STAR WARS™ Republic Commando

STAR WARS™ Republic Commando

179 ratings
A basic guide for Republic Commando
By stupendous man
Weapons, Enemy Stats and Basic tips!
Welcome to the Basics
I have played this game since 2006, and am a huge fan of this game. I hope you enjoy the knowledge I have gathered throughout my 8 12 years of experience! (Holy crap!)
The Weapons

  • The Pistol; relatively weak damage with decent rate of fire with unlimited supply of ammo. Personal preference on whether you want to use it or not, but generally every gun outclasses it, at least from my experience.
  • DC 17 Rifle; Alright damage, with a large clip and ammo pool. Ammo is also really common to come by. Really good against weaker enemies, worse against armored enemies but still has solid dps.
  • DC 17 Sniper; really high damage and pinpoint accurate. Great at one shotting turrets and shooting at nerve areas for more damage. Has a slow firerate and a slower reload, and ammo isn't too common.
  • DC 17 Anti Armor; really high damage with splash damage. Great for clearing B1s off of a droid dispenser or doing chunk damage to a tank. One shot can usually expose Spider Droid and Super Battle Droid weak spots. You only carry 4 individual shots at any given time, and ammo is rare to come by, but usually comes in more than you need, so it is possible to backtrack for more ammo.

  • Geonosian Beam Weapon; has a spooling fire, needs a couple moments to warm up before firing. Probably has the highest damage output out of any weapon per second, though it burns through ammo. Droped by Geonosian Elites. Ammo cannot be replenished, you have to replace your current Beam gun with a new one.
  • Trando Shotgun; Does a lot of damage at close range and loses it the farther away your target is. Does more damage against Trandos and Geos than it does to droids. Ammo is decently common as one in two Trando Thugs usually sport a shotgun. Reloads one shot at a time, and has a gnarly reload sound.
  • Trando SMG; Trando equivalent of the DC 17. Shoots really fast, with slightly lower damage than the DC 17. Does less damage to droids than it does to meatbags. Has smaller mag capacity than the DC 17 and it might reload a bit slower.
  • Trando Minigun; Insane damage, shoots really fast and has a big clip. Its main weakness as a gun comes from the really long reload animation it has, and its ammo is also really rare, as it is only dropped by Trando Elites. Doesn't have the same disadvantages the other Trando guns have, it still does a lot of damage to droids.
  • Trando Concussion Rifles; Has decent damage, shocks regular enemies and disables regular droids. Doesn't do a lot of damage against armored droids, but can be useful one on one with a SBD because it's melee has a unique electric effect on enemies. Might have the rarest ammo supply in the game.
  • Wookie Bowcaster; essentially a sniper rifle but shoots bolts that bounces off walls.
  • Wookie Rocket Launcher; essentially an anti armor with homing abilities and less of an arc.

Thermal Grenades; all purpose, Trando Elites and Super Battle Droids have a 'shield' that protects them a bit from it.
Electro Grenades; disables all enemies, especially droids as it can kill regular battle droids in a matter of seconds, leaves SBDs at 1/10 of their original health, while leaving them and Magna Guard vulnerable
Flash Grenades; leaves all non-droid enemies completely vulnerable for at least 10 seconds. Look away once thrown as it can effect you too.
Sonic Grenades; does massive damage to regular enemies on contact, or stays as a trap for a couple of seconds. Takes off armor from SBDs and Spider Droids.
Know your Enemies

B1 Battle Droids; weak on their own, these droids are more of a nuisance unless accompanied by a SBD or a Spider Droid. Sometimes on a headshot, these droids will turn around in a circle while shooting, and can set off trap and can also deal damage to its fellow enemies.

Super Battle Droids or SBDs for short, can tank a lot of blaster fire with its armor on. After a certain amount of damage, the armor can come off revealing two critical red zones, also called Nerves. Shooting these can cause massive damage, especially with a sniper. After a couple shots, SBDs can kneel down and shoot a rocket, which can easily incap a Commando. SBDs also have the tendancy to remain alive once downed with any other weapons than an Anti Armor or a Electric Grenade.

; can also tank a lot of damage, and has twin blasters. These blasters are more effective the farther away you are, and misses most of the time when you are punching it in the face. Its shields do not make it invincible, so Blasters can be somewhat effective against it. The shield does however protect it from the massive damage the Sonic Grenade and Anti Armor can produce. Like all other droids, Electrical Grenades can make Droideka vulnerable.

Spider Droids have heavy armor, heavy weaponry and a lot of health. Every once in a while it stands still, protects its huge nerve center in the middle of its body with two shielded legs and stops firing. However, once done with this 'scan' it shoots two explosives and resumes attacking. The Anti Armor and Sonic Grenades can be used to take out its armored legs, and whenever it stop firing, the Nerve Center will be wide open. Spider Droids aren't common, and whenever there would be a fight with one, assign someone to either Sniper or Anti Armor to do damage to it.

Magna Guards are push overs and a pain in the ass. They have huge health and move really quickly and do all sorts of stupid twirls. It also has an electric stick as a weapon, so whenever it does find the time to try and attack you, keep your distance. Just keep shooting at it, and at some point it will give up.

Scavenger Droids are evil. They have a tiny hitbox and do continuous damage to you while also jamming with your sensors. If they come too close, they will latch on to your head to cause you to stop firing and take it off. On the chance you do kill it, it will kamikaze into you, depleting your shields or doing a great deal of damage.

Non-droid enemies

Geonosian Warriors are a much weaker and stupider Magna Guard. In fact, how can I even compare the two. They are melee and can fly though are pretty slow in the air making a few of them easy target practice for you or your Commando Buddies. The dangerous thing about these guys however is that they do a lot of damage with their stick, and they have a knack of flying next to you unnoticed when you are busy with something else.

Geonisian Babies are uncommon enemies, found in the Birthing Chambers in Geonosis, and also, for some reason, on Kashyyyk. They can be accidently born from their eggs, which have a 2/3 chance of hatching them. Once they are born, they let out a howl and start attacking. They having really small hitbox and a ranged spit attack. They can be accidently mass spawned if you carelessly walk too close to their eggs.

Geonisian Elites; they fly around while shooting at you with their beam gun. These guys have a good amount of health and are more agile in the air than regular warriors. They do a lot of damage really quickly if you aren't careful. They have also big orange butt that can be shot for massive damage. I recommend that you set up sniper positions immediately if you are engaged with one. Once killed, they drop their beam weapon, and the faster you kill them, the more ammo will be left for you.

Trando Thugs; they can be dangerous in close combats, which they usually are found in, but can be gunned down fairly quickly. These guys know how to use cover, ambush, and even kick back grenades. Some have hats that can withstand headshot damage AND FLASH GRENADES, and once they get pissed, they agro with their knifes. They have fairly large amount health, and drop their shotgun on death.

Trando Mercs; these guys can also duck behind cover and kick back grenades like their thug buddies. The main difference is that they always wear hats and have an SMG, which doesn't do too much damage to your shield but will shred your health. I don't think they are as dangerous as regular thugs because they tend to be inaccurate and their DPS is pretty weak. They can also be one shot killed if you shoot their backpacks. They also drop their SMGs on death.

Trando Concussion Merc; essentially the same as a merc, but are stupidly rare and can snipe you with a concussion rifle for massive damage. They drop concussion rifles

Trando Elites boast massive health, a really strong gun and immobility. Their gun can shred through your shield and incap you in seconds if you aren't careful. No weapon really counters them particularly well. Their main weakness is that they don't have those stupid trando hats, so a flash grenade can put them at your complete disposal for a good while. Once killed they drop their minigun.

Combat Fun Facts
Here are some fun combat tips to exploit the next time you play:

  • Battle Droids have two headshot animations, both envolving friendly fire.
  • Explosive Cases can make movable objects, such as cylinders in the Spire, fly and insta kill weaker enemies ie Battle Droids.
  • Magna Guards make explosions on death.
  • Trandos can't kick or throw Sonic Grenades at you.
  • When Trando Elites and Super Battle Droids try to block grenade damage, they are completely vulnerable to other damage.
  • Geo Elites sometimes stand around like idiots until you trigger their AI.
  • If you protect Wookies in Kashyyyk, they can easily beat the crap out of Trando Elites.

Comment if you have any other cool tips to give!
Destruction 6 Aug, 2021 @ 9:36am 
If you get directly inbetween droidekas 2 blasters they cant hit you and if there shield is up neither can anyone else who isnt shooting explosives
Snail On A Bale 22 Jul, 2021 @ 4:21am 
i just encountered scavenger droids and they are evil
EJR 29 Apr, 2021 @ 6:58pm 
I've logged 7.3 hours into this game and never once have I figured to headshot B1s so they can friendly fire their allies, I'm so stupid for not knowing I could potentially take out a whole squad of them with fewer shots than I would normally fire
Scifigamer815 8 Jan, 2021 @ 6:31pm 
didnt know about the wookies. about to play this game again
after many many years
Grumble 5 Dec, 2020 @ 9:29pm 
Thanks. I've been struggling with some things
V1EWT1FUL 2 Dec, 2020 @ 7:55pm 
the Trando SMG is basically the KLOB from goldeneye
The legend of Gaming 6 Aug, 2020 @ 2:48pm 
trando elites are weak to the d 17 sniper
pro drawer 10 May, 2020 @ 2:52pm 
Me-163 Komet 12 Mar, 2020 @ 2:37pm 
"After a couple shots, SBDs can kneel down and shoot a rocket, which can easily incap a Commando." W A T C H T H O S E W R I S T R O C K E T S
Me-163 Komet 11 Mar, 2020 @ 4:47am 
How about some tips for the Kashyyyk level? I can't find the "structural weakness" and my squad keeps getting killed within seconds. Fuck Trandoshans.