Counter-Strike 2
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P250 | Overload (Cyberstrike)
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Оръжие: P250
Стил на окраската: Персонализирано боядисано
Размер на файла
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9.132 MB
29 окт. 2020 в 10:42
29 окт. 2020 в 13:28
1 бележка за промяна ( преглед )

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В 2 колекции от Puffin (•⌔• )
Red Moon Collection
93 артикула
Cyberstrike Collection
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In honor of the genre of cyberpunk, retrowave and everything in between- We present to you Overload, the first part of a new collection we've been having a ton of fun with called Cyberstrike. Always loved scifi and grew up with books like Neuromancer, Snow Crash and Shadowrun as well as movies like Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell and many others which had a major influence on me.

Check out the Cyberstrike collection!

The second skin is for the P250! Overload channels the crazy themes and colors that I've become accustomed to. Brainwaves overloaded, synapses and neurons frying. A wild skin for the run and gun type. The wear pattern also was hand authored, maintaining the main design up to 1.0 wear. Excited to share the rest of the collection soon. Hope you guys like it and thanks for the support as always!

Check out the official Neon Rider collection!