

Jackie/Twin Sword - Community Guide by Aeroseal
作者: Aeroseal
A little twist to a meta weapon choice for the White Serial Killer, Jackie!
Welcome, all test subjects! This is your local test subject Aeroseal and this is a community guide for Jackie, The White Vixen Serial Killer! Jackie offers incredible damage in skirmishes along with incredible chase for when foes want to escape your grasps! Today with this build, we will be going over something a little bit different but is extremely effective!

The order of this guide will go as follows:

1. Ability Overview
2. Build
3. GamePlay Tips
4. Pros and Cons
5. Conclusion

Ability Overview
Passive: Bloodfest

When Jackie slays an enemy, attack power is enhanced for 20/25/30 seconds. Survivor, bear increase her attack power by 8/20/40%. Any other animal increases it by 3/8/15% respectively.

With this in mind, its crucial that you have this passive active in anyway shape or form for this specific build. The reason will be discussed further in the Build portion of the guide. Bloodfest allows for raw AP to be applied when you gain a kill, which means after a kill in a fight with disadvantageous numbers (Ex. 1 v 2) that AP could be enough to turn the tide of battle! Try to max this ability whenever you can, as the damage you can deal with flat AP gain is really handy!

Q: Slice and Dice

Jackie swings her weapon twice, making her target bleed. Bleeding enemies will take damage over a certain time. Skill damage
First swing: 20/40/60/80/100 +(0.45 AP) Second swing: 30/50/70/90/110 + (0.65AP)
Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 SP
Cooldown: 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 Seconds

This will start your initiation, as your other abilities (W, E) play off the bleed you apply from this ability. In a logical sense, this would be your bread and butter ability due to the damage you can dish out when hitting both swings. However, you will be maxing this ability last or putting minimal priority when leveling abilities.

W: Adrenaline Burst

Jackie's bursting adrenaline causes her to move faster for a moment. If she attacks a bleeding target during her adrenaline burst, she deals bonus damage to the target and restores her HP.

Skill damage: .1/.12/.15/.17/.2 AP
Skill duration: 5s
Cost: 90/100/110/120/130 SP
Cooldown: 17/16/15/14/13 Seconds

This is your bread and butter, this ability alone does a massive amount for this particular build. The skill damage isn't really damage, but is more of a buff since your AP amount will apply with the ratios of the ability to help with how much of a buff you receive. Your lifesteal with this ability paired with the speed you receive toward a bleeding enemy means you max this ability first.

E: Leaping Strike

Jackie leaps to the targeted location, dealing damage to her enemies nearby upon landing. Hitting bleeding enemies with Leaping Strike slows their movement speed for a moment.

Skill damage: 10 + (0.3AP) / 80 + (0.4AP) / 150 + (0.5AP)/ 220 + (0.6AP)/ 290 + (0.7AP)
Move. speed: 40% reduction
Cost: 70/85/100/115/130 SP
Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10 Seconds

The leap will be your gap closer, allowing you to instantly launch onto a target and applying damage. As told in the description of this ability, once someone is bleeding their movement speed is slowed by a flat 40%. I usually max this ability second because of how much more damage this has over the Q.

R: Chainsaw Murderer

Jackie starts her deadly chainsaw. Her chainsaw boosts her attack speed and causes targets hit by her basic attacks to bleed. She also takes a swipe at her target and deals considerable damage before she turns off her chainsaw.

Skill damage: 300/500/800 + (1.0AP)
Skill duration: 10/15/20s
Attack speed: +30/35/40%
Cost: 120/150/180 SP
Cooldown: 120/100/80 Seconds

The whole point of this ability is literally having the Q Bleed on your auto attacks. You also have a huge attack speed steroid starting just from gaining the ability. At the end of the duration, you deal a circle as the flat damage described plus any added ratio of AP you add from items.

D: Dual Swords Rampage

Charge in the targeted direction and deal damage to all enemies in your path. If you hit an enemy, you can use the skill again.

Skill damage: (0.3 AP)/(0.5 AP) * 6
Skill duration: 0.75s
Cooldown: 40s

You are able to use this ability when you have a dual sword and you have reached Dual Sword Mastery 7. When using this ability, think about the amount of movement and damage you can use. You can use the extra mobility for damage or you can use the extra damage to be applied again.

Weapon: Divine Dual Swords
Head: Tactical OPS Helmet
Chest: Butler's Suit
Arm: Radar
Leg: White Rhinos
Accessory: Veritas Lux Mea

This build will focus around attack speed and lifesteal. You go from being a hit and run type of character to full extended fighting. Your W lifesteal along with your lifesteal and attack speed in this build allows you to tank most damage because you will be regaining an adequate amount hp when you land on top of your victim with E and attack them with your autos. You will achieve your weapon with only two visits in this route. After having two items and reaching post level 6 with Ultimate, that is your powerspike and where you can start hunting for victims in 1 versus 1 fashion. Groups will be harder to take down, but not impossible.

After finishing the White Rhinos, you have an adequate amount of damage plus whatever animals you have butchered to apply the passive. If you are engaged on, try to escape unless you are positive you can commit to the fight. You will want to avoid longer fights until you have finished your build at the Chapel.
Gameplay Tips
Gameplay Tips

For all test subjects on Lumia Island, there are just some things you can't control, but here are tips for the things you can!

  • Focus on finishing your build first before you enter any form of fight or skirmish, because Jackie herself has low health base and health growth. The map will have red markers flash, signalling other victims in the area. Look at the map frequently and plan your route accordingly

  • Pre 6 or pre R combos will be as follows: Q to cause bleed, E on top to slow them and then W to gain lifesteal along with chase if they attempt to escape.

  • Your E or Leaping Strike has the ability to go over walls, which allows you to surprise victims you have your sites on.

  • Make sure that when you are running toward someone that you press ult on start. Chainsaw gives you massive attack speed steroid and bleed, which means you don't have to use q to start a fight you only need to auto them once.

  • Be sure to utilize the double dash of Dual Sword Rampage; when you use your dash and it connects, the dash can be used one more time. This could allow for re-positioning during a fight, dodging a lethal ability, or applying even more damage.
Pros and Cons
With all builds, there will be a pros and cons, where the build has its up sides and downsides.

  • Decent Damage

  • High Sustain

  • Great for extended trades

  • Able to tank certain amount of damage because of sustain

  • Healing Reduction built into the kit

  • Not high amount amount of Flat AP for higher damage

  • Build can take long to achieve because of the numerous locations

  • Can't protect against hard CC that stops chase

  • Can easily be kited by rifle users or anyone with longer range

  • Will be more difficult to achieve in higher levels of play

This build is something a little different and unique, but has its strengths and still effective. Because Jackie is an aggressive character and a somewhat careless playstyle in all stages of the game because of the flat amounts of attack power from most builds, this prompts any test subject to play a little more passive in the early game and focus more on mid to late game where your attack speed and lifesteal keep you in the fight to get your first victim. From there, go on a rampage! Wreak havoc and cut into all the victims on Lumia Island!

Best of luck to all!

Note: I am still new to the game, but I have had experience with MOBA games and Battle Royale games such as these and decided to try out these things. I apologize if this build may not work out. Results may vary.