Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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CS:GO Storage Units
由 和其他 1 人合作完成
A brief introduction to Storage Units in Counter Strike: Global Offensive.
In a recent update, Valve added a new item to the in game store that caught my attention. This item, as you may have figured out already, is the Storage Unit.

The Storage Unit, as shown on the main menu in CS:GO.

I immediately assumed this was like the backpack expansions in TF2 and figured I didn't need the extra inventory space for CS:GO because I list everything I don't want on the Steam Community Market. However they don't work the same, so let me show you how these things work before you spend 1.99 + tax on a Storage Unit of your own.

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** Published as a Work-In-Progress! Please check back for updates. **
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Counter Strike 2 Updates
This guide was written for CS:GO, before it evolved into Counter Strike 2 in 2023. After getting into CS2 and getting up to speed with what the game is now, I see that no updates are really needed for this guide at this time. It tracks as current.

Last updated 10-24-24
Activating a Storage Unit
So you dropped some spare change for a Storage Unit, now what?

Well, you need to activate it. To do so, you'll need to use the context menu (right click) on the new Storage Unit and select the "Start Using This Unit" option.

Cropped screenshot of a new Storage Unit being activated.

When you select the "Start Using This Unit" option, you will get to a new screen that allows you to select a name for the new container. You'll get to name it whatever you want, but you might want to keep it PG for the Steam Moderators.

Screenshot of the first step in activating a Storage Unit, selecting a name.

Screenshot of verification of the name you selected. You can always rename it!

Screenshot of the Storage Unit after being activated and named.
Storage Unit Options
Now that you have your storage unit activated, I'd like to point out the context menu (right click) options of the Storage Unit.

The Inspect option shows you the contents of the container, which loads up another inventory screen showing only what you deposited into the container.

The Retrieve Items and Deposit Items menu options should be self explanatory.

The Change Label option is interesting because this means you do not need to buy a Name Tag or a new Storage Unit every time you reorganize your inventory. As mentioned above, you can always rename your container.

This is a cropped screenshot from within game showing the context menu on the Storage Unit.
Updating Storage Units
You will see an "Updated!" tag on the Storage Unit when you have deposited or retrieved items from the container. If you mouse over the container you will see the number of items in the Storage Unit and when it was last used.

This is a cropped screenshot of a Storage Unit when you mouse over it.
Sorting Your Inventory
The top reason I went for one of these Storage Units was to sort out what I wasn't using (as in not equipped to CT or T) into the container. I know what a few of you are thinking already, and yeah I'll certainly end up doing the same ... which would be sorting out specific item types into their own Storage Units. It makes sense!
Hiding That Graffiti
After the game update introducing Sealed Graffiti, I noticed a lot of player inventories just filling up with it. Normally I try to sell mine, but the Steam Community Market is just flooded with it. Using a Storage Unit will help sort out the Sealed Graffiti so that it's not getting access paint on all of your weapon skins...
Storing Your Investments
The first container I named was "Investments." I tend to list the items I don't want on the market, but the exception to my own rule tends to be investments. Sometimes I'll hang on to certain crates or weapons simply because I believe the market value will go up on them. This way I can keep any investments apart from my used inventory by using a Storage Unit.

While I am on the topic of investments, I should point out that the Storage Units can not be traded or sold on the Steam Community Market. Consider it bound to your CS:GO/Steam account.

That Knife Box Though...
I know what your thinking ... who the hell needs a box just for their knives?

Well, knife traders and re-sellers would definitely benefit from them. I went ahead and set up a box for my own knives to stash older ones to keep them hidden, so that I don't get any more random unwanted trade offers for them.

Not for Resale
As I mentioned above in another section, these containers cannot be traded or marketed. So, if you purchase one, it is effectively bound to the account that you purchased it on. You can't even pass it to your silly smurf accounts.

Yes, these containers make it easier to organize your inventory. Just remember ... your organization comes at approximately 2 bucks a container. You may even need to sell some of those skins you wanted to stash just to pick one up!
Steam Awards
Thanks for the Steam Awards!

I have been creating guides for the Steam Community for a few years now, long before Steam Awards were a thing. I love creating content for the games I play. In 2020, Valve decided to reward players that create content with the points shop system.

The Steam points are very appreciated, and certainly encourages me to create more content for the gaming community. I even spent a few of the points to give more space for Steam guides on my profile. This lets me present up to seven of them on my profile at once. If you want to see what else I've created, you should check out the Other Published Steam Guides section of this guide!
CS:GO Guide Index
Previously, I listed the many CS:GO related guides I had created here. For simplicity, I have since opted to create what I call a CS:GO Guide Index. This is essentially another guide that points to the CS:GO guides I have created. If you like any of my other guides, please feel free to rate them up!
Other Published Steam Guides
You can check out all of my Published Steam Guides here, the following guides I feel are related in one way or another.