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Hardcore Vanilla Weapon Mod (Scrapped)
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11 nov. 2020 à 21h10
20 nov. 2020 à 0h27
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Hardcore Vanilla Weapon Mod (Scrapped)

This mod was mainly a test mod to see how to upload some few codes and to test some things out, the balance i did to make a bit more realistic is still here i just don't plant to change much since it... doesn't change much or add anything xD, so this will be my testing grounds for better descriptions like how the professionals have it! but if ya made it here congrats on your curiosity! so here is a little reward on why i started this kind of projects!

initially I wanted to start a video game company (and at the moment of writing this its still true) one that would prioritize what the people want and not the shareholders, like majority of indie game studios these days! and that's when "Door Inc. studios" came to mind, reason why i came up with that name? because there is a famous windows company out there that has NOTHING to do with windows and an apple company that has NOTHING to do with apples so i said ♥♥♥♥ IT door incorporated it is! (later i added studios to make it sound more game devish xD) i gathered some people to help me out in a game jam (a video game competition where you make games from scratch normally in a span of days) so i managed to get on my team 2 programmers since i didn't know much about programming i wasn't able to help much and ended up doing some basic art for the game, and in the end it was a very fun experience even if we didn't reach the top 100 games that day! so me and one of the programmers stuck together for a while and he helped me code the game i designed after the competition and i did pay him but not the amount an experienced programmer would want I'm sure, but as a college student it was the most i could give since i didn't have much saved up or a job at the time. after a few years pass and another competition that went smoother but got a lower ranking that year. at the same time i got curious into rimworld modding since i saw so many new mods every month or so, so i did and i checked out various tutorials but when i got here and started studying this code my programmer that followed me in the journey found a real programming job offer and i was very happy to hear that since its what he wanted to do so we took our separate ways meaning door inc studios was once again a team of 1. I created the "More Realistic traits" mod since it was somewhat simple to do but i became very ambitious at this stage of my life (and still am since this was somewhat early 2021) so attempted to contact various modders in the community meaning a lot of denied friend requests, but only one answered which at the moment of writing this he is under the name of "Orion" which maybe a big amount of you know since he made some amazing mods! so orion started to give me classes and at this time I finally managed to make some money (and have spare to invest into the stock market to save for future use and to finance future projects) but after 3-4 sessions I sadly came up with a serious health condition that didn't put my life into any danger since i managed to start treating it very early stages but it meant less free time to spend studying on my personal projects like this one, so for a very long time i could only do 2 things, improve my health and improve my college grades. up until this week (it is currently July 25th 2021) I'm too embarrassed to contact orion again since i didn't remember to let him know that i got a health problem up and that's why so much time in silence. so to make up for my many years or not being able to code or understand it i finally decided to say once again "lets give it another shot" (since it was technically the 6th time i tried coding for reals and the first 2 times being actual college coding classes) so to look for inspiration after the 1.3 rimworld update i came across a mod that kickstarted my passion once again "Euphorium by DrEnzyme" because i told myself "how the hell did a single new drug mod make it to the top of the list in steam? because it wasn't just a drug mod, it was a tutorial! (note at writing this - i just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ realized the stars aligned so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ well my god i might become catholic xD) so with low expectations of myself i read through it and it was exceptionally well! i managed to understand what enzyme spoke about thanks to the classes orion gave me, i knew where to look for things, what monogramming environment to use and decompilers! I was FINALLY able to not just read code but to actually start writing and understand what did what. thus taking me to making my new mod! which is more of an expansion of another and i wont say which since its still being developed by me and still needs the content to be added, but hopefully soon ill be able to release it! this is a mini secret series ima do so look through my mods to get to know me better :3



A mod that re-balances many things about Rim world to be more "realistic" like weapon accuracy, weapon penetration, melee damage, "fire and reload" speeds, and different weapon ranges affected by their "focus"

The aim of this mod is to push the player to have a more balanced team, some long range focused, some medium range focus, and some short range focus, and I thought this was a problem since all the time I would find myself using the same weapon for all my pawns with the longest range since its effective. So, this mod pushes you to have a variety of guns to defend all kinds of problems, for example now snipers will do great at long range but terrible at short range, shotguns terrible at long range but are excellent at short range. NOTE – all ranged weapons now do horrible damage in melee combat, their attack speed is faster depending the weight of the gun, but less damage.

P.S. – if this mod does well and people seem to enjoy this balance, ill think of adding my own variety of weapons for example bolt action rifle with a bayonet to add more melee damage to the gun, or weighted stocks to other guns to do better blunt damage! AND if that one does well than ill consider doing a balance patch to the “combat extended” mod and making that more realistic than it already is!

--------------- Melee ---------------

All melee weapons have their attack time either increased or decreased depending their real-life weight and balance, making the heavier weapons slower but heavy hitting, and the small melee weapons quick to hit but attacks will deal low damage.

--------------- Ranged -------------

Their reload times have been changed and aim time too, so when reloading (when a circle appears around the character) it should take longer than the aiming time (cone appears). in the future they will all have some penetration fixes. anything "automatic" had their burst shots increased to make it feel more like an automatic weapon and less a burst

----------- Explosive/Fire ---------

Radius increased in various but fixed the range, these will be more lethal because of this but their costs to make them have increased to balance it out.

----------- Orbital Strike -----------

I was planning on passing on this one but I though... if you have a radio to call in an orbital strike why have such a small range to target? it makes it dangerous to use so close to your pawns so I made the fixed range to 100 cells to work more like an artillery strike.... so have fun with that! xD

----------- Finished Updates --------

----------- Future Updates -----------

Discussions populaires Tout voir (1)
12 nov. 2020 à 13h53
--Public Opinion on Balances
2 commentaires
JEMLPro  [créateur] 12 nov. 2020 à 13h37 
.... lanman did not realize the wording on that one xD i meant to put deal low damage! ill fix it right away xD
lanman100806 12 nov. 2020 à 12h00 
"...the small melee weapons quick to hit but a few attacks will deal big damage."
no downside