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Dr. Miserable Achievement
By Conasse and 3 collaborators
Note: This guide may be a little dated due to the release of the sniper, shotgun and assault DLCs. It's still a good starting point but this likely isn't nearly as hard as it once was.

If you're thinking about going for the Dr. Miserable achievement you should know that stealthing the first part of day 2 is not required. Especially if you don't want to spend the entire time with stealth weapons and no armor. It can be done with a coordinated effort, lots of ammo and a healthy dose of patience.

The key to your success will ultimately be your ammo and med kit reserve. Bring lots. As much as you can. More even.

Two crewmembers should be heavy enforcers. Both of them should have high-capacity ammo bags with all possible skills focused on damage, extra ammo drops, damage, extended ammo capacity, damage, armor and, well, damage.

  • Shotgun Impact: Aced
  • Shotgun CQB: Owned
  • Ammo Specialist: Aced
  • Fully Loaded: Aced
  • Overkill: Owned
  • Ironman: Helpful Owned or Aced

Two crewmembers should be Mastermind/Enforcer. Both of them should have high-capacity med kits with all possible skills focused on assisting with health issues.

  • Combat medic: Aced
  • Dominator: Owned
  • Joker: Owned/Aced
  • Combat Doctor: Aced
  • Inspire: Aced

It may be necessary, and definitely helpful, to convert cops to fight with you or to dominate them for use as trade bait later.

Drills, drills, drills. So if one of your enforcers has some tech skills, great. Not essential but helpful.

Weapons: Close quarters weapons. Leave the LMGs at home. They waste ammo. The two Masterminds should have a weapon with some range. Not an M-308. That's too much range. An AK or a CAR-4 will do the job. Make sure it does damage.

Oh! Add a flashlight to your weapons. It'll save you from running upstairs to turn the lights back on.
Day One: The Bikers
Kill them all. Kill them quickly. Do your best to get the airplane keys as a quick-ish escape may be the difference at the end. Don't stress too much about this part. Just get through it.

If you can stealth it, great. You'll be able to close the shutters and have the intel... yadda... yadda... yadda.

Just finish it to get to the good stuff.

Did I mention the keys? I've noticed that the keys are seemingly always available after the fire burns out. Makes sense as keys don't burn at the same temperature as paper. Just sayin'.
Day Two: Drill Baby Drill!
Run in. Two kill the guards. Two set the drills. Uh, you know which two, right? After killing the guards, scour the place for intel about the engines and the locations of the power boxes; not necessary but helpful. Quickly. The cops are coming.

I admit, this part is a fight. Stick together in the upper hallway and only go downstairs to fix that stupid drill. Get it done and start the hack.

Same strategy goes for the power. Stick together.

As soon as the door is open, go downstairs. Everyone. No haning out.
Day Two: Which One is it?
This should go without saying, but at least one of you should know how to determine which engine it is. Ok. I said it.

Two of you should go light the flare. No need waiting. You want the helicopter to come immediately. The cops are already here. May want to wait for a break in the assault; you be the judge.

Tie up the engineer. You'll want him for later.

Toss all of the incorrect engines on the floor. Have the enforcers carry them up the stairs and toss them in the hallway. No need to run them out. The cops will do that for you. Let them take at least one engine out then murder them all. They'll be so interested in picking up the engines that they'll forget to shoot at you. Headshots, people. Headshots.

You should each place one med and one ammo (four total bags) in the corners of the basement lobby.

A word on healing and pulling from the ammo bag. Don't do it unless you are out of ammo or have gone black and white. Ever. For any reason. Ever. Better to go into custody (if you have a hostage) than to waste the supplies. You'll be here for an hour and a half...
Day Two: And Now We Fight!
The real key here is staying together in the basement and on the stairs. Let some of the cops come downstairs and dominate them. If you have more than one hostage, convert the strongest and let them be meat shields. Good rule of thumb: If the dominated cop is in the line of fire, convert him.

Let the shields come down. Crossfire is your friend. Shoot tasers immediately. They use your ammo. Cloakers... uh. Kill them? Immediately? Always?

Cloakers like to hide in the corners at the top of the stairs. Be wary when you run up for ammo. They are bastards. They also like to hide behind the door to the hockey room. Chickens.

So, you also need to put bad engines on the helicopter from time to time. I recommend waiting for a break in the assault and sending out the two Masterminds. They can inspire one another if downed. Can inspire one another to move more quickly. No need for the Enforcers to lumber around outside. Just keep the entry clear for their return.

The cops were kind enough to drop our bags by the gate both times. So, I would assume that this is standard practice. Run out there, pick one up. One Mastermind goes forth clearing a path. The other follows, albeit slowly, with the engine. Inspire didn't help much but we did it anyway. Get the engine in the heli and high tail it back the way you came. DO NOT GO IN THE FRONT DOOR. Sometimes an overzealous member may, I said may, toss a grenade out there to clear the fauna and you don't want to be near that.

Rinse. Repeat.

The two Masterminds should still be carrying a med kit each. You may want to consider placing one outside the gate by the hill for emergency healing.

I do recommend waiting until a helicopter is on the ground or within 60 seconds before going out. You don't want to stand outside and fight for too long. If it means letting one break in the assault pass, so be it. You're here to survive, not rush.

Note: If you want to conserve ammo/med kits, get a hostage in the basement. When the assault ends Seppuku. You can be traded immediately with full health and plenty of fresh ammo.
Day Two: Engine Number Nine, er, Twelve!
After you successfully place the 11th wrong engine on the helicopter, take the correct engine to the top of the stairs. Let the cops take it. Guess what? They'll take it to the same spot. Danke schoen!

When the heli comes back wait for a break. Load up on remaining ammo and heal. Then go for the gold. We held out by the plane but do what you do here. You only need to survive for about two minutes.

Did you get the keys? If not, make that five minutes... Sorry.

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Conasse  [author] 24 Jul, 2014 @ 2:50pm 
Conasse  [author] 23 Jul, 2014 @ 7:36pm 
Bien sûr, mon ami
Prinny 23 Jul, 2014 @ 6:20am 
Hey guys ! i will add your guide here if you don't mind(tell me if you do, i will remove it) :

I try to regroup all good and usefull guide in the same place =).
-[HEX1%]-MoneyShot 26 Feb, 2014 @ 11:11am 
Great Guide guys. Now who wants to do this with me wearing only suits so we look good doing it?
Katz 18 Feb, 2014 @ 8:27am 
Oh... Achievements...
Conasse  [author] 18 Feb, 2014 @ 6:20am 
Mr. Lockwood: Aurorablade is correct. This guide is for attempting the Dr. Miserable achievement. Stealth is optional but not necessary.
Conasse  [author] 18 Feb, 2014 @ 3:10am 
Cloakers do not spawn in the basement. The entire assault comes from upstairs. Creates a nice funnel.
Aurorablade 17 Feb, 2014 @ 6:12pm 
Toshiro: this guide is designed to get the achievement which is all about getting the right engine last. Sure you can try stealth the first step of day 2 but its still going to take over an hour to complete due to the sheer volume of engines, wait times, patience and discipline needed to keep a crew alive long enough to last until the end.
Knight_of_Gallifrey 17 Feb, 2014 @ 5:05pm 
miserable, not fantastic. each trip in chopper still takes up to 5 minutes.

Anyway, have decent crew for holding line, maybe we'll try this out. sounds viable, only trick is do cloakers spawn in basement?