Portal 2

Portal 2

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Portal 2 - 100% Achievement guide
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This guide includes everything you need to know to unlock every achievement in Portal 2.
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01. Wake Up Call
Wake Up Call
Survive the manual override

To unlock this achievement you simply need to enter the old testing track after waiting for Wheatley to crash through the Docking Station wall. You should then be able to receive the achievement automatically.
02. You Monster
You Monster
Reunite with GLaDOS

This achievement will be unlocked as soon as you wake up GLaDOS during the first chapter of the game.
03. Undiscouraged
Complete the first Thermal Discouragement Beam test

As your first test of the second chapter, you will be treated to a simple puzzle involving Thermal Discouragement Beams. Complete this test and you'll be awarded with the achievement.

A simple test. This will be test chamber 1 after you reacquire the dual portal device. GLaDOS will talk about how test subjects react to deadly lasers, you simply need to walk over to the platform near the door (if you don’t see it you can do the next step to see where it comes from) and then place one portal on the roof where the laser hits it, and another on the roof above the small dome-like laser receptor (look to where the dotted blue line ends). The platform will rise giving you access to the exit.
04. Bridge Over Troubling Water
Bridge Over Troubling Water
Complete the first Hard Light Bridge test

During the third chapter, Test Chamber 12 will introduce the new Hard Light Bridge. Similar to the Undiscouraged achievement, you will need to complete this introductory chamber to unlock the achievement.

You’ll see the light bridge when you enter the chamber. What you need to do is place a portal on the wall where the bridge hits it. And then place one across the way where the door is. (Strictly speaking you don’t need the bridge at this point but you might as well do it now so you don't have to move that portal for the rest of the chamber.) Go through the portal and you’ll be on the other side with a small button. Press it and it will start dropping cubes. To get to them you’re going to have to work your way around a corner with the bridges.
In the center chasm, there will be an area of wall you can place a portal on. If you’re on the side with the button it will be on your right, and if you’re on the starting side it will be on your left.
Get back on the starting side and look to your right. There will be a glass enclosed area you can see the cubes falling in and next to that, a bit closer to you, will be an alcove. Place a portal somewhere on the left wall (while facing the exit) so that the bridge extends into this alcove. Try to place it higher rather than lower as you’ll need to change the portal location twice more and you’ll want to have some room to fall before hitting the water.
Walk across the light bridge until you reach the back wall of the alcove. Now turn to your left and you will see another section of wall you can place a portal on. Taking care to make sure you move your exit portal and to make sure the bridge will extend below where you’re currently standing place the portal on that wall. Follow the bridge towards that wall and on your right will be another section. Do the same thing to move the portal and extend the bridge below the Aperture Science Weighted Storage Cube vent and grab one as it comes down. Bring it with you through your portal, portal over to the other side to place on the big button and head for the elevator to get your achievement.
05. High Five
High Five
Celebrate your cooperative calibration success

This achievment simply requires you to complete the short co-op tutorial chamber. If you went straight to a co-op chamber with a friend and skipped the tutorial, to go back to it you just need to hit start at the level select and choose calibration course.
06. SaBOTour
Make a break for it

Half way throughout Test Chamber 21 you will be interrupted by Wheatley, who will offer you an escape route. The achievement will be obtained as soon as you begin your escape.
07. Stalemate Associate
Stalemate Associate
Press the button!

After you've dealt with the turret factory and the neurotoxin generators you'll be sucked through the pneumatic diversity vent to the entrance to GLaDOS's chamber. Walk up the stairs and you can note that the bridge leading across to her chamber from the first game is destroyed. Stand on the edge of the pit and look off to your right. In the distance there will be a small square of tile you can portal onto. Head over there and approach the door labeled something like "GLaDOS emergency shutdown and cake dispensary".
When you get to her chamber just let her talk until Wheatley shows up. Pick him up and bring him to the center of the room and insert him in the receptacle when it rises from the floor. There will be a short dialogue after which you will need to go push a button. GLaDOS has panels that will fling you away if you try to walk to it though so portal over to it and portal to the opposite side of that room to get past the panels that are close to the button. Once you push the button return to the center of the chamber and watch the fun unfold until the achievement unlocks.
08. Vertically Unchallenged
Vertically Unchallenged
Master the Repulsion Gel

This achievement will be awarded after a series of Repulsion Gel based tests during Chapter 6.
09. Team Building
Team Building
Complete all test chambers in the Team Building co-op course

This is the first set of co-op chambers to complete. Finish all 6 stages in course 1 of co-op mode to get the achievement.
10. Tater Tote
Tater Tote
Carry science forward

Near the end of Chapter 6 you will reunite with GLaDOS in her potato form. Simply pick her up to receive the achievement.
11. Stranger Than Friction
Stranger Than Friction
Master the Propulsion Gel

Identical to how Vertically Unchallenged worked, you will need to complete a series of Propulsion Gel based tests during Chapter 7.
12. White Out
White Out
Complete the first Conversion Gel test

This is achieved once you have completed the challenge near the end of Chapter 7 in which you first encounter the Conversion Gel.
13. Dual Pit Experiment
Dual Pit Experiment
Do the same test twice

Once you get back to the Facility (chapter 8), you'll meet Wheatley with some turrets-cube hybrid. Just solve that test and then he will show you a stupidly easy test made by him. Once you solve it, he'll ask you to do it again. Proceed and the achievement will be unlocked.
14. Tunnel of Funnel
Tunnel of Funnel
Master the Excursion Funnel

Complete Chapter 8 Test Chamber 15.
15. Confidence Building
Confidence Building
Complete all test chambers in the Mass and Velocity co-op course

Finish all 8 stages in course 2 of co-op mode.
16. The Part Where He Kills You
The Part Where He Kills You
This is that part

Starting chapter 9, when you meet up to Wheatley you may notice a small white area to his left. Fire a portal at that area. You will soon see white gel pouring from the ceiling. When it lands, fire an alternate portal and wait for white paint to splash on you. At your feet, fire the same portal you used on the white gel.
17. Scanned Alone
Scanned Alone
Stand in a defective turret detector

In Chapter 5, remove the master turret from the template scanner in the turret factory control room, and then step into the scanner. The achievement's icon is misleading, you do not need to stand in front of a defective turret to obtain it.
18. Lunacy
That just happened

Complete the Single-player campaign.
19. No Hard Feelings
No Hard Feelings
Save a turret from redemption

During chapter 5, you will progress through some metal scaffolding, and reach your first room, which is a conveyor belt control room, seen in the video. Just shoot 1 portal into the wall above the belt and another within the control office, and venture onto the first conveyor belt, that leads to the 2nd, higher leveled one. If done in time (you have a very generous amount of time), you will reach the 2nd conveyor belt, and see a perfectly functioning white turret. Pick it up, achievement will unlock.
20. Air Show
Air Show
Perform 2 aerial gestures before touching the ground in co-op

During a long jump, gesture twice before you hit the ground. Alternatively, create an infinite fall by placing a portal on the ceiling and one on the ground beneath it or do the gestures in an reversible Excursion Funnel.
21. Good Listener
Good Listener
Take GLaDOS' escape advice

When you are escaping during Chapter 4, GLaDOS will open a wall while running on the catwalk. Once this happens instead of turning right, turn left and the achievement will unlock.
22. Bridge Building
Bridge Building
Complete all test chambers in the Hard-Light Surfaces co-op course

Finish all 8 stages in course 3 of co-op mode.
23. Drop Box
Drop Box
Place a cube on a button without touching the cube

In Test Chamber 06 of Chapter 2, stand at the switch and place one portal on the right-hand sloped surface. Place the other portal on the panel above the button and press the switch twice. Alternatively, press the switch in Wheatley's very first test chamber.
24. Preservation of Mass
Preservation of Mass
Break the rules in Test Chamber 07

To obtain this achievement you will need to bring the Companion Cube with you through Test Chamber 7's of Chapter 2 exit door. To do this you must solve the chamber as you normally would, but as you reach the exit you will need to place a portal on the other side of the door and place another Portal on any other accessible ground. Pick up your cube from the Super Button and use your accessible Portal to reach the other side of the door. This will grant you the achievement.
25. Gesticul-8
Perform all 8 gestures of your own volition in co-op

Gestures are movements in co-op that you'll learn throughout the co-op story if you play up until the end of Chamber Four. You can perform any of the gesture at any time throughout the game play with your partner. Also there are some gestures you have to do with your partner like Rock Paper Scissors or hugging. Once you perform them all the achievement will be unlocked.

  • Highfive
  • Waving
  • Dancing (Doing the Robot)
  • Rock Paper Scissors
  • Laughing
  • Taking off your partners head
  • Hugging
  • Kung-Fu
26. Obstacle Building
Obstacle Building
Complete all test chambers in the Excursion Funnels co-op course

Finish all 9 stages in course 4 of co-op mode.
27. You Saved Science
You Saved Science
Complete all test chambers in all courses of co-op

Complete all of the courses (5 in total) in co-op campaign.
28. Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of a Lady
Find a hidden portrait

In Chapter 7 after you reunite with GLaDOS, you will come to the first chamber to use the propulsion gel. Immediately after you solve it and go through the Aperture Science Material Emancipation Grid there will be another Emancipation Grid in front of you, and a staircase to the left. The staircase is blocked by a gate, but there is a small area of wall you can place a portal on. Do so and place a second on the wall near the second grid.
Once you pass through the portal take a right and enter the office. Look at the painting on the wall with Cave Johnson and Caroline. GLaDOS will make a comment and the achievement will unlock.
29. Ship Overboard
Ship Overboard
Discover the missing experiment

In Chapter 6 near the end at the start of 1970s Aperture, go to the top catwalk. Follow it to the room, and jump on the furniture in the corner to get to the doors. Step outside to receive the achievement.
30. Can't Touch This
Can't Touch This
Dance in front of a turret blocked by a hard light bridge in co-op

You need to be in the shooting range of a turret, but have a Hard-Light Bridge blocking the turret from shooting you. Then you have to dance (you can perform any gesture) and the achievement will unlock. The first time you can do this is Course 3: Hard-Light Surfaces Chamber 6.
31. Rock Portal Scissors
Rock Portal Scissors
Win 3 co-op games of rock-paper-scissors in a row

After unlocking the Rock Paper Scissors Gesture, just keep on using the gesture with your partner over and over again until you get the achievement.
32. Pturretdactyl
Use an Aerial Faith Plate to launch a turret

In Chapter 3, Test Chamber 15, place a turret on an Aerial Faith Plate. This may also be done in Chapter 2, Test Chamber 06 where a turret is sent out as garbage.
33. Asking for Trouble
Asking for Trouble
Taunt GLaDOS in front of a camera in each of the five co-op courses

Each time you enter a new course find a camera on the wall inside of any of the chambers and perform a gesture in it's view. The camera will then zoom in on you and GlaDos will say one of her many funny lines, usually telling you how stupid you look.
34. Pit Boss
Pit Boss
Show that pit who's boss

At the start of Chapter 9, when Wheatley asks you to come back, go back and it will only trigger once he actually says "Oh.. You actually came back". And then just jump out and kill yourself and it will unlock.
35. Door Prize
Door Prize
Examine all the vitrified test chamber doors

There are three sets of three vitrifieddoors in Chapter 6. The first set is on the upper catwalk in the lake area, immediately after the hatch. The second set is on a catwalk opposite the entrance to Pump Station Alpha; exit the lift and turn to the seven-o'-clock position. The third set is in the room above the control room where you find potato GLaDOS. Walk into the room from the top catwalk. Jump on the furniture in the back-left corner and go through the doors to get this achievement.
36. You Made Your Point
You Made Your Point
Refuse to solve the first test in Chapter 8

At the beginning of chapter 8 "The Itch" you'll encounter a room with box/turret hybrids, a frustrated Wheatley, and a single pressure pad. Put a box on the pressure pad and continue to the lift, at the top of the elevator you'll be in test chamber 01 with the word "TEST" written in large letters on the wall. Its a simple chasm with a button that releases a cube and a pressure pad.

Get off the lift to make Wheatley start talking, then make sure that you:
Just stay in this room for about half a minute and you'll get the achievement.
37. Schrodinger's Catch
Schrodinger's Catch
Catch a blue-painted box before it touches the ground

On Chapter 6, Enrichment Sphere 3 save the game before dropping Repulsion Gel on the cube. Release the gel and try and catch the cube; if it hits the ground, load the earlier save. An alternate method of obtaining this achievement is to drop a little bit of Repulsion Gel on the cube, and then before it breaks out of the glass, drop water on it to stop the bouncing. Simply walk up to the cube and pick it up without touching the ground to get the achievement.
38. Four Ring Circus
Four Ring Circus
Enter 4 different portals without touching the ground in co-op

Course 1, your friend needs to place portals next to eachother on the floor, which is under a ceiling where you can place your portal. Shoot a portal next to your friends portals and the other one on the ceiling facing one of your friends portals. Fall through your portal and when you go through one of your friends portals, you'll be facing the ceiling again. Then you must shoot the portal on the ceiling to the place where you are about to go. Then wait for a while as you are falling through the portals and the achievement will appear. Alternatively. in Hub, let your friend place portals next to eachother on the 2 by 2 floor. Go through friend's portals and keep poping to friend's portals. While you are in mid-air, places portals where friend's portals placed on. Can also be done using a reversible Excursion Funnel, just like Air Show.
39. Final Transmission
Final Transmission
Find the hidden signal in one of the Rat Man's dens

When at the switch near the exit of Test Chamber 6, hit the switch and wait for all the trash to fall. Retrieve the radio from wherever it landed and go back to the switch. On the left wall at the opposite end of the chamber, there will be a portal-able surface; remember where this is. Portal back to the start of the chamber with the radio. Place a portal on the portalable-surface mentioned earlier and the other portal on the portalable surface the Aerial Faith Plates will throw you into, jump on the Aerial Faith Plates, and you will fly into one of Rattman's Dens—taking the radio in here will get you this achievement.
40. Narbacular Drop
Narbacular Drop
Place a portal under your co-op partner while they are gesturing

41. Professor Portal
Professor Portal
After completing co-op, complete Calibration Course online with a friend who hasn’t played before

Find random partners online, and immediately leave the game if you do not see the opening film. When you find a beginner, exit the game, friend them, and invite them. This will take a long time, depending on how lucky you are. Alternatively, this achievement can be elementary if you already have friends on Steam who have Portal 2 but haven't done co-op mode yet.

Just a few tips to make sure you get this and don't disqualify you or your friends from this achievement:
  • One player must have beaten the entire Co-op before, and one player must have never done the tutorial.
  • The player who has never done the tutorial must never be in a chamber. The central hub is fine.
  • Single player does not affect this so that you can have played the whole single-player and won't affect it.
42. Empty Gesture
Empty Gesture
Drop your co-op partner in goo while they are gesturing by removing the bridge under them

Have your partner stand on a Hard-light Bridge that is controlled from your portal that is above water. Tell your partner to make a gesture, and when he is in the middle of his gesture, shoot a portal somewhere else so that he falls to his death. Achievement unlocked. The first time you encounter hard-light bridges is in Course 3: Hard-Light Surfaces. The first time you can go for this achievement is in Chamber 1.
43. Friends List With Benefits
Friends List With Benefits
While playing co-op, hug 3 different people on your friends' list

Hug gesture is earned after Course 03; Hard-Light Surfaces. Perform this gesture on 3 different friends to unlock the achievement.
44. Overclocker
Complete Test Chamber 10 in 70 seconds

Self-explanatory. Keep practicing the puzzle until you are confident at the sequence of puzzle elements and maneuver quickly to each one.
45. Party of Three
Party of Three
Find the hidden companion cube in the co-op test chamber

This is found on Excursion Funnels: Chamber 9 in co-op mode. You will be outside the official testing track. In one of the many times, you and your partner are floating through a funnel. If you look straight to your left (on the same wall where your partner shoots Hard Light Bridges), you will see a portal conductive surface that you would not normally pay attention to. Shoot a portal there so that the funnel is coming out of it, and you float through the funnel. If you look to your left, you will see a companion cube behind doors that will open. You will then hit a spike wall and die, so don't try this while attempting Still Alive.
46. Smash TV
Smash TV
Break 11 test chamber monitors

In these test chambers, Wheatley's TV monitors can be smashed in the following ways: (this must be done in one run.)
  • Test Chamber 1: Lift a box using the funnel (make sure you are on the lower section) and, using its now gained height, fling it at Wheatley.
  • Test Chamber 2: Do basically the same thing from Test Chamber 1.
  • Test Chamber 3: The same as Test Chambers 1 and 2, but make sure you are in the first section of the chamber.
  • Test Chamber 4: Pick up the turret behind the button and aim it at Wheatley. It will not shoot until you let go, setting it upright.
  • Test Chamber 5: There are two monitors in this chamber. They both are smashed by lifting a box in a funnel and flinging it, but the exit portals are in two different locations. The first is on the wall in which the funnel is being projected on, around the center (This will take experimentation.) The second is on the very right of the angled surface that you go through on your way to the exit.
  • Test Chamber 6: Launch yourself on the Aerial Faith Plate.
  • Test Chamber 11: Burn him with the Discouragement beam and the Redirection cube. You will need to use the box to get the beam on a portal conductive surface, then use portals to get the beam to hit Wheatley.
  • Test Chamber 12: When you are in the place where you would normally use the cube to open the door, burn the monitor.
  • Test Chamber 15: Do the same thing as Test Chambers 1, 2, and 3.
  • Test Chamber 16: (Tip: this is extremely hard to get in one try. Save at every point noted.) Do the test normally. However, at the part where you coat turrets in Repulsion Gel (save before this), You must only coat two of the turrets, leaving one alive. (save now as well). Using one of the portal surfaces on each side of the turret platform, jump on the platform while pressing the crouch button to avoid bouncing on the gel. Grab the one remaining turret, and use it to shoot Wheatley and earn the achievement.
  • Morton's Fork: If you miss a TV, there is still one more chance in the penultimate map. While Wheatley informs you of your death option, place one portal underneath the Pneumatic Diversity Vent where the bombs come out. Put the other portal on the wall to your left facing Wheatley's TV. When you press the button, the bombs should fly through and destroy the TV, causing Wheatley to immediately stop talking ("All right, I'll take that as a no, then.") and leave.
47. Iron Grip
Iron Grip
Never lose a cube in Chamber 6 of the Mass and Velocity co-op course

In the area within this test that gives this achievement its difficulty, timing is everything. Make sure you and your partner know what you're doing before attempting this.
48. Triple Crown
Triple Crown
Solve 3 co-op chambers in the Mass and Velocity course in under 60 seconds each

For this achievement, you need to complete 3 of the 8 stages of Course 2 in under 60 seconds. You do not need to do them in a row or any specific order. Stages 1, 2, and 4 are very easy to complete within that time. Make a plan with your partner on who does what on the stages and practice the stages you and your partner find easy. Then make your attempt on the achievement.
49. Portal Conservation Society
Portal Conservation Society
Complete Chamber 3 in the Hard-Light Surfaces co-op course using only 5 total portal placements

This achievement occurs on Portal 2 Co-op Course 3 Chamber 3 and is possible to obtain with only one set of portals. Place one portal at the receiving end of the Hard Light Bridge, then place the other portal on a nearby wall. Enter the portal on the wall and walk over to the bridge emitter. Move on the emitter so that you can see the white surface of the overhead panels, then fire a portal so that the Hard Light Bridge runs under the Vital Apparatus Vent. Press the button in the center of the wall by the Light Bridge, and have your partner catch the ball that drops out of the vent. Place the ball on the receptacle and proceed into the next part of the chamber. Fire a portal at the receiving end of the Hard Light Bridge, then line up the second portal on the ceiling to use the Aerial Faith Plate bounces you off the vertical light bridge and into the exit area.
50. Talent Show
Talent Show
Never lose a cube in Chamber 6 of the Mobility Gels co-op course

Self-explanatory, but make sure you and your partner know what you're doing.
51. Still Alive
Still Alive
Complete Course 4 with neither you nor your co-op partner dying

The requirements for this are simple enough, though you cannot quit or complete sections of the course to earn this achievement. It has to be done in one sitting.
58 kommentarer
AdriiMorenooo 30 maj @ 10:25 
Add me to make the co-op achievements
bo 29 okt, 2023 @ 2:03 
I'm looking for someone to help me get the Co-op Achievements, if you're interested, feel free to add me.
Kure 'Tesum 11 aug, 2023 @ 15:35 
I have every single player Achievement in Portal 2 and for the Coop Achievements, the ones that i have are:
Narbacular Drop
Confidence Building
Team Building
& High Five

Now, i'm looking to get the rest of the Coop Achievements including the Professor Portal Achievement and the Still Alive Achievement which is difficult and i need a Portal 2 Coop Expert that has more experience than me. I'll be busy at 3PM tomorrow getting the Clan Warfare & Hopefully the Friendly Attire Achievements from Counter-Strike Source, i'm considering to do them next week.
Cwpsteelers 29 jul, 2023 @ 0:46 
Thanks for compiling this list of achievements. Finally got all the hard ones out of the way
Liquid Nutrients 11 jun, 2023 @ 12:57 
My bad if this has been said here, but regarding the Smash TV achievement - you don't need to smash all of them in one run/playthrough. I ended up missing one in the one level with two screens, and when I went ahead and got the second one, the achievement popped up. If you're trying to 100% the game like me and was similarly frustrated when you realised you missed one, I hope you find this helpful
dsaS 28 maj, 2023 @ 15:34 
Snick 29 dec, 2022 @ 20:39 
at the top all the way you the the pan gave birth to an pancake lol
beepster 21 dec, 2022 @ 20:48 
tag spam
Flying 20 dec, 2022 @ 11:10 
Do you know what's sad? I don't have almost all of the achievements that you normally get while playing the story. This is because while playing, I sometimes wanted to mess around with thirdperson mode or something. But I never used this to my advantage, like skipping parts. An example of this is how I never got the "You Monster" achievement because I went in thirdperson mode to see what happens when I look away from Wheatley when he tells you to in Chapter 1. And I can't easily switch between chapters because I don't have many save files, and the "New Game" option only has so many chapters. I'm sad now.
Cat with Sunglasses 10 nov, 2022 @ 16:10 
Talent show isnt completing for me, tried not letting it touch the floor and the regular way