The Long Dark

The Long Dark

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Desolation Goat
Bởi Cujo
A fun way to use all your bandages.
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Hello there, denizens of the Long Dark.

I've been seeing a lot of challenges go up on the site lately, and I thought I'd take a stab at adding my own. But I didn't want to create just a normal challenge. I don't see the point in making the game needlessly more difficult. Not to diss those that find enjoyment in that, but I've never understood the appeal to Deadman. Instead I've created almost a puzzle challenge. Thus my test- I've scoured Desolation Point for hard to reach or off limit spots.

This is intended for Interloper, as on any other difficulty the time it takes to visit these locations is negligible. However, the stress of freezing to death on the side of a mountain might not be for you. Feel free to drop a level or two. Pilgrim's almost cheat mode though.

I've added a ranking out of 10 next to each location, these are my personal difficulties and may not reflect your own experience. Some that are hard for me might have a second solution I did not forsee. Let me know if that's the case and I'll readjust rankings or remove locations if they become too easy.

All locations have been tested in normal survival mode and are reachable. That does not mean they will not hurt to reach. Blood will be spilled for many of these locations. Bring bandages. So many bandages.

Optional Additional Objectives:
-Visit all locations within 1 full day of entering Desolation Point.
-Visit all locations with 2 or less cumulative sprains.
-Visit all locations with spray paint and recreate the X's in the pictures.
-Build a Campfire at the end of the world, then jump off.
-Pet the Fox
Desolation Point
Birch Overlook (4/10)
Hint: ZigZag
Simple switchbacking up the cliff face to the left of the mineshaft opening will allow you to walk around onto the overlook.

Climber's Niche (5/10)
Hint: The name is ironic.
The snowy patch of rocks to the left of the mineshaft opening can be zig zagged up. Instead of turning left to Birch Overlook, turn right and continue zigzagging through the rocks. Continue forward until you see the jutting spike of the niche, then drop into it. You should be right above the mineshaft.

Broken Bridge (3/10)
Hint: Bring a bandage!
From the left side of the broken bridge, if you sprint off the edge you will land on a rock unreachable from the riverbed. From there simply take the path that leads up under the bridge, it will take you around and dump you out on the other side.A small amount of back and forth is needed but not a lot.

Giant's Finger (2/10)
Hint: Forward is foolish, try another angle
Simply come at it from the back side and switchback up the rocks.

A Hard Place (7/10)
Hint: It's the left side of the cliff.
Go up the hill on the left side a ways and then run at the slope to get as high as possible up. You need to get high enough to get over the lip of a small triangular rock right at the edge of the falls. If you do that the rest is just some minor invisible edge skirting into the falls. You're high enough up you don't even freeze from the water

Archway (6/10)
Hint: What is broken may still be of use.
Climb to Katie's Secluded Corner, then take the broken tree across. You may need a bandage for the drop at the end, though you can stagger the fall by tapping W over and over to make small drops instead of one large one.

Church Overlook (6/10)
Hint: Beyond the graves.
Go behind the church, up to the highest points the snow meets the rock, then turn left and run along the cliff side. Press hard into the cliff but don't exhaust stamina before you get there. Hold that angle even if you drop a bit. The lip of the snow bank is only low enough on the left side not the right, you have to glide around.

Mountaintop (10/10)
Hint: You must try without being assured of success; it is often invisible from the beginning.
From Archway, walk to the right and constantly press yourselves against the rock face. There are tons of invisible borders at the edges that will allow you to walk on them. If you can no longer go forward, try making switchbacks up the mountain face. If you walk carefully and always seek to go higher, eventually you will come upon a small clearing of 5 or so trees. From there go right again and follow more invisible walls around the entire rock. As you get to about the opposite side of the rock from where you started, you will see a sheer cliff face you can walk along. If you sprint along this sheer face, the forward momentum will land you on the spot instead of dropping you just short.

The End of the World
An escape from this realm into another dimension.
Other Maps
I have too little time on my hands to be doing this sort of stuff, who knows if or when I'll get around to other maps.

Don't hold your breath but maybe check back every now and then. If I get inspired I might knock out a map or two in a night, then nothing for weeks.
4 bình luận
Cujo  [tác giả] 31 Thg10, 2020 @ 2:06pm 
That is a mod lovingly created by a member of the community, sadly not an easter egg. When a tool called Melonloader was created, someone realized it could be used to hook into the new TLD engine and allow old mods to work again with minimum changes to them. The modding scene is very quiet since the developers don't like them, but they are there. I didn't mention it because of that. I suppose here they are less likely to look.
Classic Randers 31 Thg10, 2020 @ 12:23pm 
you know, ive owned this game for years and I had no idea they even modelled out a fox. thats incredible. I wonder what other little things are hidden in the world. I remember raph saying there are easter eggs nobody has found a long time ago.
Cujo  [tác giả] 31 Thg10, 2020 @ 10:34am 
You can also get there at the other end of coastal highway behind the broken bridge. The whole area is windchill protected so I built a fire and camped out before committing suicide.
diablofabrication 31 Thg10, 2020 @ 10:11am 
I found a route at Timber Wolf Mountain that led to the end of the world. I also jumped off and let myself fall for about an hour. Reminded me of something from 2001 Space Odyssey.