I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

90 évaluations
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream Walkthrough - From GameFAQs
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Written by Alicia Belliveau (morgainedax@hotmail.com) 2002

I take no credit for writing this walkthrough, I have only formatted and moved to steam what was already written on GameFAQs.
During the Cold War hysteria of the 20th Century, three superpowers of the world built vast subterranean computer complexes to wage a global war. The Chinese, Russian, and American computers were fed killing data to carry out this war. However, the machines expanded beyond their programming and became aware of one another. They united as AM, as in the Latin phrase Cogito Ergo Sum. I think, therefore I am. The countries attempted to shut their computers down, but AM had already started the Final War. It wiped the Human race off the face of the planet. But with no other programming except for killing data, it has nowhere else to expand to. It cannot dream or think or imagine. So before the end of the Final War, Am took down 5 humans, seemingly at random. AM can create illusions, landscapes and keep the remaining humans immortal, so it may torture them for it’s own amusement. At the start of the game, the 5 damned humans have been with AM for 109 years.
Character Descriptions
Gorrister has been turned into a suicidal loner. A self-proclaimed victim of the women in his life, Gorrister longs for death more than any of the other captives.

Ellen was a brilliant engineer who was climbing the corporate ladder when AM seized her. But if she is that competent, that cool, that smart, why does she become hysterical when confronted with the colour yellow?

Benny is AM’s favourite torture toy. Radiation sores and scars, blindness, an arthritic condition that comes and goes so that sometimes he cannot even hold a spoon. He has been altered to appear simian.

Nimdok is so ancient, and so withered, he looks as if he is constructed of leather strips. AM sees this mean-spirited old man as a kindred spirit, but if he has any secrets he is keeping them to himself.

Ted is a cynical paranoid. His eyes keep darting here and there, as if he expects a sniper to aim at his exposed head. He is so twitchy he could make poison ivy nervous.
  • Look into the mirror and out the porthole.
  • Pick up and read the note on the floor.
  • Leave this room to the corridor.
  • Head into the room on your far right.
  • Get the sheet and look at the book on the desk.
  • Leave this room and enter the 2nd room on the left.
  • Get the sheet there and leave.
  • Now go to the left screen.
  • Enter the first door.
  • Move the pillow to find a gun.
  • Leave, and go into the 2nd door.
  • Look at the debris around you, and head further in the room.
  • Get the knife and the fork on the ground.
  • Scare the rats away with the knife and eat the bread left behind.
  • Read the cookbook on the shelf.
  • Look at the bottle next to it.
  • Leave and go back to the corridor.
  • Go down past the hatch.
  • Take the milky fluid from the panel.
  • Push the lever and get the bloody key.
  • Go back to the dining room and use the tablecloth to clean your hands.
  • Go back to the engine room where you got the milk, and throw the fork into the engine.
  • Go up and then up the stairs to the air bags.
  • Go to the end of the walkway and use the knife to make a tear in the bag.
  • Crawl through.
  • Tie your sheets together and tie them to the mooring ring to get your heart at the end of the zeppelin.
  • Use the knife to get your rope back.
  • Now go back in, and cut two of the air bags with your knife.
  • Go back down the stairs, and if you did it right, you’ll have landed next to a honky-tonk.
  • Open the hatch, and go inside the honky-tonk.

  • Use the jukebox, but only the 1st and 2nd selections. The third will make your Spiritual Barometer go down, and the 4th is useless.
  • Get the whiskey on the shelf behind the bar and go out the back door.
  • Talk to the jackal as much as you can, and give him your heart when he asks for it.
  • Go back in the honky-tonk.
  • Look at Harry, then try and talk to him.
  • You’ll have to pour him a drink before he’ll answer any of your questions though.
  • Talk as much as you can, and then go to the restroom.
  • Get the magnifying glass from the urinal and look at the graffiti.
  • Go back to the zeppelin and use the magnifying glass on the debris in the dining room.
  • Go confront Harry.
  • Use the stall three times and you’ll find yourself in a meat locket.
  • Try talking to Glynis and then talk to Edna.
  • Keep talking as much as you can. Don’t shoot her, gut out her heart, or give her the milk.
  • Try to take her down from the hook. She’ll attack you and drop the key.
  • Tie her up with the rope.
  • Take the key.
  • Leave, and talk to jackal. He’ll offer you your heart back if you give him Edna’s.
  • Go back to the zeppelin and back to the corridor with 4 doors.
  • Open the first door with Edna’s key and read the logbook.
  • Go back to the freezer and give the milky fluid to Glynis.
  • Talk to her and take her out of the freezer.
  • Use the magnifying glass with the side of beef and then cut out the beef heart.
  • Exchange this heart for yours with the jackal.
  • Find the shovel next to the trashcans and make a grave for Glynis.
  • Bury her. Talk to the jackal about making amends.
  • Now go back to the engine room on the zeppelin.
  • Put Edna in the harness to power the engine.
  • Go up to the air bags and press the emergency inflater.
  • Go to the room with Edna’s logbook.
  • Use the lever to fly the zeppelin.
  • Go outside the tear and shoot the honky-tonk.
  • If the Spiritual Barometer goes white, you’ve gotten the best ending for Gorrister.
  • There’s nothing to do outside the pyramid so enter.
  • Try to drink out of the fountain, but you’ll find you can’t reach.
  • Go right, and look at the 4th computer monitor.
  • Press it, then look at it again. Use the wiring under the 1st monitor, and then go back to the room with the fountain.
  • Press where you saw the secret passage, and enter.
  • Go to your right and get the forceps, and the yellow fabric.
  • Ellen will panic the first time, but you can pick it up the 2nd time.
  • Go back to the room with the 5 monitors and put on the fabric as a blindfold.
  • Enter the room to your right and get the cup.
  • Now use it with the fountain, and drink two cups of water.
  • Fill it up again.
  • Go down the passageway, look at the sarcophagus, and try and use both it, and the keypad.
  • Talk to Anubis as much as you can.
  • Throw the cup of water on Anubis to short-circuit him.
  • Then use the forceps to take out a ROM chip.
  • Go right twice.
  • Put on the blindfold and take out the gem from the statue.
  • Go right again.
  • Put the gem in the left workstation and then the ROM chip.
  • Use the workstation to reprogram the chip to designate you the new master.
  • Take the chip out, and put it back in Anubis.
  • Talk to him and he’ll give you the password to the sarcophagus. Enter it.

  • Use the elevator panel and enter all the dates, starting with the earlier.
  • Keep talking to the workman, and when you get the chance, fight back.
  • Leave the elevator.
  • Look at the logo and component to your left and the wiring to your right.
  • Go down. You’ll notice Ellen isn’t afraid of the colour yellow anymore.
  • Go right to the 3 workstations.
  • Use the last one.
  • Enter the date of the elevator incident.
  • Ask the computer everything you can.
  • Now you’ll need a speaker. There’s one of the wall by the fountain where you first came in. Get it, then use it with the wiring down by the elevator exit.
  • Talk to the computer as much as you can, then go down.
  • Now you can get the CD-ROM in the statue.
  • Use it with the middle workstation.
  • Activate the Chaos Trebler.
  • Now talk to Anubis again.
  • Use the sarcophagus to end Ellen’s scenario.
  • Try to walk up or down the stairs. When you fall, walk towards the caves in the background.
  • Enter the 2nd cave that glows blue.
  • Look at the bag, talk to the elder and use the screen on the wall.
  • Leave and head right.
  • Get a piece of fruit from the tree and try to eat it.
  • Can’t can you? If you ate it, leave and pull on the twine outside the caves to get another piece.
  • Now go to the third cave with the mother and son.
  • Give the fruit to the boy and he’ll use the screen to talk with you.
  • Talk as much as you can and get another piece of fruit. (From the basket above the caves) Give it to the mother and she’ll feed it to you.
  • Talk to the boy again, and go to sleep.
  • When you wake talk to the boy. Head down the path from the caves to the altar.
  • Watch the sacrifice of the mother and then look at the debris below.
  • Go back to where you fell, and then left to the graves.
  • Talk to all of them and then Murphy’s grave once more.
  • Keep asking how you can prove you’ve changed. Other options will lower your Spiritual Barometer.
  • When you’re done, talk to the boy, and be kind to him.
  • Enter the elder’s cave. When he’s not there, steal the lottery bag.
  • Show it to the boy.
  • Get a piece of fruit and go back to the graves.
  • Talk to the graves. Then talk to Thomas’s and he’ll reveal Brickman’s grave.
  • Push the vines away and talk to him.
  • Bury a piece of fruit in his grave.
  • Go to sleep.
  • Look at the screen in the elder’s cave.
  • Go talk to the boy again, and tell him he needs to hide in the hole.
  • He’s too afraid, so you’ll need to make him a doll.
  • Get the mother’s head from the altar.
  • Take some fruit to the right cave, and get the piece of wood there.
  • Go to the left cave and get a wire from the wall.
  • Take these back to the boy and he’ll make a doll.
  • Use the video screen again.
  • Go to sleep. When you wake, look in the hole and the boy will be gone.
  • Go to the altar, and ask to be put in the boy’s place.
  • You have completed Benny’s scenario.
  • Talk to the guard outside the buildings.
  • Look at the gate and talk to the prisoner.
  • Keep talking to him using the first menu choice.
  • Go into the hospital building.
  • Look at the poster on the wall and remember the date 1945.
  • Walk into the surgery room. Talk to the man there as much as you can.
  • Try to take the ether on the cart.
  • When the man says no, take the scalpel on the cart and stab him with it.
  • Then take the ether and go into the recovery room in the back.
  • Look at the patients and push open the grate behind you.
  • Take the watch and pliers on the desk and look at the records.
  • Push open the door to the outside.
  • Talk to the man caught in the fence.
  • Be kind to him. Use the ether on him, and cut him free.
  • Remember what he tells you.
  • Talk to the first prisoner and ask him about 1945 and the inscription on the watch.
  • Give him the pair of pliers.
  • Go back to the surgery room.
  • Talk to the patient, and again, be kind to him.
  • Use the ether on him and take the jar with his eyes.
  • Go to the recovery room and talk with the child that was on the operating table earlier.
  • Now go the the room with the 1945 poster on the wall.
  • Take the box on the table and hide the eyes in it.
  • Go outside. Tell the prisoners you want to remedy your atrocities and ask why they say you are one of them.
  • Ask if they will let you go.

  • Look at the wall, and the mass grave.
  • Go inside the bunker.
  • Use the teletype.
  • Walk through the doorway.
  • Use the switch next to the vat.
  • Take the vat to get the mirror at the bottom.
  • Look into the mirror. Look at the blueprints on the board.
  • Put the eyes into the golem.
  • Talk to the golem and select the option about the man on the barbed wire fence.
  • Select Time is Truth, Golem wake up, then the one about 1945. Kiss the golem and tell him to follow you outside.
  • In the laboratory, talk to Mengele as much as you can.
  • Make him look into the mirror.
  • Tell the golem to follow you outside, then turn control of him over to the lost tribe.
  • Walk into the building and push the 2nd monitor with the picture of a castle.
  • Look at everything outside, enter the castle, and look at the tapestries.
  • Now search the rooms and read all the books on the shelves.
  • Now go the Ellen’s room, and talk to her as much as you can.
  • Look on her dresser for her mirror.
  • Tell Ellen you can’t find it.
  • Go to the witch’s evil-looking bedroom and take the shard of glass on the floor.
  • Go to the chapel and get the little icon.
  • Push the sconce/torch next the bright gargoyle to reveal a passage.
  • You can’t do anything here yet though.
  • Go to the kitchen and ask the maid about everything.
  • When she asks you to sleep with her, keep saying no and fix the oven for her instead.
  • She lied however. Talk to her again, and she’ll talk about the old woman.
  • So go to the hidden room and talk to the witch.
  • Use the first dialogue choice. When she tells you to go to the devil, say you’ll kill her.
  • Don’t sleep with her either.
  • Leave to the castle hallway.
  • Put the icon in the hinge of the door and shove the suit of armour in front of the door.
  • Now go to Ellen’s room and the devil will appear.
  • Keep talking to him.
  • Talk to Ellen.
  • Go to the witch’s bedroom and read Secrets, and Double, Double. Remember the spell.
  • Tell the witch about the spell and cast Kalla Ingma Thacko.
  • Take the piece of chalk that she drops. Finish the circle with it.
  • Talk to Surgat when he appears and ask him to open the door to the maid’s bedroom.
  • You’ll have to give him the shard of glass too.
  • Look at the tapestry on the wall of the maid’s room.
  • Now go back and talk to the devil in Ellen’s room.
  • Tell him he’s lying.
  • Talk to the angel as much as you can.
  • Now go to the Lord bedroom and read The Divine Comedy.
  • You’ll find the mirror.
  • Ask Ellen if she would like to go with the angel.
  • Give her the mirror and she’ll go to heaven.
  • Now use the mirror and trap the devil with it.
  • Break the mirror in the magic circle.
Endgame Scenario
Note: the only one of these you should do in order is Nimdok, as he knows the password for the bridge. All the rest of the characters can be done in order of preference.

  • Pick Nimdok to lead the assault as he knows the computer password right off.
  • Use the pit workstation and enter 1945 as the password.
  • Extend the bridge and log off the computer.
  • Walk across the bridge. Use the summoning totem.
  • Talk to the demon about the way out and what he has to show you.
  • Keep talking with the first menu choice.
  • Refuse the plea to invoke the first two totems.
  • When he explains why to invoke the Totem of Compassion, comply.
  • Find the scene with the skulls around a pit.
  • Take the middle skull, and the hand that appears.
  • Use the totem of Access with the power node that appears.
  • Now kill Nimdok by zapping him with power node.

  • Pick Gorrister.
  • Find the holo-projector and activate it.
  • Find the scene with the workstation and containers.
  • Use the workstation and raise the node.
  • Activate container number three where Glynis is.
  • Use the Totem of Life with her. Kill Gorrister.

  • Pick Benny.
  • Find the scene with the holo-projector, and talk to his wife, Manya. (even though in the book, he
  • didn’t have a wife because he was gay, but oh well.)
  • Use the Totem of Love with her after she activates the node.
  • Kill Benny.

  • Pick Ted.
  • Find Nimdok’s scene with the skulls.
  • Take the right skull and the remote.
  • Find the scene with the swords.
  • Use the remote with a gargoyle.
  • Use the Totem of Gallantry.
  • Kill Ted.

  • Pick Ellen.
  • Find Nimdok’s area again.
  • Get the left skull and the gem.
  • Find the volcano area.
  • Use the gem with the hole and use the Totem of Valor with the pillar.
  • Go back to the bridge where the demon was.
  • Talk to the Russian and Chinese computers.
  • Walk to the Ego pylon.
  • Use the first choice til you get to the one about harming yourself.
  • Walk away.
  • Use the Forgiveness totem with the Ego.
  • Ask the Superego who it is, how it knew you were coming, and for advice.
  • Use the Clarity totem with the Superego.
  • Ask the Id who it is, about the brain, if it will help, and the broken glass.
  • Walk away and use the Compassion totem on the Id.
  • Return to the computers, and talk to them.
  • Invoke the Totem of Entropy and you’re finished I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q) Why does the background of the character portraits change colour?

A) This is your Spiritual Barometer. The lighter colour green it goes, the better you are. The darker, the worse off you are. Raise it by doing good deeds, getting past obstacles, and confronting your fears. Lower it by killing innocents, reading your Psych Profile, getting physically injured, or giving up.

Q) Why is the option disk spinning?

A) This means you haven’t saved in a while.

Q) Can you beat the endgame scenario with anyone besides Nimdok?

A) Yes. Besides Nimdok, two other characters will figure out the password if they get it wrong a few times. You can also use the password with one character, kill them, and enter with a different character.

Q) What about the bugs in the game?

A) There is one major one that pops up from time to time, particularly in Benny’s scenario. Sometimes moving to a different screen or loading a saved file will cause your character disappear and your cursor to refuse to click on any objects. When this happens, save your game, then just reload it. Also, minimizing the game using alt-tab can sometimes change the background music. Strangely enough, the music doesn’t sound distorted and never shows up in any other part of the game.

Q) What does the Psych Profile do?

A) It gives you hints on your next objective. When you use it, it’s admitting your faults so your Spiritual Barometer will go down, so if you want to use it, save first, then reload.

Q) Can you get the ending that’s depicted in Harlan Ellison’s short story?

A) Partly. You can’t get the Benny attacking Gorrister part, but you can get the “no mouth part”. When you’re at the endgame scenario. Simply kill off everyone of your characters, and the last one will be caught by AM. Each character will quote a different part of the ending monologue of the book, so try it with everyone.
10 commentaires
Ripper 28 nov. 2023 à 4h35 
I don't have Time is Truth option in Nimdock's story. What to do?
Gego 22 janv. 2022 à 14h03 
With Benny at the endgame, his wife Manya is not at the holoprojector, and trying to use it zaps him. Bug?
Rebuke 24 oct. 2015 à 10h29 
For Benny's, You need to loot at the vines in the leftmost cave to make the elder leave.:benny:
Captain Smoker 9 juil. 2015 à 14h43 
Put the gem in the left workstation and then the ROM chip.
Use the workstation to reprogram the chip to designate you the new master.
Take the chip out, and put it back in Anubis.
Talk to him and he’ll give you the password to the sarcophagus. Enter it.

I've done just that but when i ask anubis he only says "You cannot escape your fears, you can only confront them" HELP?!
wild 2 avr. 2015 à 13h57 
In the endgame scenario, with Benny, when i try to use (or push) the holo-projector, he is zapped. I can't talk to his wife. How can i use the Holo-projector ???
AustNerevar 23 mars 2015 à 20h51 
Okay, so I can't get the good ending from Nimdok. Near the end, it won't let me turn over control of the Golem to the Lost Tribe. It only ever lets me turn over control to Dr. Mengele or have the golem destroy the Lost Tribe. Can anybody please help? I'm so lost.
malkavian rights advocate 16 nov. 2014 à 16h28 
i don't know what i did wrong but nimdok doesn't have a totem of access. oh well. but aside from that this guide has been super helpful, thanks much! ;3;
Kiara_Valentine 9 nov. 2014 à 5h34 
The Ellen's ending don't work for me:

"-Use the gem with the hole and use the Totem of Valor with the pillar.
-Go back to the bridge where the demon was. "

there's no bridge for the demon area ç_ç'
CopperIron 10 oct. 2014 à 17h31 
So I've figured out what the Spiritual Barometer is for. In order for all the characters to make peace with their past, their SB has to be as high as possible. Otherwise, they won't have an item which is required to complete their story.
oldrocker99 19 mars 2014 à 20h11 
I'd already gotten the GameFAQS text myself, but this will be helpful. Thanks.