Wasteland 3

Wasteland 3

Wasteland 3 - My squad build at Supreme Jerk difficulty. Version 2.0
"I changed a bit in my team and this time I'm happy with the results."
Rayman.  [author] 25 Jul, 2023 @ 5:51am 
This video is quite old, it was recorded when the game came out. The last time I recorded my build was when patch 1.4.1 was released. Nerfs, buffs changed and stuff. Then some encounters with latest dlc
TanT 25 Jul, 2023 @ 5:19am 
Don't want to criticize too much cause its an RPG, so you play however you want. However if your going for maximum power, ie combat effectiveness, there are some things I don't like.

-Heavy gunner as a class just isn't as efficient as others, slow moving, shooting once, maybe twice, useless armor since he's ranged.

-Having a double melee tank with mechanics is just a good fit in my mind. Good damage, speed, and the ability to shut off any turrets. Also doesn't use any ammo which is helpful on Supreme Jerk.

-SMGs with elemental linkage, HE and Fire especially, are the most powerful guns you can get. Having a build revolve around increasing their dmg will turn them into killing machines. Taking into account their perks and other abbilities, they'll be capable of taking out 3 guys in one turn reliably.
Rayman.  [author] 27 Oct, 2020 @ 2:18am 
A small update for Pizepi. I haven't changed her much. I added 3 mechanic points for the perk and she doesn't need sonic emitter if you have Ironclad Cordite on your team. I gave her utility which adds 1 action point. The rest are unchanged.

Pizepi Joren: https://postimg.cc/gallery/nQzNQHZ

An another little show of what she is doing against scar collectors. Do not worry. She will do a lot of damage against people who do not have conductive armor or easy-to-speak -30% energy damage taken. Thanks to microwave research perk.

I made Ironclad Cordite build which replaced Jodie Bell so..
Cordite. I made him so that he had enough charisma to fill thunderstrike quick enough and maximum intelligence to inflict dmg

Cordite: https://postimg.cc/gallery/S4fD8F2

You get concussion bell modification from a guy in Aspen in an orange suit who sells it. You punch until stun someone and then you punch another to stun and so on.