the sounds of the ship’s distress rockets. Quartermaster Thomas was taken back into his house, where Sarah O’Reilly would begin to prepare a warm meal for him. Although he would refuse it. The urgent Quartermaster would begin to inform the family about the wreck which had just occurred nearby and that he would need all the help he could get to save as many people as they could from the wrecked “Atlantic”. The quartermaster ventured back to the wreck and returned to the house with another survivor, being Quartermaster Speakman. Back at the wreck of the “Atlantic” steerage passengers succeed in getting the attention of those walking the hull of the liner. Passengers on the hull manage to smash the glass in and pull survivors out, including 12 year old John Hindley, the only child to survive the wreck.
50 Kommentare
Kolya 29. Juli 2023 um 13:06 
Why its sinking
Bandit Harris 27. März 2023 um 9:44 
very accurate history
bink2006 25. Aug. 2022 um 5:58 
defintely deserves a remake
Imperial Japanese Navy 6. Aug. 2022 um 8:37 
i cant find it in addons
Charles 30. Apr. 2022 um 11:41 
also can you in the future make the full oceanic class including, oceanic, atlantic,baltic, adriatic, and the celtic?
Charles 30. Apr. 2022 um 11:39 
why is the ship constantly at a forward trim? if its a bug can you please fix it? also could you possibly fix the water clipping through the ship? other then those 2 things this is outstanding!
BubbleG 7. Nov. 2021 um 6:26 
It isn't full interior...
Freeman Gaming 20. Aug. 2021 um 14:08 
i cant find it in addon loading. i found one with sails, but not this one
Thunder 19. Aug. 2021 um 16:43 
Did RMS renamed into USMS? (United States Mail Ship)?
Mr. Bob 16. Juli 2021 um 21:27 
Well its about time I find my favorite ship from my favorite line of ships.