Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Acedia´s competitive Guide to Crush Rumpel
By Acedia and 1 collaborators
In this guide you will learn everything you need to know on how to crush Rumpel aka a standard player who goes with the mindset Germany or nothing.
You probably think why I wrote this guide and the answer is quite simple. This guide´s only purpose is to give the players in our discord a basic understanding on how you can do certain things and what not to do.

Remember - Don´t be a Rumpel be a Bernd.

This Guide is still WIP

How to trigger Live:
Wanna play MH:W
--Air / Sea / Land Doctrines--
Air Doctrine
Battlefield Support:
The Battlefield Support Doctrine is good if you are the main Air Controller for CAS for your team.
Just go Right -> Right and that´s it a overall good doctrine if you focus on CAS.

Operational Integrity:
The Operational Integrity doctrine is in my opinion the best choice to pick if you don´t know which one you want to go for. Overall it is pretty good for fighters.

Strategic Destruction:
Best doctrine if you go for bombers otherwise do not pick. Strategic Destruction is your choice if Strat Bombers are not banned in your MP game.
Sea Doctrine
To be added, seriously I have to look further into this **** to give you a solid answer, if you go for subs just use Trade Interdiction to blow some convoys up.
Land Doctrine
Superior Firepower:
The BEST doctrine in this game by far. take right / left for tanks and right / right for infantry. If you´re unsure which doctrine to pick SF is the safest and most versatile.

Grand Battleplan:
Theoretically the best doctrine in term of power, but due to most buffs from this doctrine locked behing planning boni .... useless.

Mobile Warfare:
Standard doctrine for every Germany player I ever encountered outside in META Comp. games. It sounds good on paper and vs. AI it is really good, but if you have to fight against someone with the SF doctrine you will lose 10/10 battles most of the time.

Mass Mob:
The Choice for Russia / China / Italy and Raj for everyone else quite useless. Go left if you use tanks and right if you use infantry.

--Some Stuff--
Air Controller
Only 1 thing for the Air Controller listen to your team and act accordingly.

Just don´t mute yourself.
Equipment Upgrades
Now we get to the Equipment upgrades for your Fighters CAS and Tanks,


For your Fighter 2´s you do the upgrade in the following order: engine has top priority, then reliability, then range and in some cases gun is good too.


For your CAS you only want to upgrade the weapons for more damage.

Medium Tank 2´s:

For your tanks you mainly want to upgrade your Reliability and your weapons. Enemy medium 2´s will pierce you anyway.
1. Don´t add tanks to your infantry most division templates will pierce it anyway. Only useful against AI.

2. Field Hospitals are useless. If you use them just play another game.

3. SPGS are super weak against SF, so just don´t use them.

4. Ignore forts, most nations like Germany / Italy can get them super easy.

5. Communicate with your team HoI4 is a team game either you win together or loss together.

6. Pls for the love of god don´t use light tanks 2 and expect to win anything (exception is China for example), light tanks 3 are the exception and even they can only be used in certain niche scenarios.

7. Attrition is not just a number.

8. Make a game plan before the round start
Land Doctrine:
Go mass assault and right because YOU ARE NOT the USA. So forget mobile warfare or superior firepower because you are in the defense most of the time.

If Rumpel is Germany and you see that he goes for ♥♥♥♥♥♥ light tanks then you don´t need to research any doctrine, he won´t even take France.
England Navy and Air Stuff
Stopping the Sub Spam:
You don't need to worry about anything else than air or navy.

First of all:

DON'T be affraid of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Rumpel bathtube sub 1 spam or 2 spam.
Simply just create a little DD template with lvl 1 battery, best sonar, best anti sub, best engine and if you want to YEET then add some naval bombers and spy planes into the sea area or build radar. And remember: If u beat Rumpel in France then Dönitz will join your cause ;)

Fleet Composition:

Its very simple:

Spotting Fleet = 1CL an 4 DD and you just need enought for 8 Spotting fleets (8 CL and 32 DD)

Strike Fleet = THE REST of the starting Navy

Navy Doctrine:

Stay with Fleet in beeing. Its that simple.Or if you want to go crazy on Carriers then pick Base Strike or for some meme reason or if you want to say how does your own medecine taste Rumpel then pick Trade interdiction and spam some subs.


Rush to the Aircraft Production Group Focus and pick the light aircraft desinger and produce fighter and Stat Bombers. Trust me its that simple to bomb Rumpels Production into the ashes ;).
France (Mainland Strat)
So you actually want to hold France and want that the Germany player comes to you and beg that he can take your mainland? If yes then this France guide is for you!

Difficulty: Why Die For Rumpel

Focus Path:
1. Rush Strengthen Government.
5. Algerian France and 1st Research Slot.
9. Rush Army Reform
Take the Defensive side of your Army Reform and use the Research bonus for Heavy 3´s and make sure to research 1941 AT tech.
14. Rush the 3rd Research Slot

Your Priority is Partial Mob. if you can pick it at any time to that.
1. Silent Workhorse
2. Free Trade
3. Captain of Industry
4. Artillary Designer
5. Industrial Concern
6. Heavy Tank Designer
7. Calvary Expert
8. Defensive Expert

1st slot Superior Firepower doctrine
2nd slot AT tech
3rd slot Industry go for concentrated
4th slot Infantry tech
5th slot Heavy tanks


Build Civs in Mainland France till 1937 and then switch to build mil ones instead.


Guns -> 1 Factory
Support Equipment -> 1 Factory
Arty -> 1 Factory
Anti Air -> 2 Factories
the Rest goes to Anti Tanks and Heavy Tanks. About 25 factories should be on AT.


Tank Division: 7 mot 13 heavy tank + engi arty
AT Cav: 9 cav 2 line AT + engi arty aa -> you can also opt for 8 cav and 3 AT
Def Inf: 10 inf + engi arty aa

Last Words:

Congrats you completly destroyed Rumpels hope for an easy Blitzkrieg. On an other note make sure that you and your allies win the air war over France otherwise Germany will get through your defenses.

If you can actually manage to pull this of then a Noob Germany will not capitulate you, but a good Germany will always drive you out of your mainland it will only hurt him plenty.
Canada´s only objective is to be an Air Controller.

Focus Path:
1. RCAF Station Borden
2. We have the Hurricane (use for Fighter 2's)
3. Rowell-Sirois Commision
4. National Housing Act
5. Dollar-a-year-men (use for construction 3)
6. Army Modernization
7. CMP Truck (use for mechanized I)
8. A motorized army (use for mechanized II)
9. Red Deer Training Camp
10. The Valentine Tank
11. Strengthen Commonwealth ties
12. Montreal Labatory Collaberation
13. Shadow Factories
14. Camp X
15. Supply the Empire
16. Turner Valley Oilfield
17. Aluminium Company of Canada

If at any point you can go for Defense of Canadian Regulations or Shadow Factories then do that instead.

Build Civ Factories till 1939 then mil factories.
Only build in states with high Infrastructure.

1st Fighter 1´s -> Fighter 2´s -> Tanks
2nd Electronics I -> SF Doctrine
3rd Industry Tech
4th Mechanized -> eletronics tech and guns

1. Silent Workhorse
2. Free Trade
3. Captain of Industry
- Decision: worker conditions
4. Stability guy
5. Tank Designer.
6. Industrial Concern
7. Military Theorist
8. Infantry Designer
9. Panzer Expert
10. Armor Offense
Soviet Union YEET Version
This is the Soviet Union YEET version if you want to completely YEET your enemy to oblivion use this version otherwise use the other one.

Difficulty: Normal

First step is to get out there and get an Air Controller trust me it will make your life soooo much easier. (Mongolia / Afghanistan)


1. Survive the initial onslaught of the Germans.
2. Tie down as many german troops on your border as possible.
3. YEET the Axis into oblivion.

Focus Path:

1 Stalin Constitution -> PP for War Economy
2 Socialist Realism -> PP for Free Trade
3 Positive Heroism -> Tank General to crush all Rumpels
5 Progress Cult -> Research Speed
6. Finish The Five Year Plan -> Industry
7 Socialist Science -> Manpower (So you can go Total Mob. when Barbarrosa starts)
8 Extra Research Slot -> The Union needs more Technology
9 Armament Effort -> Mil Factories
10 Aviation Cult -> Combined with the allies for the Fighter 2
11 The Great Purge -> To make sure no Rumpel Anti-Revolutionary is alive
---> Do Khruschchev then Rokossovsky and Navy / Air Force
12 Rehabilitated Military -> Better Army
13 Military Reorganization -> Land Doctrine
---> Save some PP
14 Improve Railway Network -> Infra Structure
15 Lessons of War -> To remove Great Purge
16 Research City Experiment -> to get closer to Closed City Network
17 Diversify the Program -> to get closer to Closed City Network
18 Closed City Network -> The Union needs more Technology

PP Purchases:

1 War Economy
2 Free Trade
3 Captain of Industry
4 Industrial Concern
5 Improved Worker Conditions
6 Military Theorist
7 Popular Figurehead
8 OKMO Heavy Tank Designer
9 MiG Light Aircraft Designer
10 Tula Arms Infantry Equipment Designer
11 Armor Genius
12 Ground Support Expert
13 Improved Worker Conditions

Industrial Order:

Convert your Military factories in Moskow to Civilian factories after that build Civilian factories in high infrastructure states BEHIND the Stalin line, if you build them before the Stalin line you will gift the Axis free industry.
When it´s 1939 stop building Civilian factories and start building Mil ones instead.

Dockyards Forts and Infrastructure are just not worth it.

Research Order:

Industry -> Doctrine -> Tanks -> AA -> Air -> Everything else.

Military Organization:

As soon as the Spanish Civil War starts send 5 Mountaneers to Spain or your 5 tank divisions.
If allowed grind Zhukov in the spanish civil war or in your war against Finland.

In the early game just produce Infantry Weapons / Support Equipment / Fighters and Motorized.

Send your Light tanks to China or Spain if you can´t send tank divisions to Spain. You can also send some Fighter 1s to China.

Your plan is to have around 8 tank divisions, 180 pure Inf 20 width divisions and 120 40 width divisions.
Soviet Union Normal Version
Soviet Union Templates
Afghanistan / Mongolia
Most Likely only one of the 2 are allowed in one game.
If you are a good air controller then the Russia player will love you. Trust me.

Focus Path:
1. Air Innovation
2. CAS Effort
After that rush down the Economic Path for the free mil and civ factories.

After the CAS Effort research CAS 2 and Fighter 2 after that the only important thing is to research Operational Integrity. And go for Concentrated Industry.

War Economy
Free Trade
Light Air Designer (make sure to have the light Air Designer before researching CAS 2 or Fighter 2)
Do yourself a favour and don't play Spain for the moment.
If you want to play in a competitive game and you don't want to take responsibility play Bulgaria.
It is basically the least important of the Axis members, but can have a huge impact in the game against Russia.

For Bulgaria your one and only job is to prepare a few tank divisions for Operation Barbarossa.

For the sake of god don´t go for Light Tank 3s, if you do that then you´re a Rumpel and nobody would like that.

Focus Path:
1. Political Effort
2. Collectivist Ethos
3. Nationalism Focus
4. Naval Effort
5. Industrial Effort
6. Construction Effort I
7. Construction Effort II
8. Infrastructure Effort I
9. Infrastructure Effort II
10. Extra Research Slot
11. Construction Effort III
12. Army Effort
13. Mechanization Effort
14. Armor Effort
15. Militarism
16. Military Youth
17. Paramilitarism
18. Ideological Fanatism
19. Doctrine Effort I
20. Doctrine Effort II
21. Technology Sharing

1st Research Slot is always Researching Tanks till you reach Medium 3
2nd Research Slot is Researching Industry
3rd Research Slot is researching SF Doctrine
4th Research Slot is researching Electronic Tech


Don't be Rumpel and join a war when you have under 80% stability and 70% war support, if you do well gg you just played yourself.

1. Partial Mobilization
2. Free Trade
3. Captain of Industry
4. Industrial Concern
5. Tank Designer
6. Fascist Demegogue
7. Decision: Open up politcal discourse
8. Decision: Hold National Referendum
9. Decision: Improve Worker Conditions
10. Decision War Propaganda aganist
11. Decision: Improve Worker Conditions
12: Military Theroist
13: Calvary Expert
14: Army Regrouping
15: Army Defense
16: Total Mobilization

7 motorized 13 medium tanks, add Engi, recon, maintainence, and signal companies.
So you want to play Hungary and want to invade some Bolsheviks? Then Hungary is for you.
As Hungary you will be a big threat for the Soviet Union because Hungary has really good tanks.

Focus Path:
1. Secret Rearmament
2. War Games
3. Bled Agreement
4. Army Maneuvers
5. Industrial Revitalization
6. Reintergrate the Railroads
7. Support Domestic Industry
8. Support Urbanization
9. Institute for Industrial Techniques
10. Announce the Gyor Program.
11. Mobile Focus
12. The Botond
13. Armored Warfare
14. Civilian Industry
15. Expand the Manfred Weiss Steel Works
16. Develop Tanks
17. Expand the Aluminum Industry
18. Expand the Technical Univesity of Budapest
19. Economic Interventionism
20. Strengthen Fascists
21. Renounce the Treaty of Trianon
22. Trade Deal With Germany
23. Joint Aluminum Mining Company

1st Slot is for Tanks
2nd Slot is for Industry
3rd Slot is for SF Doctrine

1. Silent Workhorse
2. Free Trade
3. Partial Mobilization
4. Captain of Industry
5. Industrial Concern
6. Tank Designer
7. Military Theroist
8. Army Offensive
9. Armor Specialist

Tank Divisions:
7 Mot 13 Medium + engi, recon, main, support arty, signal
Acedia  [author] 28 Aug, 2022 @ 7:15am