Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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How To Spot An Unruly Cheater, Doctor Quercus
By ✟DEUS✟ Quercus
It is no shrouded, distorted secret that hackers are prominent in Counter Strike, some tales would even suggest that the gaming scene is rampant with these foul apparitions. These cheating swine exploit the dear and glorious game of Counter Strike, being able to see through concrete walls, or developing immense cognitive abilities, which ensure that every shot they fire is an immediate headshot. While the examples I listed were rather obvious, the truth is that there is variation within the cheating community, some are more conspicuous than others. It is with this reason that I have decided to develop a guide to ensure that you discern any and all cheaters, even those attempting to hide in obscurity.
What is a cheater?
Firstly, we must solidify the definition on what a cheater is, what is there origins, how do they cheat, and what divine abilities have they acquired through exploiting the game. A cheater a callous fiend, one who abuses the game, and uses programs, which are often paid to obtain and unfair advantage over their adversaries. These advantages are numerous in number and can range from X ray vision, having the ability to see through walls, or even developing an extraordinary prowess in aiming, doing 360’s and firing headshots with precision and 100 percent accuracy. These vile malevolent creatures are determined to sap the fun out of the already bleak and repetitive game known as Counter Strike. Why the cheater does this is relatively unknown, there are a variety of reasons and explanations on why. It could simply be because of mere boredom. Possibly, they have played the game for so long that they have lost all inhibitions and morality, and have as such joined the dark side in an attempt to finally instil a sense of enjoyment within themselves once more. They may commit such grievous acts to accommodate for their ineptitude at the game. Lastly, it may simply be to torment others and appropriate a reaction from the individual. Regardless of the motive one thing remains clear, these vile remorseless creatures must be stopped, they must be purged from our ranks and extradited to the faraway lands of Argentina.

A cheaters elusive disguise
Often cheaters robe themselves in an elaborate disguise, attempting to masquerade as another to continue their schemes. They wear many faces, yet display the same tendencies, is time to reveal their greatest weapon, their shroud. If an individual you encounter has an accumulation of everything mentioned below, then it is immensely likely that they delve into the realm of depravity.

Often a cheater attempts to masquerade as a new player, a lowly peon with an even more inferior rank, but alas they shall not deceive us. If you see a new player consistently scoring perfect hits and knowing the entire layout of the map, it is likely that they have connections with exploiting the games natural resources.

The profile picture of the cheater is frequently left blank, indicating that they are using a new and expendable account to further their vile practices.

The name is peculiar, perhaps it is a strange combination of runes, or instead it may be equitable to vigorously smashing your head upon the keyboard. All that remains clear, is that the account is likely expendable, being used as cannon fodder.

Lastly if the profile itself appears relatively new, then it is likely that the account is used solely for immensely unscrupulous purposes.

The Main Types Of Cheats administered
The main types of cheats utilised often give the individual a distinct, and noticeable advantage over their peers. These cheats are often divided into two categories, subtle and visible. A description of each will be provided and analysed below.
Subtle Cheats
As the name implies, subtle cheats are barely discernible to the untrained eye. Often individuals using subtle cheat’s generally attempt to avoid getting caught, pretending that luck is a major factor in their success. While those who subtly cheat should not be commended, they are certainly more honourable in the cheating realm, due to at least providing their opponents with the potential to smite them. Two of the main forms subtle cheats are walls and aim assist.

Walling is often a term prescribed to those who have X Ray vision and as such are able to see shoot and see opponents through walls. Since walling is inherently difficult to spot it may appear that the player is just genuinely skilled at the game. However, fortunately there is an easy way to differentiate between a skilled player and an individual walling in Counter Strike. One method is to observe and scrutinise the suspect, monitoring their behaviour pattens and positioning. If they appear to have an innate sense, always knowing which direction the enemy is originating from, and positioning themselves consistently perfectly, then it is likely that they are a cheater. Secondly, if they continuously attribute their success to external factors such as “luck” or good “Hearing” then it is most assuredly that they are using programs to garner an unfair advantage.

Aim Assist
Aim assist, as prior mentioned is often confused with aim bot, however, I assure you that they are two separate, and distinct entities. Contrary to popular belief aim assist is a program which assists the individual in locking onto the opponent, often aim assist is frequently used in console, primarily being an option for games on Xbox1 and PS4. Aim assist is unique to aim bot, because the latter autonomously aims at the head for the player, with the player only having to hold down left click. With aim assist, the individual still has to somewhat aim, and unlike it’s counterpart will be unable to stare at the ground and fire successive headshots. Aim assist is generally regarded as a subtle cheat due to the fact that it is less conspicuous and can be mistaken by others as simply having exemplary cognitive abilities. This cheat is easy to spot by rationally judging if their reaction time is humanely possible.

Visible Cheats
As the name suggests visible cheats are conspicuous and blatant performance enhancers, which become immediately recognisable. They are the insidious, sinister cretins who fire at you through a wall, immediately snaring a headshot, or who jump eight metres high like a ravenous werewolf, flicking up and immediately garnering a kill. Those who cheat in such a fashion have no care over the consequences and are merely attempting to accelerate the inevitable, their impending expulsion from Counter Strike. The two main forms of visible cheats are No mercy walling and Aim bot.

No mercy walling
No mercy walling is a term used to describe those who are walling but have lost every shred of empathy they once had. They are sociopathic, unhinged maniacs, who wish nothing more than to spread deceit and corruption upon the divided lands of Counter Strike. They reportedly give lollipops to children, only to then shoot them in the leg to assert dominance. They are in essence, unscrupulous heretics. They often have no regard for walls, or any care for scrutiny and will fire headshots at you while you seek cover behind a wooden barricade. They exude a sense of superiority and despite being discovered feign innocence in an attempt to prolong their destructive behaviour. Solely due to their characteristics and condescending behaviour, they are regarded with immense animosity.

Aim Bot
We are all aware of the malignant cheaters who aim bot, a group so nefarious, so corrupt that they can only be lulled to sleep each night after consuming a vial of child’s tears. They are a group who have descended into the depths of depravity, they will strike you and your family down with impunity, all the while laughing without restraint. The wailings of sheer terror and screams only fuels their moulted inner being. They crave human contact, however, due to their own social ineptitude the only way they can acquire such human interaction is to anger the server to such at an extent that they are constantly screamed at. They bask in the raw hatred, as in their mind, any attention is positive attention. They care for nothing more than another dopamine hit gained from social interaction, it is a peculiar situation they are in. They often spin around the map, staring at the cold cobblestoned ground, only to inhumanely glance up and headshot an opponent. Reportedly, due to these erratic movements they generally suffer from frequent seizures and can be seen and heard frothing at the mouth in game. They are truly the most depraved and unhinged individuals.

Terms associated with cheating
Due to the scrutiny which cheaters face in our current society they have developed an intricate code, which only fellow cheaters or those who have deciphered the code will be able to comprehend. These terms or slang, which they often sprout and perpetuate insinuates a distinct meaning. It has taken me many decades to decipher this elaborate code, and uncover the unique meanings and definitions associated with each term. The meanings of the messages predominantly will be deciphered below.

When a cheater is accused of walling, often they will respond by vehemently claiming “I have good hearing”, attributing shooting individuals through walls and crippling them to good hearing. The cheater says this for one primary motive, as an agent of chaos he wishes to distort the flow of information and sow confusion throughout the server. By doing this the seed of doubt will begin to tangibly form into the minds of indecisive players, making it impossible to discern whether the cheater is lying.

When a cheater is walling they will often mention that they bought “Special Goggles” to the game. This is implying that they are using X Ray goggles, providing them with the ability to make all solids transparent.

Frequently, when a cretin is doing exceptionally well, undeniably due to cheats they will ominously state that, “The performance enhancers are doing me well today”. This term is a code, the performance enhancers are in fact a metaphor for the program they are using. Often use this code to undermine the servers morale authority, and bypass the accusations or suspicions from the server.

Lastly when a cretin is being lambasted for having near complete precision and accuracy with a weapon, they will ambiguously state, “I have eagle eyes”. By stating this, they are insinuating that they can see throughout the entire map and have an extraordinary reaction time, similar to an eagle.

These foul Nosferatu’s, apparitions of the night seek only to corrupt our sublime landscape, and our very lives. They lie in open among us, internally scheming and waiting for our vulnerabilities to appear. The time is now, we face the dawn of war, it is time to weed out the infiltrators among our ranks and create a utopia. Now is the time of heroes, no more shall we succumb to the cheaters and their vicious mechanisms, we are the dogs of war and will do our fare lands proud. Men of Counter Strike, you stand at the precipice, your children are being throttled, your women are ravaged, all while you stand there helpless. I implore all to use this guide to help triumph in our hold war. Our crusade will never end until every cheater, small and large is extradited from our lands. May the father of understanding guide us all.