Space Engineers
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Spaceships 🚀 (Near Future SciFi)
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A collection of realistic (near future) spaceships. Mostly capable of landing on the Planets. In worst case on moons. Designed as "butt landers" with vertical deck layout. This ship layout requires smaller landing pads. Main engines are used also as landing engines, so no need for thruster spam on belly of the ship. It takes some time to get used to it as landing this type of ship is not that straight forward and requires some adjustment to spatial thinking. Overal, ships are smaller and cheaper for what they can do and they look epic on the landing pad.

Main line:
Type F Cargo Ship - 2019 - First large grid cargo ship after unlisted Type A-E ships. They were mostly small grid automated cargo ferries. They never worked that well as they were made way before automatons update. Apart from Type E, that Type F is mostly based on. Type F on the other hand worked very well for me as my first ship to escape Mars' gravity well.
Type H Cargo Ship - 2021 - Designed from scratch to improve on Type F concept of "butt landers". More sofisticated design and very practical and cheap.
Type H1+ Cargo Ship - 2023 - A minor update of Type H. Added Hydrogen tanks to more improve on the practicality.
Type H2+ Cargo Ship - 2024 - Another minor update and probably last one, to bring ship up to date with new blocks available.
Type I Armored Cargo Ship - 2024 - In progress
Type J Cargo Ship - 2024 - In Progress

Rocinante - 2020 - Built for fun
Light Tanker - 2022 - Planned for survival server, never used.
LSAM - 2023 - Built to be used as light cargo shuttle on the Moon.
Предметы (7)
Type F Cargo Ship
Создатели: Sushenka
Info ...SHIP IS A BIT OLD FOR TODAY'S STANDARDS, BUT SHE STILL WORKS... The Type F Cargo Ship is a survival ready spacecraft that can easily transport large quantity of components or other material across the Solar System with great fuel efficiency. Thanks...
Type H Cargo Ship
Создатели: Sushenka
Info The Type H Cargo ship is the next genereration of cargo ships designed to ferry components and materials from space stations to your planetary outposts. Ship now has fully airtight interior and proper landing gear. In order to fit interior, ship lost ...
Type H1+ Cargo Ship
Создатели: Sushenka
Info This is the upgraded version of Type H Cargo Ship, that keeps the highly efficient design of the original Type H, but it's slightly longer in order to fit 4 large hydrogen tanks. Ship is now able to supply your planetary bases with components and larg...
Type H2+ Cargo Ship
Создатели: Sushenka
Info Type H is such a nice and practical cargo ship, that i was unable to let it go and thanks to that, i can share with other SE players up to date version of Type H. Just as capable as older models, but more modern looking, thanks to the nice new blocks....
LSAM (Lunar Shuttle)
Создатели: Sushenka
Info This small grid ship is a replica of Lunar Surface Access Shuttle (LSAM) from the Apple TV show For All Mankind. It is obviously slightly modified to fit the game. It's perfect for transport around Lunar surface, or anywhere with no atmosphere. It can...
Light Tanker Ship
Создатели: Sushenka
Info This tanker ship was designed for my private survival server with "no jetpack challange" in mind. Unlike some of my older cargo ship types (not listed on workshop), you can enter ship interior by foot or ladder. No need for jet pack. Ship is designed,...
Spaceship Rocinante
Создатели: Sushenka
Info Spaceship Rocinante is one my favourite designs ever and TV show The Expanse, now owned by Amazon really changed my view on SciFi in general. Literally Game of Thrones in space, but with "realistic" physics and no magic gravity or shield generators. I...