Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

310 voti
6-Lane Avenue with Parking
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Assets: Road
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17 ott 2020, ore 10:46
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6-Lane Avenue with Parking

In 2 collezioni di Delta 5-1
Vanilla+ Roads: Streets
56 elementi
Vanilla+ Roads One Click Collection
160 elementi
A six-lane, two-way avenue with parking spaces.

  • Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants
  • Parking lanes
  • Bus bays
  • All vanilla style

Width: 4 squares (32m)
Speed limit: 60

If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection.
5 commenti
foxprogrammer 15 giu 2022, ore 19:44 
are you planning to add rendered tunnels to these roads?
SovietSeamstress 8 gen 2022, ore 17:25 
This and the 8 lane are super useful! Would it be possible to make a version with bus lanes?
OdinTGE 24 dic 2021, ore 17:32 
I'd love to see this but with bike lanes instead of parking. (And other 6 lane avenues [grass, trees] as well)
Sid 18 ott 2020, ore 18:46 
Wow! New roads!!! I always expect more from you! They are all great! Thanks for them!
sebesams 18 ott 2020, ore 2:06 
OMG. I love you!!!! This is excellent! <3