

52 hodnocení
Great War German Uniforms - V's Edit
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Mod, 1.2
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1.304 MB
15. zář. 2020 v 18.18
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Great War German Uniforms - V's Edit

> Updated for v1.2. (reportedly 1.3 compatible)
- Belt-layer items are now of a new Webbing* layer, fixing the pink bug. *as per Combat Extended's layers
- Removed GraphicsApparelDetour.dll

> Tweaks
- Everything is now craftable.

> Credits
- Original author: Ods - https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2001695069
- 1.2 update and tweaks: Vaeringjar

> Translations:
- Chinese: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2231926957
Počet komentářů: 17
Ncr Ranger 15. čvc. 2022 v 1.32 
why no anzac?
T. Postman 21. čvc. 2021 v 0.40 
Works on 1.3
TheDustMan03 17. led. 2021 v 15.12 
Thanks man
The Negever 9. led. 2021 v 0.54 
why does the camp not work the accual chlothes arent camo
Vaeringjar  [autor] 30. pro. 2020 v 2.26 
@Bung Bung
I'm not playing at the moment, but opening the mod, navigating the folders and editing the XMLs is easier than it looks. The masks should be wearable with eye gear and helmets though?
Bung Bung 29. pro. 2020 v 22.41 
@Vaeringjar yeah, the balance is kinda poo. stahlhelms barely offer any armor compared to others. the hats and uniforms are still nice though. speaking of which, could you move the gasmasks to the "strapped" layer so they can be worn with other things?
Vaeringjar  [autor] 29. pro. 2020 v 4.48 
I don't think new layers show up, you can still spawn it by editing the starting inventory though

@Bung Bung
aye I used CE as a reference for standardisation of layers, so it should work but I can't comment on balancing
Bung Bung 28. pro. 2020 v 19.15 
nvm i just tested and it's actually compatible. thanks bro
Bung Bung 28. pro. 2020 v 18.10 
combat extended pls
Gustufs 28. pro. 2020 v 13.23 
The webbing wont show up in the accessories tab for Prepare carefully