Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

182 ratings
Cataclysm Bots (Updated)
By lighting mcqueen
Setting up bots to be useful.
Necessary Mods
With this mod you can choose which loadout your bots will use every time without having to mess with it every time.
The checkbox to override your bot loadout is located in the top right.

This mod will make your bots play smarter.
I also recommend all of these options. Improved bot melee choices changes how bots use certain weapons which will either end up making them use a weapon better or worse. For my recommended weapons they use them better with this option turned off.
Necklace & Trinket
This necklace will be used on all of your bots.

A 20% health increase widens the barrier between a bot going down and not going down, 30% BCR is incredible for bots since their main form of defence is blocking. Barkskin is essential on bots since they are very stupid when it comes to specials, you will commonly see them standing in gas, walking into warpfire throwers, getting caught in blightstorms, etc. Barkskin will significantly reduce their damage taken from events like these as well as helping them survive when knocked down for longer.

This is also why playing a character which can handle specials is ideal when playing with bots.

This trinket will be used on all of your bots.

Stamina recovery will increase your bots survivability drastically. Revive speed can save runs on bots, bots can be very finicky when it comes to actually reviving players and if they choose to not do it you're dead. Increasing the speed they go through the revive animation has saved many runs. Replace revive speed with curse resistance if you plan on doing book runs.
Ironbreaker will provide crowd control to horde and elites, special sniping, a potentially game saving ult as well as being very tanky, commonly taking the least damage on the team. However he wont deal much damage.

Ironbreaker is typically the highest priority bot for me.


-Rock-Breaker is the clear winner when it comes to temp hp generation.
-Blood of Grimnir provides a strong damage boost since bots will stick close and enables stagger breakpoints.
-Enhanced Power provides stagger and ranged breakpoints as well as allowing the use of attack speed in our charm.
-Gromril Curse can save himself from disablers and knockback anything including monsters.
-The Rolling Mountain provides decent ult charge.
-Drengbarazi Oath increases the teams damage significantly which always helps even if he wastes his ult on a situation that isn't threatening and the smaller shout radius compared to Booming Taunt decreases the chance he pulls a patrol. But Booming Taunt is still a solid pick if you prefer it.


Axe & Shield has great stagger breakpoints and bots will use the shield bash into density to quickly gather temp hp. It also does ok single target damage.

Handgun can one shot bodyshot all specials on cataclysm with the right set of properties.

Enables breakpoints and attack speed is very powerful for bots.
Mercenary will provide good horde damage, special sniping, control and the most consistent sustain for bots with his ult.

Mercenary is typically the second highest priority bot for me.


-Drillmaster provides the most consistent temp hp generation.
-The More the Merrier significantly increases his horde damage and cleave. Also is essential for a monk stagger breakpoint.
-Enhanced Power provides extra damage to cleaved enemies, stagger and ranged breakpoints as well as allowing the use of attack speed in our charm.
-Strike Together is very strong when playing with bots as melee is their main form of damage. This is also a nice bonus to apply to real players.
-Blade Barrier is the better option, damage reduction is much better for bots since they don't make great use out of their dodges and it has very high uptime.
-Ready for Action is the best one in the row here because bots wont always save their ult for the most optimal situation so cooldown reduction to spam his ult more is preferred. But Walk it Off is also a very strong option if you prefer that.


Spear and Shield is an excellent bot weapon, it has both fantastic stagger breakpoints and horde damage. The only place this weapon lacks is single target damage.

If you don't own the dlc use the build in this link instead.

Handgun can one shot bodyshot all specials on cataclysm with the right set of properties.

Enables breakpoints and attack speed is very powerful for bots.
Grail Knight
Grail Knight is a decent alternative to Mercenary if you own the dlc. He brings strong damage all around, great control with his weapon, his ultimate can delete multiple elites at once to relieve pressure and provides powerful quests which are all very useful. I still believe Mercenary is a more useful bot all around but Grail Knight is good enough to list here, just make sure to play a career that is capable of sniping specials to make up for Grail Knight not being capable of this.

Grail Knight is typically the second highest priority bot for me if I'm not using Mercenary.


-Lady's Generosity provides the most consistent temp hp generation.
-Virtue of the Ideal significantly increases his damage and also provides stagger breakpoints.
-Smiter increases his single target damage significantly.
-Virtue of the Penitent provides you with consistent strength potions throughout a run which provides crazy value by allowing you to spam strength potions in the event of any difficulty spike which can end up making a joke out of patrols or bosses.
-Virtue of Stoicism is my preferred option here to keep his health more stable throughout a run but Virtue of the Joust is also an extremely strong choice here since both stats it provides are very strong.
-Virtue of Confidence is the best one in the row here because its the safest one for him to use, if he uses either of the single target ultimate talents he will likely get smacked by enemies while using it. The horizontal slash will stagger everything he hits with it and its capable of killing multiple elites instantly with the exception of chaos warriors.


Bretonnian Sword & Shield is an incredible bot weapon, it provides an excellent mix of control and single target damage. You will have to equip 2 of these however to make sure he doesn't switch weapons to a weapon you don't want him using.

Enables breakpoints and attack speed is very powerful for bots.
Sister of the Thorn
Sister of the Thorn (SotT) provides decent damage against all enemies, a great crowd control ult, debuffs enemies to take significantly more damage and gives the whole team a 25% healing received buff. She will also be pretty durable due to her stealing temp hp from others when they are full.

SotT will typically be my third highest priority bot but if you dont own the dlc then i wouldn't recommend using the elf as a bot.


-Weavebound is the most consistent option here.
-Atharti's Delight is a very strong bleed talent that acts as a good dps increase against all enemies.
-Smiter increases her single target damage significantly.
-Radiant Inheritance is a powerful team buff that will see pretty high uptime.
-Recursive Toxin makes any enemy SotT is fighting take 24% more damage from the whole team, this is especially powerful against bosses.
-Blackvenom Thicket is the only level 30 talent bots know how to use.


1h Sword performs well in all situations since bots will use its combos properly. It also has powerful stagger on its heavy attacks allowing for easy elite takedowns.

Deepwood Staff is the most effective special sniping weapon for an elf bot since all of her other special sniping weapons either require headshots or multiple bodyshots, bots will mainly use the lift to disable enemies rather than the burst fire which is very useful since a lifted special/elite will typically end up dying soon after.

Enables breakpoints and attack speed is very powerful for bots.
Unchained provides good damage all around, decent special sniping, good sustain with bomb balm and is very tanky.

Unchained and Saltzpyres bots are pretty equal in terms of power so the order is up to your preference at this point.

-Reckless Rampage provides the more consistent temp hp generation.
-Frenzied Flame is best here since unchained bot can reach high overheat quite commonly on cataclysm and the attack speed can be used to crowd control and deal more damage.
-Enhanced Power increases cleave, stagger and damage. The other options in this row are also not good.
-Dissipate is used here since blocking is a bots most used form of defence and they wont be staff spamming with Conduit.
-Abandon prevents her from exploding which is way more important than anything else on this level.
-Bomb Balm makes her ult much more useful increasing the survivability of the team.


1h Sword has great cleave on its light attacks and its heavy attacks have very powerful stagger.

Bolt Staff has incredible breakpoints in cata, being able to one shot bodyshot all specials with a fully charged bolt which Sienna bot will do a lot. She will however sometimes fall behind due to charging the bolt commonly but after the bot update she doesn't do it nearly as often.

Enables breakpoints and attack speed is very powerful for bots.
Witch Hunter Captain
The choice between Witch Hunter and Zealot is down to preference.

Witch Hunter provides many benefits for your team over Zealot including better damage, witch hunt tag, crit chance bonus to the whole team and a much better ult. However only having a medium health pool and no damage reduction leaves him feeling rather squishy and potentially one shot by an overhead.

Saltzpyres bots and Unchained are pretty equal in terms of power so the order is up to your preference at this point.


-Walking Judgement provides more consistent temp hp generation especially with a bots shaky headshot rate.
-Flense provides a huge damage bonus in all situations also not requiring him to headshot.
-Enhanced Power increases the damage of flense, provides ranged breakpoints and hits important cleave breakpoints to both increase his cleave temp health generation and spread flense damage more.
-Wild Fervour provides a very high uptime crit chance bonus to the whole team, also has synergy with his instant kill headshot passive.
-Cast Away is very strong here with bots since they push to cc very commonly.
-The Unending Hunt is better here so he can simply ult more often since bots don't save their ult for rough situations.


Rapier makes great use out of flense due to its high attack speed and its good headshot angles have great synergy with his instant kill passive. Its pushes also only consume half a stamina shield. Opportunist doesn't provide any value with Rapier so we use Swift Slaying instead here which has decent uptime despite not running crit chance on out weapon or trinket here because witch hunter still has his hidden passive, Wild Fervour and Animosity to increase his crit chance.

The pistols have good bodyshot breakpoints on cataclysm while the crossbow requires headshots without tag.

Enables breakpoints and attack speed is very powerful for bots.
The choice between Witch Hunter and Zealot is down to preference.

Zealot compared to Witch Hunter does just about everything worse but is way tankier, if you value pure survival on bots over anything else choose Zealot.

Saltzpyres bots and Unchained are pretty equal in terms of power so the priority order is up to your preference at this point.

-Sigmar's Herald provides the more consistent temp hp generation.
-Smite is the most consistent damage talent here since Zealot bot will heal himself like other bots if there are spare heals around, making Castigate less consistent.
-Smiter increases his elite damage.
-Holy Fortitude is more effective than damage reduction on a bot.
-Redemption through Blood is best here since bots mostly rely on their block to mitigate damage. Calloused Without and Within will also provide consistent value across a run and is a strong alternative if you'd prefer that.
-Feel Nothing is chosen here because we actually don't want zealot bot to ult much since it tends to do more harm than good when he messes up his positioning. Feel Nothing can also increase his survivability in dire situations.


1h Hammer has good stagger and single target damage. It's also very safe to use with a high stamina base and fast attacks.

If you don't own the dlc use the build in this link instead.

The pistols have good bodyshot breakpoints on cataclysm while the crossbow requires headshots. 1 stack of Fiery Faith will hit the warp/gunner 2sbs breakpoint, 2 stacks of Fiery Faith will hit the pakcmaster 2sbs breakpoints.

Enables breakpoints and attack speed is very powerful for bots.
Whitehawk.OP 15 Dec, 2023 @ 6:19am 
@Dixu bot imrovements combat mod was updated yesterday, it works now.
Dixu 7 Nov, 2023 @ 3:22pm 
what weapons do you recommend now that bot improvements is long unsanctioned?
Rok Wisdawn 23 Nov, 2022 @ 4:58am 
I'm thinking Bounty Hunter with either Double-shotted if I can justify it with headshots, or Indiscriminate Blast for guaranteed close-range burst damage, to be the main Monster deleter while also being able to snipe specials, including with the career skill if a special is behind a horde.

Unchained can provide extra survivability against bosses for everyone but she won't provide the same level of burst damage that can potentially down a Monster fast enough.

Those are my thoughts, but I need feedback and suggestions from more experienced players, especially if they can still remember the challenges of playing at a lower skill level. And my main goal currently is to finish Legendary The Screaming Bell runs fast to farm Veteran gear.

As feedback for such guides, it would help newer players if the author includes advice on the most efficient or complementary career(s) for the player to use with such bots, at least for those who are flexible or want to min-max.

Thank you again.
Rok Wisdawn 23 Nov, 2022 @ 4:55am 
Also, I only started when the game was made free for a while recently, so my skill level isn't quite there yet, but 4 of my heroes are already level 35, the 5th is level 30, and the hero powers are 650. I also followed this and another guide and spent hundreds of resources on re-rolling to have almost the same recommended gear at the Exotic rarity. However, I still have quite a bit of trouble just finishing Legendary The Screaming Bell within a sustainable time. So, which career for me would make Legendary runs the easiest and fastest with this bot setup?
Rok Wisdawn 23 Nov, 2022 @ 4:54am 
Thank you very much for working on this guide and sharing these tips.

Why are all priority bots with the Smiter talent? Wouldn't it be more efficient to assign only the tank to be the Smiter for the extra Monster/Boss damage, while everyone else gets an additional 20% damage against staggered enemies?
БДСМиша 30 Oct, 2022 @ 6:33am 
thx for good guide.
But any way protect bots from stormvermins ?
Bot ez tank any boss or special.

But 1-2 stormvermin can one shot 2-3 bots using overhead attack. bots do not block stormvermin overhead :/

any ideas?
Goldkin 13 Jun, 2022 @ 10:53pm 
Despite its age and loadout manager being unavailable now, this guide works just fine for getting to cata in addition to playing at that difficulty. It also fixes some (but not all) of the issues with bots being terrible in certain fights in Chaos Wastes.

Importantly, while 300 power equipment and level 30 are required for most bots to "work" here, reds and exact copies of the build items aren't needed (though they definitely help). Greens and blues work for most slots if you don't have better equipment through legend content, and having oranges on all your bots that vaguely resemble the recommended stats works just fine if you can't drop a single red item.

It's written into the guide, but to emphasize it, the most important thing is block cost reduction on equipment for your bots (building the necklace first), followed by survivability, then breakpoint potential. If you have limited resources or rerolls available, prioritize accordingly.

Thanks for writing this!
st0rp0teten 2 Apr, 2022 @ 1:03am 
Hey!,big thanks for this guide.
oGk.spAz 13 Nov, 2021 @ 3:58am 
Was. It's good to go again. It'll happen to some mods every big update.
Aeon(discord.gg/QhZtSgvEWM) 28 Oct, 2021 @ 10:28am 
hey just a heads up man, loadout manager is unsanctioned now