Sands of Salzaar

Sands of Salzaar

63 ratings
Console Commands (Updated with talents)
By Ty Cobb
How to enable the console. Along with some basic commands for money, skillpoints, etc, and a link to the dev page for the rest.
Enabling the console
In summary:
1. Go into Settings in the menu
2. Go to Hotkey
3. Scroll down a bit to Extra Features (Right under Sprint)
4. Set a key
5. Confirm changes

In Detail:
All you need to do to enable the console in game is simply set a hotkey for it. The entry is in Settings under the Hotkey tab. You'll see "Extra Features" right past the Map hotkeys (Right under Quick save, Quick Load, and Sprint). Then you just pick a key to set. The tilde key (the key to the left of 1 and above tab) is always a good choice.

Just set the key and click confirm. If you are in a game, you should see the console pop up, along with a warning about how using the console commands will disable achievements and legacy gain. Just click cancel on the console and confirm your hotkey changes.

Example Commands
Here are a few basic commands to get you started. Things to keep in mind are there are a lot of asterisks (*) and commands are case sensitive.

Adding money: CHANGE_MONEY*<money>
Example adding 500 money-> CHANGE_MONEY*500

Adding XP to your party: TEAM_GAINEXP*<XP>
Example adding 500 XP-> TEAM_GAINEXP*500

Leveling everyone in your party: PLAYER_TEAM_LEVELUP*
NOTE: this will level up your heroes but they won't gain skill points.

Adding skill points: ADD_UNUSEDSP*<points>
Example adding 5 skillpoints-> ADD_UNUSEDSP*5
NOTE: Then you get to pick who gets the points from a pop up window. Very convenient feature.

Adding Talent Points: This one is a bit different because of the language of the variable and how it is used.

Format: CHANGEINTVAR*system_星星#<NumberOfPoints>

Example adding 10 points-> CHANGEINTVAR*system_星星#10

NOTE: You will want to copy and paste at least the <system_星星> part. You can either highlight
and right-click copy or highlight it and hit Ctrl+C. To paste it in the console you will have to Ctrl+V
after selecting the in-game console.

A lot of commands related to items and resources are related to getting specific ID codes. The other console command guide has that covered.
More information
Here is the link to the dev page with the full list of commands:

I give all the credit to the devs for letting players have access to a command console that can make significant changes in the game. Outside of Bethesda (and some notable indie devs), very few devs want to treat players as adults who are responsible enough to have access to such a feature capable of breaking a playthrough. Yet a feature also capable of introducing more fun, or bypassing an unexpected bug.
Edaryion 18 Jun, 2024 @ 10:46am 
For Ifrit: CHG_CAMP_REP*火魔#100
DogBird_da 15 Jun, 2024 @ 2:19pm 
 • Bʅαdeworks҉ • 24 Mar, 2024 @ 10:11pm 
Anyone has an i.d. of skill reset potion? I have melee main character but i accidentaly learned a forst spell, now my normal atttacks are range and i dont like it
Hiro Baker 3 Jan, 2024 @ 5:51am 
Does Anyone know the Map IDs?
Hiro Baker 3 Jan, 2024 @ 5:37am 
CHG_PERSON_FV*风颖#100#100 = Fadia
CHG_PERSON_FV*黑泥城女郎#100#100 = Nura
CHG_PERSON_FV*冰谷女郎#100#100 = Sumayah
CHG_PERSON_FV*驼铃集市女郎#100#100 = Jesseni
CHG_PERSON_FV*黄金集市女郎#100#100 = Shukriy
inksansdb 12 Dec, 2023 @ 8:20pm 
@noire126 It took me a long time to figure out how to use the HERO_UPGRADE*Xin Qi Ji#b_臂力#100#100
Vuie 22 Oct, 2023 @ 10:31pm 
Good news! The ifrit id lsited by noire126 is the correct id neede for the faction id console commands.
Larz151 9 Aug, 2023 @ 12:31pm 
Does anyone have the command for getting the white rose apprentice? I try and it keeps freezing the game, so I guess the one I have is wrong.
ch5b27 10 Jun, 2023 @ 1:08pm 
does anyone have a list of character IDs? like the different hero ids? thanks
e.g., Astrid - 安红砂, or Bahat - 野马王
Rather painful to do this by going back and forth between chinese and english within the game itself though
noire126 10 Feb, 2023 @ 10:50pm 
HERO_UPGRADE*#b_臂力法#100#100 Str
HERO_UPGRADE*#b_身法#100#100 Agi
HERO_UPGRADE*#b_根骨#100#100 Sta
HERO_UPGRADE*#b_精神#100#100 Spi
HERO_UPGRADE*#s_生命#100#100 HP
HERO_UPGRADE*#s_气力#100#100 MP
HERO_UPGRADE*#s_攻击#100#100 Phy att
HERO_UPGRADE*#s_魔法攻击#100#100 Mag Att
HERO_UPGRADE*#s_移速#100#100 Mov Speed
HERO_UPGRADE*#b_物品上限#100#100 Item Limit

Format is HERO_UPGRADE*CharID#stats#value#maxvalue
Main character ID is the name you gave to the character. (HERO_UPGRADE*John#b_臂力#100#100)

For ifrit faction 火魔, haven't tested it though.