Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

358 个评价
Last Stand Achievements Walkthrough
由 Nyxieee ˚✧ 和其他 1 人合作完成
A guide for the new achievements.
⋗︎ Overview
30 new achievements.
Completion time: 10-15 hours.

This achievement guide was written for LOCAL SERVER ONLY. That way you can kick the special infected and human bots. We tried to cover the fastest and easiest methods. You can obviously complete these achievements on official or on best dedicated servers too, but our goal was to find less grindy ways.

Command to kick specials: bind "v" "kick smoker; kick charger; kick jockey; kick tank; kick hunter; kick spitter; kick boomer; kick (1)smoker; kick (1)charger; kick (1)jockey; kick (1)tank; kick (1)hunter; kick (1)spitter; kick (1)boomer" // you can set it to another key too.

Command to kick bots:

kick Zoey
kick Louis
kick Francis
kick Bill

kick Rochelle
kick Coach
kick Nick
kick Ellis

You can kick both specials and human bots in every mode if you are using local server.

Versus achievement: you need at least 2 other players for these.
Still Standing

~ Survive The Last Stand campaign on any difficulty.

Self explanatory, just play the campaign from the start to the finish. It has only two chapters: Junkyard and Lighthouse.
The last frontier

~ Survive The Last Stand campaign on Expert Realism.

Expert with Realism mode. If you have trouble with this achievement, there are mods to make it easier.
Subsribe to this mod and choose Realism Gib Fest from the custom mutation screen (custom mutation - realism - gib fest):

This mutation gives you unlimited ammo. The mod also helps you to play in singleplayer mode too.

If you don't want to see specials, use the commands written in the overview.

A comment recommedation:

引用自 дeл
Less grindy ye' say? Just a bit of recommendation (tho' it's too cheap) for the Last Stand Expert Realism : Use admin system , when the first level start..wrap all your survivor team to the end saferoom ... After the second level got loaded .. use director stop (or just enter !cvar God 1 so your entire team pretty much got the damage-proof body) and go to the lighthouse... When any thanks spawn just enter !kill tank .. after the first tank die,spawn 8 gascan and just spam !kill tanks ..there you have it lol
The last dash

~ Complete The Last Stand campaign in 13 minutes or less, without any Survivors dying.

Choose easy difficulty (less gascans in the finale). You can use mods to speed up the process. Doable in solo as well.
Shotgun wedding

~ Kill the Witch bride with a single shotgun blast on expert difficulty.

Difficulty: expert.
Map: The Passing - The Riverbank
Recommended mod:


This mod doesn't spawn any zombies, there is only the witch on the map. You can find the shotgun around the map; it has random spawn (usually it is where we show you in the video or in the house).

Method 1:

Method 2:

Elephant in the room

~ Revive an incapacitated teammate while a Tank is nearby.

As the description says, you have to revive a teammate before you kill the tank.
Rocky horror picture thrown

~ Destroy a Tank's rock in mid-air.

Self explanatory. Try to be as far as possible from the tank and that way you will be able to destroy the rock before it can hit you.
Household names

~ Discover the hidden room in the Last Stand campaign.

Use this guide:
Get skeeted on

~ Kill a pouncing Hunter with a shotgun.

You will probably get this while playing through the game, but if you have trouble with it, there is an easy way to do it. Ask a friend to help and host a versus/scavenge lobby. Use a mod which removes common infected. Choose human team and your friend has to be infected. Kill them until they are a hunter. Now they should jump straight up (not on you), and then you hit them with one shotgun blast. If you don't kill them on the first jump, you can keep doing it. As long as they're jumping, it'll count.
Lickety- split

~ With a sharp melee weapon, cut a Smoker's tongue before he ensnares you.

Recommended melee weapon: katana
Recommended mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1935392108

Load this mod from the campaign list (Campagin - Add on campaign). Take katana and then enter this red door:

Now you just have to press the smoker's button 3 times. 3 times = 3 chances to get the achievement with each attack.
New haircut

~ Kill a Witch using only a sharp melee weapon, without anyone getting incapacitated or killed.

Recommended weapon: Katana/ chainsaw
Recommended mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1935392108&searchtext=spawner

Same method as Smoker (check above), but it is enough to spawn the witch only once.
The main attraction

~ On the concert finale, survive until the helicopter arrives without leaving the stage.

Campaign: Concert - Dark Carnival

The difficulty doesn't matter, but it is recommended to do it on easy. As the title says, just stay on the stage until the helicopter arrives. You can kick the specials or use mods to make it easier (see overview).
Three's a crowd

~ Rescue three Survivors from a single rescue closet.

Load a campaign on expert (new campaign is recommended; rescue closet is close to the spawn). Kill the bots/ teammates, then switch the difficulty to easy. Now just progress until you see the rescue closet and open it.
Pole position

~ Escape Liberty Mall's Atrium before the first Tank appears.

Campaign: Mall Atrium - Dead Center

Get 2 teammates, collect every fuel and fill the car with them before the tank appears.

If you decide to kick specials, set another key without kicking the tank. If you use the other kick command, you can accidentally kick the tank without noticing it and you won't get the achievement. An example: bind "c" "kick smoker; kick charger; kick jockey; kick hunter; kick spitter; kick boomer; kick (1)smoker; kick (1)charger; kick (1)jockey; kick (1)hunter; kick (1)spitter; kick (1)boomer"
Pure satisfaction

~ Kill 20 Jockeys with the shovel or pitchfork.

You will probably get some kills during the campaign, but if you still need some kills, load versus with some friends, and grind these kills with them. Last Stand map has a shovel at the start.

~ or use this mod:


・˖・˖ 。. .。 ˖ ・ ˖ 。. .。˖ ・ ˖ 。. .。 ˖ ・ ˖ 。. .。 ˖ 。. . 。 ˖・˖ 。. .。 ˖ 。. . 。 ˖・˖ 。. . 。 ˖・˖ 。. . 。 ˖・˖ ˖ 。 ˖・˖ 。. . 。.
Getting started

~ Earn a bronze medal on any official Survival map.
On our way

~ Earn a silver medal on any official survival map.
This is where the fun begins

~ Earn a gold medal on any official survival map.
A little hack and slash

~ Earn a bronze medal on every official survival map.
Like lambs to the slaughter

~ Earn a silver medal on every official survival map.
Killing spree

~ Earn a gold medal on every official survival map.

Use Rayman's mutation. Choose custom mutation - survival - hordes. This mutation removes every specials, you just have to kill every common zombie.

Note: for some reason we completed boathouse, but there was no checkmark on the list. When we loaded the map again, every achievement unlocked.

List of official maps:

Supreme survivalist

~ Survive for 30 minutes on any official survival map.

The map doesn't matter, just survive for 30 minutes. Use the same strategy that we mentioned in the gold medal section.

Idle method:

引用自 General_Von_Stinkybottom
Use Rayman's mutation. Choose custom mutation - survival - hordes play with friends, Create new hordes lobby.

Choose DEAD AIR - THE CRANE as your survival map
SERVER TYPE - LOCAL and start the game

Once in game kick the bots and use any weapon although you won't need it if this is done right.

Climb the ladder to start the hordes and position yourself directly at the top of the ladder and move out just a small bit.

Now just do nothing watch the zombies climb the ladder and fall back down and die.
Golden free man

~ Find the golden crowbars hidden in the Left 4 Dead 1 survival maps.

Apparently this achievement is bugged and it only counts for the host. Host a local server and collect them on your own. You don't have to complete the map.

・˖・˖ 。. .。 ˖ ・ ˖ 。. .。˖ ・ ˖ 。. .。 ˖ ・ ˖ 。. .。 ˖ 。. . 。 ˖・˖ 。. .。 ˖ 。. . 。 ˖・˖ 。. . 。 ˖・˖ 。. . 。 ˖・˖ ˖ 。 ˖・˖ 。. . 。.
The big ten

~ Survive for 10 minutes on any official map in Versus Survival.

If you have Rayman's mutation installed, disable this mod. For some reason, the versus survival icon disappears from the menu when this mod is installed. Pick any official map and survive for 10 minutes.
Fat ninja

~ As the Boomer, vomit on a Survivor without having direct line of sight with them.

It can be done pretty much on every map, but we recommend you the last stand campaign's first chapter. As boomer, hide behind the car at the spawn. The human team should be on the other side of the car. Just vomit on them and the achievement will be yours.
Acid bath

~ As the Spitter, spit on a Survivor who is pinned by a Hunter.

For this achievement you need at least 3 people (including you). Your hunter teammate has to jump on a survivor. After that, you just spit on them and the achievement will unlock. We recommend kicking the human and infected bots as well.
I spit on your grave

~ As the Spitter, spit on a Survivor who is pinned by a Charger.

Same method that you used with the hunter, but the infected team has to have a charger and you as a spitter. Kick human and infected AI.
Flight deck

~ Instantly kill a Survivor as the Charger.

Recommended map: Last Stand - Lighthouse

Go to the lake where the boat is (the place where you escape when the campaign ends). Just charge the human player into the lake and they will immediately die.
One hit wonder

~ As the Hunter, land a 25 damage pounce.

There are different methods to do this.

Method 1 that we used:
Load Last Stand - Lighthouse map. Jump on the top of the lighthouse. You won't be able to climb on the top, but with your hunter jump you will be able to reach it. Meanwhile this, the human player has to be where the boat comes at the end of the campaign, in front of that small bridge. For assistance they can shoot straight in the air, so the bullets will show you exactly to jump. Now press ctrl, look at the moon, line up with the gunshots and jump.

Methods that worked in l4d1 but we didn't test in 2:


~ Destroy 20 gascans as the Spitter.

This is actually a scavenger achievement, but it is easier to do in versus. Why? Because there is no time limit. Load Dead Center - Mall Atrium. A human player has to collect gascans for you and you just have to spit on them.

・˖・˖ 。. .。 ˖ ・ ˖ 。. .。˖ ・ ˖ 。. .。 ˖ ・ ˖ 。. .。 ˖ 。. . 。 ˖・˖ 。. .。 ˖ 。. . 。 ˖・˖ 。. . 。 ˖・˖ 。. . 。 ˖・˖ ˖ 。 ˖・˖ 。. . 。.

~ Kill 53,599 infected. You made sure the dead won't rise anymore!

We suggest doing every survival map and campaign before starting this. After the survival maps, you should be around 20k kills, even more if you did it in solo. We're going to provide you 2 methods to farm it. One is faster and monotonous, while the other one is playing the game "normally".

+ BONUS IDLE METHOD: There is a third method where you just idle the game (read comment recommedation below).

NOTE: these methods spawn infinite wave of zombies. It can cause your game to crash. If that happens, you lose the unsaved kill progress. To prevent that, kill yourself with fire when the game becomes too laggy. This way, the round restarts and the progress is saved.

NOTE2: if you decide to use method 2, make sure that you finished the chapter or died. Quitting the game resets the kill progress.

Method 1:

You'll need two mods for this.

The mutation:
This mutation is with infinite zombies. In each wave the number of zombies will increase.

The add-on campaign:
Map with infinite ammo and grenades.

What to do:
- From the mutation tab, choose Common Survival.
- Choose the Dark Tunnel add on and make sure to start it in singleplayer mode (Rayman's mod is required to play in sp mode. If you don't start it in sp, the number of enemies will decrease).
- Kick the bots with the console.
- Start it with the radio and close yourself to the safe room.
- Now just throw pipe bombs through the door and repeat this.
- Note: throwing molotov on the zombies can make the game very unstable. If you are experiencing frame issues, kill yourself with molotov but make sure there are no zombies close to the safe house. We recommend burning yourself around 400-600 zombies/ wave.

Method 2:

The mutation:


For this you have to play through the campaigns. You have infinite ammo, healing yourself takes one second, but there are infinite hordes.

A comment recommedation:

引用自 General_Von_Stinkybottom
For the easiest way to get the Z - GENOCIDEST 2: EPISODE 2 without having to actually kill any zombies (THEY WILL KILL THEMSELVES)

Use Rayman's mutation. Choose custom mutation - survival - hordes play with friends, Create new hordes lobby.

Choose DEAD AIR - THE CRANE as your survival map
SERVER TYPE - LOCAL and start the game

Once in game kick the bots and use any weapon although you won't need it if this is done right.

Climb the ladder to start the hordes and position yourself directly at the top of the ladder and move out just a small bit.

Now just do nothing watch the zombies climb the ladder and fall back down and die.

Just walk away from from your PC for a couple of hours or do it overnight like I did and with any luck you should already have it or very close to having it.
If you have any questions or suggestions, let us know in the comments. :)

81 条留言
aaban16 2023 年 7 月 22 日 上午 11:22 
the last fronteir didnt work
张大喵OK 2022 年 12 月 4 日 上午 2:27 
demi-fart 2022 年 7 月 31 日 下午 1:59 
says the man with a private profile :WhiteWolfFunny:
Murloc 2021 年 11 月 10 日 上午 8:25 
watch out suspicious people with 100% cheated achievements, their skill is trash
Murloc 2021 年 11 月 10 日 上午 8:23 
Last frontier exist to prove skill, while any beginner can follow simple instrucions how to cheat it
Murloc 2021 年 11 月 10 日 上午 8:22 
useless guide, how nooob need to be to use rayman mutation? ONLY FOR NOOBS
Nyxieee ˚✧  [作者] 2021 年 6 月 8 日 下午 3:05 
Thank you. Good luck with the achievements. :CVRChanHeadpat:
ZiЯA 2021 年 6 月 7 日 上午 2:24 
Yeah i verified the files and it didnt work... But I already have the maps, have no idea what happened and why that happened.
By the way just waanted to say that this guide is amazing, best one for ppl who prefer the single player mode
Nyxieee ˚✧  [作者] 2021 年 6 月 5 日 下午 12:21 
I just checked it and I have them. Try to verify the game's files or maybe it is caused by another mod.
ZiЯA 2021 年 6 月 1 日 上午 11:29 
Yes i did exactly that, it works like that: I select Dead Air from the list and it works, but the episodes are from the l4d2 campaigns. If i try to play l4d1 campaign with l4d2 map from another campaign it will show some sort of error (that i have to download a map or sth). Also the l4d1 campaigns do not have their own picture, they have a pic of l4d2 episode ( like the car from the atrium) and not the poster.