Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

107 평점
Muffin Time
즐겨찾기 해제
Type: Game
Complexity: Low Complexity
Number of Players: 8
Play Time: 60 minutes
Assets: Cards
파일 크기
237.701 KB
2020년 10월 7일 오전 8시 39분
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Muffin Time

Muffin Time est un jeu de cartes chaotique avec plus de rebondissements que vous ne pouvez en agiter! Affrontez vos amis, votre famille et vos animaux de compagnie hyper-intelligents en piochant et en jouant à partir d'un jeu de cartes uniques qui vous aideront à contrecarrer les autres ou à mélanger les choses pour le pire! Pour gagner la partie, il vous suffit de commencer votre tour avec exactement 10 cartes en main, mais si vous pensez que ce sera facile, vous vous trompez (vous ne vous trompez pas lorsqu'un canard porte des chaussures et c'est tout à fait faux).

Les cartes non réalisables sont "out" du jeu


Muffin Time is a chaotic card game with more twists and turns than you can shake a spork at! Battle your friends, family, and hyper-intelligent pets by drawing and playing from a deck of unique cards that’ll either help you, thwart others, or mix things up for the sheer hell of it! To win the game, you just need to start your turn with exactly 10 cards in you hand but if you think that’ll be easy, you’re wrong (wronger than a duck wearing shoes – and that’s pretty damn wrong)

Unrealizable cards are "out" of the game
댓글 14
IndianaChicken  [작성자] 2022년 4월 25일 오후 10시 59분 
? :yaranaika:
mslocum5 2022년 4월 25일 오후 5시 44분 
Where is the download link on Steam?
IndianaChicken  [작성자] 2022년 1월 19일 오전 5시 24분 
I sadly dont have PDF or else of the game anymore

But I know the feeling with the game available only in "that or that" country only :/
Andrei Radical 2022년 1월 18일 오후 7시 14분 
I wanted to print and play with my friends. I live in a country that the game isn't avaliable, so it's realy expensive to play, like, realllllly.
IndianaChicken  [작성자] 2022년 1월 13일 오전 4시 32분 
@Neckbeard gaming

I saw what you mean, I can fix it but I dont really have time now for that; maybe one day but thank for pointing that


Why that question? :o
What's your opinion? :p
Andrei Radical 2022년 1월 13일 오전 12시 06분 
How did you made the game? Scanned the cards?
IndianaChicken  [작성자] 2022년 1월 12일 오후 10시 54분 
really ?, didnt saw this problem before .

Maybe someone just play with the resize option in your game ?

But I will eventually check
Michael Smok 2022년 1월 12일 오전 11시 20분 
Do you think you can fix the sizes of the cards? Some cards are bigger than others.
IndianaChicken  [작성자] 2021년 10월 30일 오전 6시 57분 
I dont have PDF or else sorry, I missed the kickstarter and buy it after with EBAY.
Andrei Radical 2021년 10월 30일 오전 12시 05분 
Do you have any PDF or something with the cards?The company do no ship to my country and I would like to print and play with my friends!

If anyone have, I really would appreciate it!