Fallout 76

Fallout 76

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Pepega Ops - Uplink
By Barsik_The_CaT
This guide is created for people whose builds perform poorly in daily ops and those who need help understanding the message Bethesda sent to the community by releasing this content
In Update 22 Bethesda brought us, among other questionable changes, Daily Ops. A number of people, myself included, had issues with them. After completing several Daily Ops with Paladin and Elder rank I decided to share my thoughts hoping it will help those who still struggle with Daily Ops.
What are Daily Ops?
Daily Op is an instance for 1 to 4 players where you need to complete several tasks as quickly as possible to recieve a reward.

Supposedly, there going to be more types of Daily Ops, but the only one existing is Uplink.
All Uplink ops share the same routine:
  • Activate first beacon
  • Proceed to one of the two newly marked beacons and activate it
  • Defend the activated beacon
  • Proceed to the other beacon and activate it
  • Defend the activated beacon
  • Proceed to the bossfight arena
  • Clear the bossfight arena
  • Kill boss

The Daily Ops screen provides us with some information of a questionable value:
Recommended level - somewhat useless due to One Wasteland and in the context of this guide, but enemy scaling may change in the future, so keep that in mind.
Location - currently, only 4 locations are available - Valley Galleria, The Burrows, The Burning Mine and Vault 94. They do not affect the anything.
Enemy Faction - something to be aware of. Currently only three factions are available - Red Eagles - the easiest ones, Super Mutants - slightly harder and Robots - absolutely ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ terrible compared to the other two but still managable.
Random Mutation - the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ effect you'll be dealing in today's Daily Op. Currently there are only 4 possible mutations - Freezing Touch - any attack that hits you will apply freezing effect, slowing down your actions, Volatile - enemies explode on death, the radius of the explosion is small and damage is laughable, Active Camouflage - despite the game saying 'Enemies will be cloaked when not attacking', do not expect it work as advertised. In reality enemies will be permantently invisible, only revealing themselves if they shoot you for 10 seconds straight. Finally, the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of all ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ - Resilient mutation makes it so that the enemy can only be killed by a melee attack. It means that you can get the enemy to 1 HP with whatever means you see fit, but that last HP point will only be taken by a melee attack - either with melee weapon or a weapon bash.
Default Mutation - currently there's only one defaultmutation and it will always be on Uplink - Piercing Gaze - enemies have greatly enhanced perception of players, which is a fancy way of saying 'Stealth does not work at all'. No, really, this is just that - if you are using a stealth build, Bethesda is telling you that this content is not for you and you should go ♥♥♥♥ yourself.
3.Reward Levels

Something else to note about Daily Ops:
Enemies will drop ammo for your weapon as long as your weapon does not use plasma cores or fusion cores.
Weapons break 50% slower
The Way of Pepega
This is the main part of this guide. You've probably came here because your build does not fall in line with Bethesda's vision of how this game should be played so you constantly get rekt in daily ops and struggle to even get the Paladin rank, but you still want those sweet rewards.

You may have probably seen some rather dumb people spewing nonsense such as:
  • -ThIs Is tEaM cOnTeNt, implying you shouldn't do Daily Ops alone. This is pure ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ for several reasons. Reason one would be that there's literally no team interaction in this game. The difference between 1 player and 4 players is only in the amount of guns shooting simultaneously. Reason two would be that Fallout 76 is not such a popular game, and seems almost dead in some regions, so you shouldn't have to rely on other players to make some content possible.
  • yOuR bUiLd Is NoT oPtImIsEd - this likely comes from someone either bloodied or junkie with a legacy weapon. These people are way beyond help and shouldn't be taken seriously. Besides, how are you going to optimise your build? You need to sacrifice all your cards for legendary perks now.
So, how to make Daily Ops easy without screwing yourself over and renouncing the build you like?
For that, you need to become one with this game.
You need to become PEPEGA

Bethesda is far from being a home for some smart people. They are very bad at game design, and in Update 22 they completely confused Fallout 76 with DOOM and thought that every player in Fallout 76 is just a Doom Guy running and gunning all day long, hence why Daily Ops are what they are.

Now that we know Bethesda's idea behind Daily Ops, we need a proper strategy.
1.Taking Damage
As we all know, there is no cover system in this game. Hitboxes are very poor too and you never know if the object you are hiding behind actually lets bullets through or not. You also have a Resilient mutation, which basically forces you to go face to face with enemies and Uplink means that for a significant portion of time you will be tied to a rather small spot.
The solution to this is power armor. Power armor chassis are easly obtainable, so you just need the actual armor.
Here are the available options, from best to worst in terms of DR and ER:
  • T51
  • X-01
  • Ultracite
  • T-60
  • T-45
  • Raider
  • Excavator
You probably already have Excavator, but it is almost 2 times worse than the top four choices, so I advise that you try to get one of those. X-01 plans are available for free after completeing Officer on Deck story quest and has good stats, so it's a decent choice. Ultracite is a common drop from Scorchbeast Queen and you get the plans for free once you complete Belly of the Beast, so it's another easy option.

This will drastically reduce the amount of damage you take for nearly 0 effort. To recover from what little damage you recieve, either stock up on stimpaks, or get a vampire's weapon. Weapon choices will be discussed further.

2. Dealing Damage
Following the way of Pepega, we establish this criteria for our weapon:
  • High DPS
  • Large magazine
  • High rate of fire
Yes, we are talking about heavy weapons. Why aim? Why think? Just hold M1 at the general vicinity of an enemy and things are going to be fine.
Choose between Gatling Plasma, (ultracite) Gatling Laser, 50. cal LMG or Minigun. Do keep in mind that you won't get ammo for your weapon if you use plasma or laser.
To complement our weapon choice, I suggest finding a 1* or 2* version of a weapon you chose that has a good modififer, such as Bloodied (you will inevitably take damage, so during a fight you'll become stronger), Two-shot or Anti-armor (flat damage increase) or Vampire's (good sustain). A 1* weapon can be acquired for some 1-2k caps or from a drop, so you should be able to get one quite easily. If the option is cheap, try to get your hands on a weapon with secondary effect being Explosive, 25% fire rate or 10% damage bonus while aiming

3.Perks and Mutations
Remember when I said that you won't have to renounce your build? Well, unlike Bethesda, I am not going to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you. Pepega strat works with whatever build you use, whether you are an interplanetry stealth assassin, magical girl with a chainsaw or a mad Ivan with a Fat Boy and a bottle of vodka.
But do stock up on stimpaks and ammo, and, if you want, put on respective perks for weight reduction - Traveling Pharmacy, Bandolier or Batteries Included in case you get over encumbered during preparation.
Now that you've read the guide (you did, right?) you should understand Bethesda's thinking and how you should approach difficulties in this game if your build does not seem to work.
Sources used in this guide
Licher.Rus 8 Oct, 2020 @ 4:09am 
"as long as the server is not a lagging piece of shit"
Well, never happens :D
Barsik_The_CaT  [author] 8 Oct, 2020 @ 1:31am 
This guide is designed to give people guaranteed Paladin or lucky Elder solo with little to no effort. Uplinks take roughly 3 minutes each at x1 and you spend about a minute running between objectives, leaving you with 1 minute to kill the boss, which is enough as long as the server is not a lagging piece of shit with health rubberbanding (I literally had the boss HEAL instead of taking damage for 15 seconds straight)
Licher.Rus 8 Oct, 2020 @ 1:25am 
Well, if everyone follow that strat - everything would be fine.
To make a run in 6-7 min it's enough 3 players in semi-good gear.
Actually, the MAIN problem that prevents players to make Elder runs is time, not enemies, survivability or time to kill. The Time, or specifically, timer multiplier at points 2 and 3 is the case.
I did Ops alone with perfect speed and my best was 10 min - just because how slow that bar filling with x1 mult.
Probably, it's possible to make Elder duo - never tested.
But it's more than possible with just 3 players.
Barsik_The_CaT  [author] 8 Oct, 2020 @ 1:02am 
@SilverWF I guess you missed this part
[quote]-ThIs Is tEaM cOnTeNt, implying you shouldn't do Daily Ops alone. This is pure ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ for several reasons. Reason one would be that there's literally no team interaction in this game. The difference between 1 player and 4 players is only in the amount of guns shooting simultaneously. Reason two would be that Fallout 76 is not such a popular game, and seems almost dead in some regions, so you shouldn't have to rely on other players to make some content possible.[/quote]
Licher.Rus 7 Oct, 2020 @ 5:35pm 
Excavtor is not "2 times worse" as you said, but maybe by 20% at max.
This is because internal damage reduction bonuses that every PA has.
I'm wearing Excavator only and doing every possibl content just fine, easely tanking Colossus with his Vendigos, SBQ with her adds or 20+ robots at Ops.
Licher.Rus 7 Oct, 2020 @ 5:33pm 
The real Daily Ops guide:
Gather team at lobby room, wait for all
Rush (here and below: ignoring all enemies!) to 1st point
Rush to 2nd point, all stay near the point. You can shoot but NOT move away! Hide behind obstacles/party members to avoid damage or force mobs to came closer
Rush to 3rd point, do the same as above
Rush to 4th marker, kill marked enemies, then kill boss
Kill all reamining enemies, collect loot.
Only here you can press Esc and get out.